Helplines (UK Only)

020 7403 0888
Advice on alchohol problems
Open 10am to 10pm daily

Anti-bullying Campaign
020 7378 1446
Advice for bullying victims
Open 10am to 4pm weekdays in term time, or 10am to 4pm Mon, Wed, Fri in the holidays

0800 1111/
Advice if you're in trouble
Open 24 hours

Cruse Bereavement Care
0870 167 1677
Bereavement support and advice
Open 9.30am to 5pm weekdays

Eating Disorders Association Youthline
0845 634 7650/
Support and advice for people with eating disorders
Open 4pm to 6.30pm Mon to Fri or 1pm to 4.30pm on Saturdays

0800 776600/
Advice about drug abuse
Open 24 hours

Runaway Helpline
0808 800 7070/
Advice and support if you've run away from home
Open 24 hours

0845 790 9090
Support if you're feeling desperate
Open 24 Hours

Youth Access Referral Line
020 8772 9900/
Young persons referral service
Open 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm Mon to Fri

I hope these were helpful
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