This bright red cloak, once worn by the notorious Crimson Shadow allows the weilder to become invisable when the hood is pulled over his or her head as the spell invisability. But when standing in place for more than a minute the cloak leaves a red silohoutte in the shape of the person wearing it, on the walls or whatever surface the wearer was standing in front of. This stain can never be washed away or removed by ANY means magical or mundane. The image can be painted over. But after 1d6 weeks it begins showing through the paint. One month after begining to show again it can be seen just as clearly as if it had just been left. A constant reminder to all who looked upon it. This is not an item that I came up with on my own. Original Source: R.A. Salvator's *Crimson Shadow Trilogy*. Worn by Luthien Bedwyr. I do not know the actual specifics that Salvator created for this item. This is how I percieve the item to be. Feel free to change it to suit your needs. I was thinking of using it with *Improved Invisability* but I cannot remember if Luthien attacked and still stayed invisable in the novels...Oh well enjoy.