Disney Gallery Main Street

Main Street U.S.A.

These photos were taken in 1987 at the Disney Gallery. Most or all of the photos are no longer seen on the gallery walls. Please forgive the quality, the lighting was not the best. I didn't want to use a flash due to the glass and I'm a little short and the exhibits are hung a little high.

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Tiki Room

Back Exit to Gallery Photo of Pic

Back Stairs Area Of The Gallery with Actual Photo

Jungle Cruise Jungle Cruise Jungle Cruise Jungle Cruise
Mansion & Portraits

Pirates Pirates
Pirates Pirates
Wicked Witch
Wicked Witch

Back Office of Gallery

Circus Fantasy 1986 at Disneyland Totally Minnie Parade Summer 1986
Opening Of Star Tours State Fair at Disneyland
Opening Captain EO Snow White - 50th Anniversary
Mickey Mouse - 60th Birthday Original Displays in The Disney Gallery
Blast To The Past Parade The Hop on Main Street U.S.A.
Black & White pic's - 1987 - various Lands More Black & White pic's - 1987
And more Black & White pic's - 1987 Things Acquired at The Park
Future Construction From The Past

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