(Lunartick Records 2-CD set # LT 000)

Released in 1995, and probably out of print, this 2 CD set covers the complete work of Bill Buchanan and Dickie Goodman - together, separately, and with other partners over the years.

Bill Buchanan and Dickie Goodman made a career in the field of novelty recordings with about thirty years of "break-in" records. In my opinion, the quality of these productions deteriorated over time. Bill Buchanan gave up on the concept in 1959 or 1960. What was "novel," and thus fun, in 1956, became stale and dated by 1970, but Dickie Goodman kept at it, believing, I guess, that another "hit" was always just around the corner. In 1989, Goodman fell into a deep depression over the lack of success of his later efforts, and committed suicide.

Worth acquiring, if only for its completeness. Listening to a handful of tracks from this package is fun, but I wouldn't recommend playing all 57 tracks at one sitting.

Track listing:

Disc 1 -
1. The Flying Saucer (Part One) - Buchanan & Goodman
2. The Flying Saucer (Part Two) - Buchanan & Goodman
3. Flying Saucer The 2nd - Buchanan & Goodman
4. Flying Saucer The 3rd - Buchanan & Goodman
5. Flying Saucer Goes West - Buchanan & Goodman
6. Buchanan & Goodman On Trial - Buchanan & Goodman
7. Santa And The Satellite (Part One) - Buchanan & Goodman
8. Santa And The Satellite (Part Two) - Buchanan & Goodman
9. The Touchables - Buchanan & Goodman
10. The Touchables In Brooklyn - Buchanan & Goodman
11. Santa And The Touchables - Buchanan & Goodman
12. Ben Crazy - Buchanan & Goodman
13. The Banana Boat Story - Buchanan & Goodman
14. Frankenstein Of '59 - Buchanan & Goodman
15. Frankenstein Returns - - Buchanan & Goodman
16. Berlin Top Ten - Buchanan & Goodman
17. The Thing - Bill Buchanan
18. The Creature - Buchanan & Ancell
19. Meet The Creature - Buchanan & Ancell
20. The Invasion - Buchanan & Greenfield
21. Washington Uptight - Dickie Goodman and The Penn Players
22. Shnonanza - Dickie Goodman
23. Batman And His Grandmother - Dickie Goodman
24. Senate Hearing - Dickie Goodman
25. Election Year 1964 - Dickie Goodman
26. Luna Trip - Dickie Goodman
27. Lock Up (later known as Mystery) - Dickie Goodman
28. On Campus - Dickie Goodman

Disc 2 -
1. James Bomb - Dickie Goodman
2. Energy Crisis '74 - Dickie Goodman
3. Mudamad Ali - Dickie Goodman
4. Charlie's Devils - Dickie Goodman
5. Kong - Dickie Goodman
6. Laverne, The Fonz & Shirley - Dickie Goodman
7. Watergrate - Dickie Goodman
8. Mr. President (One) - Dickie Goodman
9. The Purple People Eater - Dickie Goodman
10. Gerry Ford (A Special Report) - Dickie Goodman
11. Mr. Jaws - Dickie Goodman
12. Energy Crisis '79 - Dickie Goodman
13. Mrs. Jaws - Dickie Goodman
14. Super-Duper Man - Dickie Goodman
15. Election '80 - Dickie Goodman
16. Rocky - Dickie Goodman
17. Mr. President (Two) - Dickie Goodman
18. Inflation In The Nation - Dickie Goodman
19. Star Warts - Dickie Goodman
20. Deep Roots - Dickie Goodman
21. Radio Russia - Dickie Goodman
22. Washington Inside-Out - Dickie Goodman
23. Dallas - Dickie Goodman
24. Soul President Number One - Dickie Goodman
25. Superfly Meets Shaft - Dickie Goodman & John & Ernest
26. Hey E.T. - Dickie Goodman
27. Tha Attack Of The Z-Monster - Dickie Goodman
28 - Safe Sex Report - Dickie Goodman
29 - Good Night



Copyright © 2001 - Doo Wop Gino

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Last updated 18 December 2001.



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