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This is a flask of a terrestrial orchid that came from seed that was sent to me from the Netherlands it is:

Orchis coriophora

You often hear of a fungi relationship between the Orchid seed and the start of it's life.  Well here you can see it up close.  I have been flasking in baby food jars.  I have pleanty with two children that are very young.  It seems to be working.  I hope in the future to be able to provide other with this service BUT I do not want to risk it yet.  I will risk my own seed but not someone elses.  Flasking is a great was to have respect for the joy of the plants we love to grow.  This is something I have wanted to do for about 20 years and now I have it to a point that I have had some success.  All I am using is a plexiglass shield on the kitchen counter!  Risky I know but hey, it is my own seed and I am having fun too.  I am looking to add a usable flasking station in the near future.  The photo of the largest plant from one of the flasks is below and was removed on 5-12-01!

Please continue to learn all you can.


Kevin Johnson
Discover Orchids
Here is the better picture promised.   Below you see the starts of the plants to have under your tree in about 5 years!

This was taken with a Pentex K-1000 with a very inexspesive microscope from a child's kit.  Soon I will get a shot or two from a better quality one.
RIGHT: Orchis coriophora
This flask was started by seed sent from the Netherlands and I was finally able to get it done on July 21, 2000.  The plant you are looking at is actually only 10 months in the flask!  I had to open the flask that you see on the top of the page on May 12, 2001.


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