The Basket
Home Der Korb The Basket Discography Ballet Classes


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Up Der Korb The Basket Discography Ballet Classes

Click on the titles listed below to listen:

Brigitta's Dance  from The  Basket Soundtrack.   

Sanftesten Traumen  from The  Basket Soundtrack.

Reflections of Light  from The Silent Score (The Basket).  

Two Stones and a Sling  from The Silent Score (The Basket).  


"...the rousing music is alone worth the price of admission."
Andrew Sarris,  New York Observer

"Composer Don Caron has written a lovely homage 
to Richard Strauss."

Lawrence Toppman, Charlotte Observer

"With all those lovely scenes you need lush swelling 
orchestral music and this movie 
has plenty of that."

Dennis Hunt, San Diego Union Tribune

  "[The opera is] a power that uplifts us and draws us
from our work-a-day lives into something larger."

Warren Epstein, Colorado Springs Gazette

A different perspective:

"[Caron's] saccharine, wretched score for the opera 
is echoed repeatedly in his saccharine, 
wretched score for the rest of the film."
Shawn Levy, Oregonian

"You may find yourself humming the damn thing 
against your will on the way home."

Luke Thompson, LA New Times

Let us know what you think!



Soundtrack from the motion picture
The Basket

The original soundtrack was composed by Don Caron. The score is based on a fictional opera which was created specifically for use in the soundtrack. The opera is titled "Der Korb" which is German for "The Basket".  In the context of the movie, the opera is played in the classroom on a gramophone by the teacher, Martin Conlon (Peter Coyote).                                                  

Just as the opera story parallels the movie itself, the musical themes of the opera are intertwined with the orchestral underscore. The underscore also finds its way into the opera. The opera is not currently available in score or libretto form. The composer only completed those portions of the opera needed for the movie soundtrack (In the CD playlist, opera selections are in German).  A complete libretto will eventually be available. A reduced score and a recording of the entire opera will also be completed later. Watch this page for updates.

Contact the Composer:
[email protected]

Purchase the CD online at
or call 1-800-646-5392 to place a credit card order
or mail check or money order for $13.00 to The Basket Soundtrack 2017 E Bismark Spokane WA 99207

To link to the KMN Site (The Kiraly Music Network) that produced the orchestral portions of  The Basket Soundtrack
click here

To visit the website of North By Northwest, the company that produced the motion picture The Basket
click here


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