The Disc

The Italian archeologist Luigi Pernier found in 1908, during some excavations in the Phaistos Palace
an argile disc about 15 cm diameter, that is impressed in both faces with a series of signs that
seems to compose a hyeroglyphic message.

This message has haunted the researches since the discovery of the artifact. The Disc of Phaistos has been
seen as a calendar, a game like the Mother Goose, a pray to the
Great Goddess, a list of materials...

The enygma endures, because the most rigourous researches point that the message can not be
deciphered unless the finding of another alike artifacts or inscriptions.

In the meanwhile, the Disc of Phaistos, the unicum, burns in its mystery in the Herakleion
museum, waiting for the new Champollion that, against all, may decipher it.

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