Dino Evolution
'Its Morphin Time!'----------'Dragonzord!'----------'Tigerzord!'----------'Zeo Ranger V, Red!'----------'Red Lightning Turbo Power!'
JDF Bio - Tommy Bio - Gallery - Multimedia

Welcome to 'Dino Evolution' a fan site dedicated to best Power Ranger in all of history, Tommy Oliver, played by Jason David Frank.

Tommy joined the cast back in 93 on the original series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as the evil Green Ranger turned allie. Then morphed into the White Ranger. After loosing there powers the Rangers accessed the might of the Zeo Crystal, bestowing apon Tommy the Power of Zeo Ranger V, Red! Soon though, more powerful energys where needed so Mr.Oliver took the shift into turbo as the red ranger, but soon retired with the other senior rangers, passing his Turbo powers onto T.J.

Tommy then went on to gain his phd and become Dr.Oliver. In 2004 his studys of dinosaurs lead him to once again fight to protect earth. Now as the Black Dino Thunder Ranger!

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