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Ilyena's Sorrow
By Shalamar ([email protected])

Beautiful Ilyena Sunhair waited anxiously for the triumphant return of her husband and love, The Lord of the Morning.  After fighting the Shadow for the last ten years, he led Hundred Companions in daring offensive to seal the Bore.  And as always for the past ten years, Ilyena waited.  Smiling as their youngest child climbed up into her lap, Ilyena stroked the child’s golden hair.  “Such innocence,” she thought,”how wonderful it will be for you to grow up with out fearing the Dark One.”  With a quick glance around the great hall she located her other sons and daughters.  “Soon,” she murmured,” soon your father will return and the battle will finally be over.”  The servants and old friends gather to await Lews Therin Telamon’s return, could not help but smile back at Ilyena as a radiant smile graced
her face.

As predicted by Ilyena, the Bore was successfully closed.  But the cost was very high.  Saidin became Tainted and sanity fled as madness engulfed Lews Therin and the HundredCompanions.  The Wheel of Time weaves as the Wheel will, and ages come to pass.  The pattern is not always to our liking.

Threads can seldom discern the whole design.  While back at the castle Ilyena waits.

Addressing the court musicians, Ilyena requested “Please play for us a happy tune to help pass the time.  I feel in my heart that our lord will be returning soon.”  Soon the great hall was filled with a cheerful melody and Ilyena’s beautiful voice.  The children gathered around their mother’s skirts, clapping their hands in time to the music.  As the song ended, Ilyena could her the rhythmic beat of horse’s hooves beating out a rapid tempo of its own.  Rising from her seat, she forestalled the musicians from beginning another song.  With grace and dignity she threw open the doors to the great hall to receive her husband, the Dragon.

Her eyes search his and in horror recoil.  “What madness is this, my love, we are lost.”  She had spied the madness within.  “Run children, flee,” is all she can get out before Kinslayer begins to earn his name.  Lightning and fire leap from his hands.  The solid rock walls come alive to swallow the unsuspecting.  Ilyena watches in horror as her children are stuck down.

They lie like cast off broken dolls; their play and laughter forever stilled.  Innocence dies so easily when confronted by madness.  Soon fair Sunhair is stained red in bloody pools.  The flush of life no longer suffuses creamy skin.  Dead eyes stare in disbelief.  Friends and faithful servants, burned, half buried, all dead give mute testament to the deed that forever named Lews Therin Telamon Kinslayer.

Leonora Tremaine
Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah
Promised to Remby
Mentor to Laistlin and Airi
ICQ # 11966885

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