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WHAT WAS THE MULTI CHURCH "40 DAYS OF UNITY" ABOUT? Pastor Edgar Mayer from the Lutheran church wrote a book called "40 Days of Unity. -Church Unity & City Transformation." It was introduced at the Combined Churches rally at Empire theatre 17 July 2005. For 40 days there were bible study groups all over Toowoomba. For example, 12 groups participated at St Lukes Anglican with about 7 people in each group. Each group followed the bible study which was available for $8 at Toowoomba City Church Neil & Thomas St and many other churches which were largely related with Christian Leaders Network.





COMBINED CHURCHES WORSHIP at ASSEMBLEY OF GOD SPRING. 1st Monday night of the month 7.30pm.

***1. Number of people: 95. 2. Number of chairs: -. 3. Type of person: -. 4. Socio-Economic Status: -. 5. Amount of kids: Few. 6. Ages of people: 20-50yo. 7. 50% are men. 8. Weekly offering published: -. 9. Lateness of people getting to church: One. 10. Any other interesting information: Some 40 people had not been before.
***11. Time there AND date of visit: 22/8/01 6.55pm-late. 12. Length of service: Approx 1hr 30m. 13. This and other service times: 7.30pm.
*14. Preacher: Ps Ted Evans (brother of David Evans the musician and son of Ps Ted Evans Senior Pastor AOG Spring St and nephew of Ps Andrew Evans Paradise AOG Adelaide.) 15. Feeling of building: Good. 16. Estimate style of belief: Charismatic. 17. Dress code so as not to stand out: Casual to smart. 18. How to get there: Travel south towards K-Mart along Ruthven St, turn left into Spring St, travel 30 metres, turn into property, go 10 metres up driveway turn right for parking.

COMBINED CHURCHES WORSHIP held at West Presbyterian. 1st Monday night of the month 7.30pm
***1. Number of people: 200. 2. Number of chairs: About 300. 3. Type of person: Mainly leaders and Pastors only. 4. Socio-Economic Status: Middle. 5. Amount of kids: Not many. 6. Ages of people: 20-50yo. 7. 50% are men. 8. Weekly offering published: -. 9. Lateness of people getting to church: -. 10. Any other interesting information: Notice that some 8 months ago the same meeting was held at AOG and there were 95 people there compared to 200 here.
***11. Time there AND date of visit: 4/3/02 8pm-late. 12. Length of service: Approx 1hr 30m. 13. This and other service times: 7.30pm 1st Monday night of the month 7.30pm. 14. Preacher: Ps Ted Evans. 15. Feeling of building: Good. 16. Estimate style of belief: Charismatic. 17. Dress code so as not to stand out: Casual to smart. 18. How to get there: Travel west along South St until Greenwattle St.


COMBINED CHURCHES WORSHIP some Sunday nights 6.30pm St Lukes Anglican 17 Oct 2004.
This service is different to the 4 yearly COMBINED CHURCHES WORSHIP which was held 2 weeks earlier with Robin Mark (i.e. "Belfast Revival." CD.) The main differences being that it was held in a traditional church and the really big churches were NOT a part of it.

1. Number of people: 305. 2. Number of chairs: 320 (In main area). 3. Type of person: Mainly Rangeville Community Church and Christian Outreach Centre doing the music and Toowoomba City Church doing the technology plus other churches but not Church of Christ nor Assembly of God nor Lutheran. 4. Socio-Economic Status: Middle. 5. Amount of kids: Quite a few, especially teenagers. 6. Ages of people: Mainly under 40 with about 25% over 40yo. 7. % are men. 8. Weekly offering published: -. 9. Lateness of people getting to church: -.
***10. Any other interesting information: Rev Bruce Sligo preached that he had been 3 times to Toronto in the mid 1990’s and he had a vision of him falling and all the academic religious clothing and paraphernalia fell off as he was falling. Everyone chuckled.
11. Time there AND date of visit: 17 Oct 2004. 6.30pm-8.30pm. 12. Length of service: Approx 1hr 30m. Cup of tea followed in hall with some finger cake. 13. This and other service times: 6.30pm some months in the year yet to be determined by CLN and churches. 14. Preacher: Rev Bruce Sligo.
15. Feeling of building: Anticipative feeling. It was a squash fitting people. 16. Estimate style of belief: Charismatic preaching and worship with big screen and Video Cameras. 17. Dress code so as not to stand out: Nice casual. 18. How to get there: Travel towards the city along Ruthven St and the church is on the main corner of Herries and Ruthven Sts.


CHURCH OF CHRIST CAROLS NIGHT. 1. Number of people: 600. 2. Number of chairs: 30 supplied, 30 bought their own. 3. Type of person: Other churches came. 4. Socio-Economic Status: -. 5. Amount of kids: About 150. 6. Ages of people: -. 7. 50% are men. 8. Weekly offering published: No offering taken. 9. Lateness of people getting to church: -.
**10. Any other interesting information: $45,000 PA (Public address system) cost $450 to hire by Scientific Acoustics, a business man who attends the church. The Toowoomba City Council trailor is available for hire cheaply. Glow in the dark candles were 2 for $5. Hotdogs $1.50, Drinks $1. Free face painting. Items included Santa explaining Jesus was the real meaning of Christmas. Lemongrass band. Warmsley Brothers band. (Brendon Warmsely and his 2 brothers go to this church.) 11. Time there AND date of visit: 23/12/01 4.30pm-9.30pm. 12. Length of service: 7pm-9pm or 2 hours.
*13. This and other service times: They have had it 3 times previously and twice before it has rained. 14. Preacher: Neil Proelocks gave the message. Dale White. 15. Feeling of church outside: Good. It was a warm night with no rain but still required a jumper/ pull over. 16. Estimate style of belief: Evangelical. 17. Dress code so as not to stand out: Casual. 18. How to get there: Travel south along Hume St, cross Stenner.

COMBINED CHURCHES Chaplain Night. 1270 people. Quote of the night "40% of Toowoomba is under the age of 25yo."

DICK REUBEN SPECIAL MEETINGS. CHRISTIAN OUTREACH CENTRE. Dr Dick Reuben Special Meeting Report 18-20/8/00 1. # of people: 370 at 9.30am Sunday. 287 at 6pm Sunday. 2. Empty chairs: Prob 20% empty. 3. Type of person: Many other church people. 4. Class: Mature Christians. 5. Kids: 40 in school. (330 adults in morning meeting.) 6. Ages: Not old but leader types. 7. Men: Normal 50%. 8. Offering: Seemed very little for Dr Reuben as 2 offerings were not anounced till after church offering taken. Fri and Sunday was free, Saturday had a $25 fee. 9. Late arrivals: 0. 10. Interesting info: Many Brisbane people there, Gold Coast too. A few Pastors there. 5 best quotes from Dick Reuben include. Quote "In the neuremburg trials it was documented that on undeniably 2 occasions there was an extra man walking around the people who had been killed in the holocaust".. "Everywhere I go I tell people this 'JESUS LOVES YOU AND GOD'S GOT A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE.'" "There was the blonde dizzy type at the 711 store who howled 'Is someone going to rob me or something happen to me tonight mister, is there?' He said 'Would you like to receive Jesus just in case someone does?' "Yes" she said. Dick also talked about the waitress who asked Jesus into her heart then and there in the restaurant. "I have a million people goal of bringing people to Christ. I used to have a million dollar business and I figured if I could make a million dollars then I wouldn't have to rely on people for offerings. At one point I got this 357 magnum and held it against my head and said 'Jesus, I'm sorry but I cannot do this anymore. (I humbly repent.)' He pulled the trigger and the hammer broke and went 'click' without firing. "That was the day I entered ministry." "Once I was taken out of my body or my mind, I do not know which for 20 minutes while travelling in my car and God bought me into praise and worship that was so loud I asked to be taken back to my car." "I have only a house of 12-13 squares big, I drive an ordinary car just like you drive." 11. Time spent: 5.30pm-9.50pm. 12. When service finished. Prob 9.20pm. 13. This & other service times: n/a 14. Preacher: Dr Dick Reuben, Messianic Jew 15. Feeling: Great feeling in building. 16. Their belief: These were all Charismatics who have a definite affinity and love for the Jewish people.

COC.(EX-) NIGEL MCNEILL meeting. (Founding Evangelist of CHRISTIAN OUTREACH CENTRE Toowoomba.) (He is 53yo now and started in Groom Pk hall 25 years ago and is back again to Groom Pk hall.) 1. 56 at & pm Sat, 66 at Sund 10am, 50 at Sund 7pm. 2. 80-100 chairs 3. 1/4 current COC, ¼ ex-COC, 1/3 Agape, Rest non-Christians. 3. Type of person: many divorced women with kids. 4. Class: Not middle but lower class. 5. Kids: Many. 6. Ages: All. 7. Men 40%? 8. Offering: Last sermon was on tithing which... probably means they hardly got a thing the first and second offering. 9. Late arrivals. 0. 10. Interesting info. Nigel said "I'm going to start my own denomination." And "Let me make it quite very clear, I myself was the founder of COC Twmba despite what they say." And "I'm busy but will come back in Feb 2001" "I'm 53 now and I was in Groom Pk hall starting COC 25 years ago." "This is how you get people to fall backwards and drunk, like this or like this." (Waving at them.)
***"I saw Rodney Howard Browne in Brisbane once and resisted it all but in America I was told he wanted to meet me and he put me in front of himself sitting down saying nothing, he stared at me continually so I spoke and he said "Shut-up!" Browne went into a great dissertation about tithing and took Nigel into his huge house with servants for a week and did not stop talking about giving the whole time!" 11. Time spent: 22/7/00 6.30pm-9.20pm; 23/7/00 9.30am-noon; 6pm-10.20pm (All stayed this late). 13. 7pm, 10am, 7pm. 14. Preacher: Evangelist Nigel McNeill. 15. Feeling: Good, warm, happy, anticipative. 16. Their belief: More like Rodney Howard Browne than Toronto Blessing/ Jesus Tent of Miracle style as the anointing is not so much corporate but individualised like Browne. He has gotten gold dust and flakes, loads of oil on peoples hands etc..

*The Toowoomba church invited 3 small country area churches to a dinner in which one man publicly said how much they appreciated being made a part of the big city churches. Phillip St Lutherans called St Paul's invited Goombungee churches firstly to their morning church service in which 138 people all up attended. Had a hot lunch put on straight afterwards. They had hot pudding desert. Then a very funny man Robert Sellars gave a (very funny) round of jokes for 15 minutes. Then the Goombungee person said how much they appreciated being made a fuss of. Had a cup of tea. Then most left to look at the Japanese Gardens to return for another cup of tea and then it was all over. It's held once a year for 2 country areas.

LUTHERAN. SPECIAL MEETINGS. 18/3/01 Lutheran Comminity had a large 280 people when an American discipleship band came. (It's quite popular for Christians worldwide to form bands like this, using any ministry organisation to collect people who would like to travel and pay for their own keep and play music/ do dramas.) Chronicle photographers came.

PUB CHURCH - Lutheran led. "High Court Public Bar" at Margaret and Neil Sts. 1. #70. 2. 25% filled 3. Type of person. Young, blue collar. 4. Class. Working. 5. Amount of kids. 0 (You can't be let in if your under 18) 6. Ages of people. 18-50. 7. 50% of men. 8. Weekly offering church brings in if published. No offering taken. 9. Lateness of people geting to pub church. Some 10.
*10. Any other interesting information. Ps Michael Parker came from Victor Harbour S.A. with 27 others including a band to do Queensland's first Pub Church at the High Court Pub which was preceded by a week of training. Last informal training given 5pm-6.30pm Monday where Ps Keith Pelicaan came.
***The result of the night was that Channel 7 camera came and was on the news 12/6/01. And the Courier Mail photographer was there and a large photo and small article were published in the largest state newspaper on June 11 2001. Also, almost all the worldly people in the bar and band area got talked to informally by many Christians resulting in at least one person coming to a social evening outside of the High Court at Uni Club with Christians. Also, some drank soft drinks, most drank a couple of beers over 5 hours.) **(Note: On Tuesday 12/6/01 Ps Keith Pelicaan from Vision Community Church approached the publican to ask if he would be interested in having pub church once a month. Publican replied "Which day would you like?" Apparently Keith has wanted to do a pub church for a long time.) The 2nd half of Ps Parker's ministry also involved a community day resulting in an outreach in Queens Park involving a 30m/y wind tunnel, stilts, fire breathing, large wooden jig saw, snakes and ladders with big foam dice, face painting, free sausage BBQ 10am-2pm on Public Holiday. 11. Time AND date. 7pm-midnight. 11/6/01. 12. Time service went till. Midnight. 13. This and other service times. 7pm. No others immediately planned. Ps Parker leaves the ball in the communitys court. 14. Preacher. (Lutheran Qualified) Pastor Michael Parker. 15. Feeling of building. Warm, anticipative, curious. 16. Estimate style of belief. The Concordia Lutheran community/ Livet youth involved here are quite evangelical and believe in reaching out into the community.

PUB CHURCH by Vision Community Church led. Address: High Court Cafe. Cnr Neil & Margaret Sts. 1. Number of people: At 8.50pm-10pm 10 Christians (Vision and Lutherans), 13 non-Christians. 2. Number of chairs: Some 100. 3. Type of person: Musicians, social people, evangelists. 4. Socio-Economic Status: Medium. 5. Amount of kids: 0. 6. Ages of people: 20-40yo. 7. 50% are men. 8. Weekly offering published: No offering taken. 9. Lateness of people getting to church: -. 10. Any other interesting information: This was the first Pub Church led by Ps Keith Pelicaan (having followed the Lutheran pub church) with his son's band "Remedy" who hope to play the last Monday of each month at 8pm. Keith learned of Pub Church initially through God Squad with Ps Mike Smith. 11. Time there AND date of visit: 8.30-10.30pm. 12. Length of service: 8-10.30pm. 13. This and other service times: 8pm last Monday of each month. 14. Preacher: Ps Keith Pelicaan from Vision Community Church who preached for 5 or 6 minutes two times saying things like "Hey you guys up there, Jesus is Lord!" and "I knew some people once who had a really hard life." 15. Feeling of building: OK. 16. Estimate style of belief: Charismatic. 17. Dress code so as not to stand out: Casually smart. 18. How to get there: Travel towards city, turn east along Margaret St.

END TIMES SEMINAR by the SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS. This church advertised all of Toowoomba these meetings. Cath Dickson Lecture Theatre in the University of Southern Queensland.
3. Type of person: -.
4. Socio-Economic Status: -.
5. Amount of kids: 5.
6. Ages of people: 20-50yo.
7. % are men.
8. Weekly offering published: .
9. Lateness of people getting to church: -.
10. Any other interesting information: There were no songs or prayers, only preaching for 75 minutes. The first half were all quotes about the perils of the earth (i.e. plagues, AIDS, greenhouse effect.) The second half was all scripture quoting in Powerpoint.
11. TIME THERE AND DATE OF VISIT: 21 Mar 2003 7.30pm- 8.55pm.
12. Length of service: 1hr 30m.
13. This and other service times: This was the last night in a seminar series of 7 nights duration.
15. Feeling of building: Very nice building.
16. Estimate style of belief: Evangelicals with a penchant for prophecy.
17. Dress code so as not to stand out: Casual to smart.
18. How to get there: Travel south along West till the University of Southern Queensland. Go around the ring road and the theatre can be seen.

SOLO'S CHRISTIAN SINGLES. Address: Dr Price Little St 7pm First Friday of month. 1. # of people: 22. 2. Empty chairs: 20 3. Type of person: Never married, rest divorced. 4. Class: -. 5. Kids: 0. 6. Ages: 25-60. 7. Men: 7. 8. Offering: $3 donation for coffee, room is free rent. 9. Late arrivals: 3. 10. Interesting info: Meeting was very much "What would you like to do, let's do it!" 11. Date & Time spent: Inaugral meeting 8/9/00 7pm-9pm. 12. When service finished. 8.55pm. 13. This & other service times: 7pm. 14. Preacher: Leader has Church of Christ North background but it's not the churches outreach by any means. It's simply a cross denominational event. 15. Feeling: Warm, enthusiastic. 16. Their belief: Mostly Christians from Evangelical or Charismatic groups.

STUDENT LIFE. ALAN GIBSON. 7.30 14 Freying Ct Nelson St 3 rights . National Director of Student Life, have 35 staff, 2 Douglas St Toowoomba are offices with 5-6 staff, operate seperately from the local campus, train university workers, web site,, coaches volunteers from Sunshine Coast to Sydney, Jim Rawson, who was with state Scripture Union for 15 years has just joined them. In middle of this year they will have 2 f/t and 2 p/t staff at QUT. Students for Christ is changed it's name to "Universe" and it only exists in a couple of campuses and is purely AOG and all they do now is 3 big things a year.

S.P.R.E.D. Special religious education of intellectually handicapped adults. Mondays 7pm. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC Tor & North.

TCF. Toowoomba Christian Fellowship have a professional coffee shop which they have spent $17,000 on near Neil and Margaret St which opened Easter 2001. The design and purpose is to provide a secular place for all people as well as a hang out for Christians and a place for soft evangelism. The staff whom are mostly students are sometimes paid mid week but not on week ends. Soon they will provide educationally certified training. It's run as a Company and a formal Trust with any profits eventually going to designated areas where not one person is getting the money as such. Due to the 50 student musicians they have in church, some 8 members play outside the door and inside. Times are 10am till about midnight 7 days a week bar Tuesday nights. There is an outside area with large umbrellas. Many non-Christians ask what it is often thinking it is a part of the High Court Hotel. The normal kitchen hardware costs should have been $70,000 which they got for $7,000. The interior and decor cost $10,000. A Capacino costs $2.50. TCF is a church where they do attend Christian Leaders Network but lightly so. They don't support wholley the combined churches functions. They are "conservtively" Charismatic but do not follow "trends" like the "Toronto blessing" or "Crying out for the Lord" or any such thing as they believe these things promote instability. They preach a strong message of "sacrafice and dieing to self" and not only "grace and blessings" teaching. They teach their children disciplines like music and education which explains a very high amount of O.P. one's, two's and three's in the church. 3 out of the 4 University of Southern Queensland engineering scholarships were won by church members. They are proud that such discipline causes very low backsliding rates of their children, instead of an average of 7 years in ministry, one Pastor there has been there 17 years. Their roots are from Wavel Heights Presbyterian from 1975, the largest Charismatic church in Brisbane where they split away from.

TIM HALL MEETING AOG Spring 140 people Tuesday. Interesting quote of Hall "Those of you who feel the anointing over you stand." (Half stand up.) "Now come out the front." (Many slain.)

TRANSFORMATIONS wife of Pastor from Cali Columbia Dr RUTH RUIBAL 5 SEPT 2001 AOG SPRING ST. 1. Number of people: 486. 2. Number of chairs: AOG Spring. 3. Type of person: People interested in transforming the community, evangelists. Including South Baptists, AOG West, Rangeville Uniting, Jesus Tent, TCC. 4. Socio-Economic Status: -. 5. Amount of kids: -. 6. Ages of people: -. 7. 50% are men. 8. Weekly offering published: -. 9. Lateness of people getting to church: -. 10. Any other interesting information: The quotes of the night were "In Columbia there were huge carrots grown without fertiliser according to the blessing of God, imagine if God doesn't want to get 5 people saved in your church each Sunday but 500." And "Logic dictates Sydney or Melbourne or Brisbane would get revival but God may well choose Toowoomba." 11. Time there AND date of visit: 5 SEPT 2001. 12. Length of service: -. 13. This and other service times: -. 14. Preacher: Dr RUTH RUIBAL (wife of Pastor from Cali Columbia.) 15. Feeling of building: -. 16. Estimate style of belief: Charismatic with a belief the world can be transformed to Christ city by city. 17. Dress code so as not to stand out: Casual to smart.

RUSSEL ST UNITING in NEWTOWN. Solomon Islander night. 93p 5pm 28/5/00

"The Call" 12 hours on continuous prayer and fasting, calling people from all over Australia. 49 people went from Toowoomba in a bus. 2-3 Oct 2004.

WATCH OF THE LORD. 21 people 14 Oct 2001 Community Baptists.

