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 Chris Chetti Bio      

Chris Chetti
Hometown: Mount Climax
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 227 lbs.
Year Turned Pro: 1996
Catch Phrase: "I feel as good as I look"

Chris Chetti may have chiseled good looks, but he is no pretty boy.

Being the first graduate of ECW's wrestling academy, the House of Hardcore as well as the younger of cousin of forrmer World Heavyweight champion Tazz put tremendous pressure on Chris Chetti to succeed in Extreme Championship Wrestling.

There was no nepotism to aid him under the pressure. Being Tazz's cousin didn't save him from numerous beatings at the hands of the "Human Wrecking Machine." There was no marketing to help him, as he was billed as "The Rookie," a nickname that is almost always the kiss of death for performers.

Chris Chetti didn't complain, he took it in stride. He paid his dues. He developed a unique arsenal of kicks and aerial maneuvers, and has using them to compliment the extensive mat wrestling repertoire he gained as an amateur champion in the Empire State, New York.

As he became more comfortable in his abilities, the formerly stoic Chetti started to let his personality come out in the ring. Pointing to his handsome Italian features, his somewhat silly demeanor had garnered him some criticism, but that criticism was silenced when Chetti and his tag team partner Nova began showing their abilities in the ring.

A serious back injury sustained at the hands of Danny Doring and Roadkill soon ended the fun and games. After months of rehabilitation, Chetti is back in the ring, more intense than ever, and it's only a matter of time before Chetti is back in the hunt for championship glory


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