Tomas Chan
DRAGON BIO Click to read Bio
(Scene opens up in side a coffie shop. White Dragon is sitting there with a cup of coffee in front of him and a man looking at a Lab top. The man is wearing a three peace business suit. The man gets done watching a segment of Bons promos and looks at Dragon.)

Man: You are right Mr. Chan these are grounds for a case against Mr. Lassin for slander of character. These are a federal charge and can have some heavy consequences. Do you want me to draw up the paper work to start a case against him?

Dragon: No thats ok Bill I will handle this my own way. If Bon insists on slandering my name I will not be so easy on him next time. Last time I just gave up a show for the fans. Bon is in for a HUGH surprize next we meet. I will not hold back. He will be sorry he stepped into the ring with White Dragon a second time. I can put a world of hurt on him and it be totally legal. But character slander is not covered in our contrats. You can call each other names but acusing them of what he does is just wrong. So I will beat it into his head that he is not the greatness. That will be all Bill.

(The man in smiles at Dragon and gets up and walks off. Dragon then turns to camera with a cocky smile.)

Dragon: I just wanted to let you know Bon I am watching you. I see every stupid little remark you make about me. I will get my hands on you and when I do I wont be so nice Bonie boy. You think you are so bad because you have Showtime and Rage. You think you are unstopable. Well I already have more then enough to keep you and the old man buisy while I take care of Rage. So Bon being in your foolish Blood Pack means jack. Any one can be dealt with you are just another flee on the back of the dog that is about to be put down. You have fallen to my hands and will fall to them again. You go ahead and go thro your denial that you lost to me fair and square. Just keep telling your self that you are the greatest. Because when the time comes for you to face me again you will crumble like the soft girl scout cookie you are. See I have seen one thing Bon that is I cant be a nice guy here to you guys. But I still can fight with honor and crush turds like you into the litter pan of life.

(A waitress comes over and refills Dragons coffee. Then pulls out a order pad. She smiles at Dragon.)

Waitress: Can I get you any thing to eat sir?

Dragon: Yes and please dont call me sir. Tom will do nicely. I will have two eggs sunny side up three pieces of toast no crust, and three strips of bacon.

Waitress: Ok will that be all sir? I mean Tom.

(She chuckles and shows the gum in her mouth as she does so. Dragon smiles back.)

Dragon: No that will be all thank you.

Waitress: Ok Tom that will be about fifteen minuets.

(She walks away snaping her gum.)

Dragon: Ok back to business. Bon I have had enough of you! I will just have to show you the true pain of a Dragon. You are not worth my time any more. On to Rage the man of the hour. The man who gets to be in the main event the man who gets to be in the squared circle with me. Rage if fighting The General has showed you any thing that is you are no match for me. The General kept you quite busy in that ring that event could have gone ether way. But you came out on top I give you props for that congradulations. But if you think I will fall to you. You are sadly mistaken my friend. Unfortunetly you have taken the wrong side unfortunate for you. See your friends and you have pitted your selfs agenst a man who can stand against your fury and keep going. I think the Prez Chaz was being nice when he said he fears you will hurt me. But we all know you guys dont stand a chance in my presence. Come this Warzone you will see the true power of White Dragon. See your little friends Bon and Showtime they might think they will run down and help you when I am putting you to the mat. But it wont happen. I know you guys are asking your self how what does Dragon have up his sleeve. Oh believe you me it is good enough to put you boys into your place. So attack me if you dare.

(Dragon takes a sip from his coffie. He then gets up as Jessica shows up and takes off her jacket. She smiles warmly at Dragon. Dragon returns the smile.)

Jessica: I am sorry Tom I would have been here sooner but I got stuck in lunch hour traffic. Its just awful in this area. So how are things going?

Dragon: Taking care of it now.

(Dragon points at the camera. She looks and smiles and waves at the camera.)

Jessica: Hi every one in HWA land.

Dragon: Rage I have heard from Bon how he was going to beat me and tear me limb from limb. I have heard Morbid tell me he was going to make me never walk again. I have seen X and Zero in the act and stoped the two of them. Now what makes you think you are any differnt then them. You are undefeated as well as I. But you did not face the guys I did. I would dare to say Bon is probly one of the best in this industry. I took him down. If any one rivals him it is you. But Bon fell to me and so will you. Now this week we will chew each other up. Saying the same thing we have said a million times. "I will get you" , "You will ruew the day you meet me", I will be the victor and you will be at my feet. Or something to that effect. But we wont know till we enter that ring at Warzone. Rage I will be there and ready to give it my all. You have your rage you are going to let wild on me and I have my dragons fury. We will see what is stronger fury or rage. You know as well as I do that half wit Bon is full of it. You know when you get in that ring with me it will be lagit. I hope you can say the same. I know you can not controll your battle crazed friends so thats why I have a surprize for them if they want to try something.

(The waitress returns and takes Jessicas order. Then leaves snaping her gum. Dragon takes another sip of his coffee.)

Dragon: Rage I dont know what else to say to you. You told me your an honorable man in the ring. Your company says other wise. Bon acusing me of paying off refs and the Prez. We all know that is a bunch of crap. Bons day is coming for when he gets to pay for his lies. Bon is full of lies I think the only truth to leave his lips was he likes to cheat. Showtime says the same. These are to men who admit on TV they love to cheat. Man if that does not say something you are alot worse off then I thought. As a genius once said to me yesterday there is no honor amongst thieves its only a matter of time before people start to cut each others throught for the gold. We will see where your loyalties lie and the loyalties of your friends this Paid Preview. I got your call by the way Boss man I am all green for go there. I agree to the circumstances. Rage I am the man you have to face next. I hope you are ready for the pain I can inflict. I hope your ready to face The Dragon.

(The waitress shows up with the food. She sets Dragons food infront of him and then Jessica's infront of here. The two of them begin to eat as the scene fades.)
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