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 Mike Awesome Bio   

Mike Awesome
Hometown: Tampa, FL
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 292 lbs.
Turned Pro: 1992
Catch Phrase: "Awesome!"
Championships Held:
ECW World Heavyweight Championship
ECW World Tag Team championship (With Raven)

Mike Awesome wasn't even advertised as appearing but he walked out of Anarcy Rulz! as the ECW World Heavyweight champion. Like his namesake, that is simply Awesome.

Towering over most of his competition, Awesome uses his patented Awesome Bombs to destroy opponents, culminating with sending them flying out of the ring thru a table positioned on the floor. His tremendous strength is matched only by his willingness to fly thru the air, maintaining an aerial arsenal most cruiserweights envy.

Cutting his teeth competing under the ring name "The Gladiator" in the FMW promotion in Japan, Awesome found himself in the ring with the man who would become his most heated rival, Masato Tanaka. 

Although he had made appearances in Extreme Championship Wrestling throughout it's history, including an appearance where he nearly snapped the back of early ECW standout JT Smith, it wasn't until his rivalry with Tanaka spilled into ECW that Awesome made his impact in the United States.

The feud tore apart ECW buildings across the United States, culminating with a match that many point to as the best match of that year at "Heatwave '98" in Dayton, Ohio. With injuries mounting, Awesome took the high road out, healing up and competing in the Orient.

When Masato Tanaka became the number one contender to the ECW World championship, highlights of his rivalry with Mike Awesome were used to promote Masato's challenge of Taz. Judge Jeff Jones went to Awesome to let him know ECW was using his likeness and abilities to promote Tanaka as a better competitor. Although he was performing in All Japan Pro Wrestling, Mike Awesome knew the time was right to return home to America and prove himself.

Jones and Awesome crashed the World championship match at "Anarchy Rulz!" in Chicago, with Taz refusing to back down from the challenge. Awesome's entrance created a Three-Way Dance, with Taz soon going down to an Awesome splash and exiting the bout defeated.

Back in Extreme Championship Wrestling with his most hated foe, Masato Tanaka, Mike Awesome knew the moment was his, and he took it, soundlydefeating and pinning Tanaka with a Powerbomb off the top rope thru a table to become the ECW World Heavyweight champion.

Since that tremendous championship victory, Awesome has towered over all of his competition, with the lone exception being Tanaka, who upset Awesome for the ECW World Heavyweight championship in Nashville. With only one rematch available to him, Awesome refused to be denied, regaining the ECW World heavyweight championship in a tremendous battle.

As if that wasn't enough, Awesome added the ECW World Tag Team championship to his trophy room, teaming with Raven to defeat Tanaka and Tommy Dreamer

With Judge Jeff Jones leading the way, and both the ECW World Heavyweight and World Tag Team championships strapped firmly around his waist, Mike Awesome intends to Awesomebomb anyone who dares stand in his way of complete dominance in Extreme Championship Wrestling.



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