This magical grapnel will magically secure itself to just about any surface, with the exception of slippery surfaces icy, slimy, greasy etc. Used on these surfaces there is 70% chance of it failing. If it manages to stick make another roll every 10 ft. traveled to see if it continues to hold in place. If used in rain, or on a surface that is wet with water there is a 10% chance of it failing. If it sticks in these conditions make another roll every 20ft traveled to see if it continues to hold. The rope is 50ft long and made of the most durable silk rope. More rope can be added to it to scale higher areas. It can support up to three large humans or 900lbs. Anything over this and it fails to hold. There is a puckered ball on the end, which is what actually sticks to the surface. To release the grapnel you need to give three really quick tugs. This is not an item that I came up with on my own. Original Source: R.A. Salvator's *Crimson Shadow Trilogy*. Used by the halfling Oliver De' Burrows. I do not know the actual specifics that Salvator created for this item. This is how I percieve the item to be. Feel free to change it to suit your needs.