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 Cyrus Bio 

Hometown: Winnipeg, Canada
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Year Turned Pro: 1993
Catch Phrase: "I'm With the Network"

Once the most eloquent color commentator in wrestling, the one-time Network representative Cyrus is now focused on a new goal: the success of Jerry Lynn.

Best known in the wrestling industry for creating issues between performers with his gossip and attitude, Cyrus now has the power to match the mental chess games he likes to play.

Cyrus had used the power of The Network to censor the stars of Extreme Championship Wrestling, force himself onto Pay-Per-View broadcasts and even strip performers of championships. Drunk on power, Cyrus was one of the most dangerous men in Extreme Championship Wrestling without even stepping between the ropes.

Now, with that power gone, Cyrus is obsessed with returning to his former position, and sees Jerry Lynn as his means to do so. After weeks of scouting and recruiting Lynn to his side, it appears he may have brought the former World Heavyweight champion under his wing.

Cyrus also maintains a morbid fascination with Joel Gertner, continuing to harass and physically intimidate the "Quintessential Studmuffin." The heat between the two rose to such an intense level that even the rotund Gertner found himself defending ECW against Cyrus.

Incredibly astute and insightful about all aspects of the professional wrestling industry, Cyrus will use all of his remarkable traits to bring his new "best friend" Jerry Lynn back to what he once held: the ECW World Heavyweight championship.

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