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T-REX Fossil Yields Pliable Soft Tissue and Blood Vessels! 

In the March 25, 2005 issue of "Science" it was reported that Dr. Mary Schweitzer and her team found Dino soft tissue and pliable blood vessels after the hind limb of a T-REX was cracked open in order to transport it from the field. The T-Rex fossil (allegedly 68 million years old) was found in the Hell Creek Formation of Montana within a soft (read porous) sandstone. The fossil was found in a "disarticulated" state and the sandstone was interpreted as "estuarine" in origin. Don't be dismayed by the technical words. Disarticulated means the fossil had been broken apart and estaurine means the fossil had been found in sediments sorted and laid down by flood waters. Kind of reads better without the technical words eh! How would your body stay together being pounded by mud flows in fast moving water!

Anyways, it was quite a surprise to find soft tissue and pliable blood vessels and possibly some blood cell remains in an allegedly 68 million year fossil.  It was thought that at the outside the tissue and blood vessels could have lasted no more than 100,000 years (although I would question even this number). As you might guess, quite a contradiction to the evolutionary religion. But on the other hand fits the creation model of most dinosaurs perishing in flood laid deposits some 4,400 years ago very well indeed!

A: The arrow shows that the demineralized tissue fragment is flexible and resilient and, when stretched returns to its original shape. Which defies belief that this is really millions of years old.

B: Parts of demineralized bone which could endure repeated hydration and dehydration and remain elastic

C: Parts of the demineralized bone showing fibrous nature which should not exist if this fossil was millions of years old

Photo credit: Mary Schweitzer

Soft flexible dinosaur blood vessel and cellular remains within

Well, Sherlock the evidence looks pretty fresh doesn't it. Dr. Schweitzer has embarked on a hunt to find similar evidence but she still has her evolutionary glasses on. We pray that her eyes might be opened as well as many others to where the evidence truly leads.

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