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Artur Hawkwing's Life

by Machin Jasin Gaidin


Before I begin my story, I wish to inform the Tower that I know who Artur Hawkwing is. He has confided in me his deepest secret, but agreed to let me tell his story. So here it is. Also, Chapter 2 contains some gruesome details as to the demise of a man. If you do not like gory details, please skip the third paragraph in it. Henegan, you will read it, and know what he will do to you when he finds you.

Chapter 1
Hawkwing's Rebirth!br

Many years ago, in a land unknown to you and me, long before the Aiel War, a small boy was brought unto the world. His parents rejoiced his coming. He was a cute child, but there was one thing that set him apart from all the rest of the children: He could channel Saidin. Although weak, he knew he could become stronger in time. He practised for years, quietly and in secret, so no one would inform his parents, who did not know. He made one mistake, and that was to weave three weaves at one time!

There was another man who could channel Saidin nearby, and he despised the young boy. He told the boys parents that he saw the child doing powerful things, things no mortal could do without Saidin or Saidar. When they learned of this, his parents died, most probably of shock. It was rumored, however, that the man had killed them. The boy ran away, from his home and the man, to lands of which he did not know.

For many years he traveled alone, through what we call the Aiel Waste, battling Aiel, and winning. When he killed a clan chief, an entire clan claimed war on him, if he did not leave. Seeing the thousands of warriors, he decided that might be a good idea. He left, and headed north.

Some Aiel, of another clan, admired his courage to head into the Blasted lands, of which he knew not. Five decided to accompany him to these lands. There, they fought monsters, some hideous, some disgusting, but all died. Until they came upon the man who had told the boy's secret to his parents.

The man spoke, "I had attempted to destroy you, when you were younger. Now, I have found you again, invading my home. My life has been spent entirely in search of you, to destroy you subtly. Since no one cares who cares or cared about you still lives, I no longer have a need to do that. Prepare yourself, to meet my master!" And he unleashed powerful weaves of fire towards the young man and his Aiel companions.

Artur, (I will call him that, even though he isn't), was prepared, having realized over his travels that only other men who could channel could sense Saidin. Artur cut the weavings as fast as they came. His Aiel friends were not prepared. They were all on fire, but because they were so stubborn, they refused to show pain and charged the man. Before they could move another foot, lightning struck down on each of them, and the fell, writhing on the ground.

Artur, enraged, let fly his strongest weavings, and the earth shook, opening a hole below the man. He fell, laughing.

Artur sat down on a nearby rock, shaking. He had never used his power to kill before, but that was not what made him shake. He had enjoyed it! He was just about to vow to never use Saidin again, even though it did not have the force as with the oath rod, (he always kept his word), when he heard a laugh behind him. Quickly, he turned.

There, floating above the hole, was the man. He laughed at the sight of Artur's face.

"What is it, boy? Have you never seen a man fly before? HA! This Talent has been around since before I was born, but now I am one of few who know it. Would you like me to teach it to you? I could make you even more powerful, which is entirely too possible. Your puny weavings had me laughing so hard, I almost forgot to weave my own before I hit the bottom of your crevasse.

"I know there are some hard feelings between us, but we're both mature adults. I'm sure we can put our differences behind us." At Artur's visible reluctance, he continued, "Come now, boy. Together, no one could stop us. We could rule this land, and your own, bringing peace to both. What do you say?"

Artur was almost caught off guard by the speech, as the man channeled Air at him, trying to solidify it. But again, Artur cut the weavings.

"I will never join you. As if you really meant it. But I do know this. Wherever you go, whatver you do, I will be there. I will not rest until I am sure of your demise. I swear to that."

Then, he channeled. He shot a hot, white flame from his fingers, as thin as his fingernail. He knew that he could do more, but wanted to see how the man would react.

The man laughed, and cut the weave. But that was Hawkwing's plan. When the man laughed, he channeled a shield at the man, who was in no position to slice it. He screamed as he was cut off from the flow of Saidin, as his only defense crumbled. And he screamed as Artur walked up to him.

"NOOOOO!!! Please, let me be. I will not bother you again, just please have mercy!"

Chapter 2
Hawkwing's new Mistress

As answer, Hawkwing stood straight up. He gathered Saidin inside his head, more than he had ever gathered before. He felt like he was going to burn inside, and he had to release it. He touched the man, and he channeled.

The man saw the look on his face, and knew that Artur was channeling. But he felt nothing. He did not feel anything at all. And he never would.

His whole body was melting, so hot as unfeelable. His legs became puddles, his arms as well. His skin melted, leaving the organs inside throbbing with blood, as they too melted. The head was next, wit the hair sizzling, frying, leaving the man bald. All the skin was bubbling, as Artur's power slowly subsided, but not slow enough for the man. The skin was all gone, the bones burnt, and brittle. Artur kicked them, and they broke. The whole body was so disgusting, that even the crows and other foragers, who were many in these lands, ran from it. The only thing left intact was the man's right eye. Artur reached down and slowly pulled it from it's socket, ripping off the frayed nerves.

"This I will keep, as a trophy. And a memoir to the evil in this world. You killed my friends, and I have killed you."

And he fell to the ground, exhausted.

When he woke, he found a beautiful woman before him, wiping his forhead with a damp cloth. She looked to be his age, but not quite. She had a few grey hairs, which was surprising. Her horse, white as snow, had a blue shawl covering the saddle.

He realized that he was still near the carnage of the man, and stoop up fast. But the body, or what was left of it, was gone. Nothing remained.

"Not even a thank you? Oh well, can't expect more from a man anyways. What's your name?" He gave it to her, unable to resist her presence.

"That's a nice name. I'm Toria Kappenos Sedai. I don't suppose you have heard of me? No, well I thought not. Not surprising. Well, I can't take care of you if you don't sit down, you know. So sit down!"

The woman had such an awesome presence that Artur had to obey. Because he came from another land, and the Aiel did not speak of Aes Sedai, he did not recognize that part of her name.

She knelt before him, and looked straight into his eyes. Seeing nothing wrong with him, and sensing nothing wrong through Saidar, she released him.

"Now then, I wish to know all the details of what happened here, and what that mess was. And you will tell me." Again he saw that spark in her eyes, and could not deny her.

He told her his story of battle, and was surprised when she didn't react to what happened to the man. But he went on and finished his story. She nodded, and he figured she would let him go. But she didn't.

"You will come with me, back to my home. From now until then, you will not channel a single weave, is that understood?"

"Yes, Lady Sedai," he said, and she smiled slightly.

"Good. I'm glad we understand each other. Now come along."

Chapter 3
Out of the Blasted Lands

They traveled for days, meeting enemies that would have scared Artur before, but now barely even reached his notice. Each time, the Lady snapped at him for not paying attention, and he stared around for more, but each time his mind wandered.

They came close to being Trolloc feed, when they came upon two Mydraal and fourty Trollocs. They were being overwhelmed when Toria shot that white flame at the Mydraal, and the Trollocs lay down, writhing in agony. She looked at him, her eyes sharp and angry, but Artur did not see them. He was still fighting the few remaining Trollocs who were standing. He had not even seen the bar that he had used before, and did not know why they had all died.

They travelled until they met a cottage, which turned out to be the woman's. It was just outside the boundarys of the Blasted lands.

She seemed to go into a trance as soon as they entered the house. "This is a place called Malkier. It is a great land, prosperous and powerful, but I fear it will not last. Soon, it will be swamped over by the Blight, and all will be gone, except for two, each with their own mission. One for the Dragon, one for the Dark Lord. May the Dragon rise above the mountains of Dragonmount soon." And she collapsed.

When it looked like she had come to her senses, he asked her what she had meant, but she didn't respond. Instead, she questioned him carefully on exactly what she had said. Saddened, she decided that now would be a good time to move from Malkier. She packed up her things, and went to the town Malkier to buy Artur a horse. When they reached the gates, the people cheered her, yelling at the top of their lungs. The king even came out to her, to tell her how deeply sorry they were at her departure, but she told him it wasn't her choice.

After getting Artur a black warhorse, they set out to find a new home.

They traveled through Tarwin's Gap to just outside Fal Dara, where Toria had Artur build her a house. The citizens of Fal Dara wre eager to help, and when Artur expressed his wish to practise his swordsmanship, many lined up at his door. He became great with all blades, able to defeat five men at one time. He became so great in fact, that the king, supposedly the greatest swordsman in the time, challenged him. He accepted.

Surprisingly, at least to the citizens, Artur won! The king felt that he should step down as king, but Toria stepped in and told him she had plans for Artur. In appreciation of Artur's swordsmanship, the king gave Artur his blade, which had Heron's branded on the sides. The king said that Artur deserved this blade more than he, and Artur accepted, without realizing the blade's significance.

He gave the king his blade, and left.

When Malkier fell to the Blight, Artur and Toria were there to hold back the Trollocs.

They spent many years venturing into the Blight, looking for survivors of Malkier. During one of these trips, Artur was hurt badly. A sole Trolloc had sliced his back, all the way to his hips. Toria killed it, and rushed to his side. She placed her hands on his face, and healed him. He shook and gasped!

He now knew she could channel. He did not know how she had kept it from him, but she had. Over the years, he had heard stories of women who could channel, who lived in a Tower. Toria was one of them! When he confronted her with this, she nodded.

"Yes. I am an Aes Sedai. I had need of companionship over my journeys, and you were available. I'm sorry I used you. But now, I wish to ask you something. Will you become my Warder?"

He had heard of Warders too. They supposedly protected their Aes Sedai from all harm, riding their warhorses. He would love to do that.

"Yes, I will." And he became her warder.

Chapter 4
The Horn of Valere

Things contiued for years. When the Aiel War broke out, Artur and Toria rode to fight the Aiel. You know the details from then.

But something special happened when the Seanchen arrived. Some young boy, a ta'veren, had found the Horn of Valere, and had blown it near Falme. Artur had been drilling himself with his sword at the time. He dropped it, and his body collapsed, but he didn't feel it. He had left his body, traveling towards the sound of the horn. When he arrived, he looked nothing like himself, and was not himself. He knew who he was, however. He was Artur Hawkwing.

They looked around and saw other people, mostly warriors. And before them seemed to be an Aiel, but Artur (both Arturs) saw something else as well. A dragon head was poking out from behind the Aiel, but it was transparent.

You know what went on from there. I do not wish to repeat any details.

Artur returned to his body. He knew what he had to do to never answer the horn as a spirit again.

He went to Toria, and yelled out as loud as he could. "I AM ARTUR HAWKWING REBORN!"

The End, for now.
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