Marvelous Magic Marbles These bags of magic marbles have 20 marbles when created. They can be scattered on any flat surface forcing anying who steps on them to make a balance check DC (20). They each also have the one spell in them. They can be thrown at a target as a ranged attack, if successful hit is scored the spell inside is released. Though each time a marble is used in this way the balance DC is lowered IE: 20 marbles = DC 20, 17 = DC 17, 7 = DC 7 and so on. Placing the bag 1 foot away from a marble will force them to roll back into the bag. Roll on the following chart to randomly create a bag of these. Each roll adds 5 marbles to the bag so rolling four times is required for a new bag. For a bag found in a dungeon or on something the PC's have slayed roll a d10 to see how many have been used up. Save DC for a thrown marble is the normal save for the spell of that level +2. d% 01-20 -Red - Wall of Fire -Black - Undeath to Death -Green - Wall of Thorns -Brown - Transmute Rock to Mud -Orange - Fireball 21-40 -Yellow - Lightning -Blue - Levitate -Gold - Cure Serious -Silver - Greater Magic Weapon -Grey - Teleport 41-60 -Red - Wall of Fire -Yellow - Lightning -Black - Undeath to Death -Blue - Levitate -Green - Wall of Thorns 60-80 -Gold - Cure Serious -Brown - Transmute Rock to Mud -Silver - Greater Magic Weapon -Orange - Fireball -Grey - Teleport 81-100 -Red - Wall of Fire -Black - Undeath to Death -Gold - Cure Serious -Silver - Greater Magic Weapon -Grey - Teleport