Duncan Info
Full Name: Robert Duncan Coutts

Position in OLP: Bassist, back-up vocals, cello, keyboards

Februrary 4th, 1970


Sadowsky Vintage 21 Fret 4 & 5 Sting
963 Fender Precision
Music Man Sting Ray 5 String

Manley Pre-Amps
Korg DTR2 Tuner
Marshall Club Man

Aguilar Power Amp 748
Carver PM 950 Power Amp

Duncan is an only child, His real first name is Robert but goes by Duncan, I'm not quite sure of the reason. He and Raine used to play football together in High School. He was the original bassist for OLP but they got Chris when Duncan wanted to persue an education. He studied film at Ryerson University in Toronto. He was a set dresser on the show Due South and has held lots of really lousy jobs so that he could play music at night in the band
Blue Heavies. He was even taxi driver in Whistler BC as one of his odd jobs. He later came back in 1995 to replace Chris who left of "musical and creative differences". He helped with the writing of Clumsy which was worked on at his cottage up north.

He says his musical influences are U2, Tool, Rage Against The Machine, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page, and Jeff Buckley. The first song he learned to play was "I Go Swimming" by Peter Gabriel and the record that changed his life was
Grace by Jeff Buckley.

Duncan had a health scare back in 2001. He was thought to have cancer but it was something else and he ended up having pancreatic surgery. Details are vague, as it was kept very private. Duncan is in good health now. He was married to long time girl frined since 94/95 at around 2000. No one really know who he is married to, they have done a very good job in keeping it private. As of right now, Rob Higggins is on call to replace Duncan on OLP's tour. Duncan is said to be leaving for a little while for personal reasons. These reasons are to rumored to be that Duncan's wife is pregnant with twins and they are due very soon. This has not been confirmed yet but is very likely. Lets hope it is true and wish Duncan luck. :)

Duncan Articles:

Duncan Survives Pancreatic Surgery
Rob Higgins Set to Replace Duncan

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