Calendar of Dates and Events In HIstory



Start of AB

AB stands for "After the Breaking".  This Calendar was introduced some two centuries after the death of the last male Aes Sedai.  it was developed by Toma dur Ahmid.

98 AB

Founding of the White Tower

212-373 AB

Caraighan MaconarLegendary Green Sister; considered by many to be the archetype of what a Green Sister should be.

335-336 AB

Raolin Darksbane (False Dragon)

1000 AB

Start of the Trolloc Wars, which would last more than 300 years.

1150 AB

Rashima Keremosa (later known as the Soldier Amyrlin) is born.

1251 AB

Rashima is raised from the Green Ajah to Amyrlin Seat.  After this she will personally lead Tar Valon forces into batlle and win innummerable victories.

1301 AB

Rashima dies at Maighande surronded by her 5 dead warders and a vast wall of myddraal, trollocs, and the corpses of no fewer than 9 dreadlords.

1300-1308 AB

Yurian Stonebow (False Dragon)

Start of FY

FY stands for "Free Year."  This calendar was developed because at the end of the Trolloc Wars no one remembered exactly what year it was.  The calendar itself, known as the Gazaran Calendar, was developed by Tiam of Gazar and was made to celebrate Freedom from the Trolloc threat.

FY 351

Davian (False Dragon)

FY 920

Deane Aryman, future Amyrlin Seat, is born.

FY 939-943

Guaire Amalasan (False Dragon)

FY 943

Beginning of Artur Hawkwing's rule/empire.

FY 975

Siege of Tar Valon begun.

FY 992

Deane Aryman raised from Blue Ajah to Amyrlin.

FY 992

Hawkwing sends armies across the ocean.

FY 994

Hawkwing dies.

FY 994

Start of War of the Hundred Years.

FY 1084

Deane Aryman dies in a fall from a horse, at a point in time when many believe she was on the point of convincing the belligerents (of the 100 years war) to accept the White Tower as a leader and a means to restoring unity to the land.

FY 1117

End of the War of the 100 Years.

Start of NE

This calendar was begun at the end of the War of the 100 Years.  It was developed by Atha'an Miere Scholar Uren din Jubai Soaring Gull, and spread by the Panarch Farede of Tarabon.

526 NE

Last known Aes Sedai Dreamer, Corianin Nedeal dies.

566 NE

Aiel give Cairhiens a sapling from Avendesora.  The Cairhien tree is known as Avedoraldera.

953 NE

Malkier is swallowed by the Blight.

976-978 NE

Aiel War.

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