Lisa and Ernie,

What a great pleasure it was to meet you and your dogs! Thanks so much for treating us to breakfast, too.

We got in at 5:00 a.m. Flair was a perfect little lady the whole way. She mostly slept and bonded with Mom and Peter (her pillows). No accidents. She let us know once she needed to go but, otherwise, our stops seemed to meet her needs. At Mom's, she was a bit shy but soon started exploring. When she felt nervous, she'd go straight to Mom (her comfort zone.) Maggie (Mom's red English Cocker) and Flair checked each other out and there weren't any issues (other than Flair trying to get Maggie to play and Maggie just wagging her tail in return)  (Maggie is 14 and mostly sleeps these days.) The 2 cats are miffed but will get over it once they realize Flair is there to stay. Flair went out with the collies, too. Peter monitored them and said they all did fine, as expected. Peter stayed at Mom's to help get Flair her 4 square meals a day and to get her out for potty breaks. Mom's exhausted and going to bed. Peter slept in the car and is awake, so this way Mom doesn't have to worry about it and can sleep as long as she'd like.

Tango put up a fuss for about a 1/2 hour before he settled in and talked instead of screeching. He's a hoot. Kyle had woken up with a bad headache this morning and the screeching was putting him in a foul mood until he yelled at Tango to 'shut up' and Tango came back with this sweet 'hello' as though trying to make amends. After that, Kyle thought he's a pretty cool bird, after all. Spent about 15 minutes holding and cuddling with Tango after Brian and I got home. He even was gently grooming the hairs on my forehand after a few minutes. But now I've got to get some sleep. It's official, I've been up for 24 hours straight (after about 3 1/2 hours sleep the night before). I am well and truly beat!

Will write more soon. Have a great Sunday!

