In late November and December 1942, Allied forces were rushed into Tunisia to try and capture Tunis and Bizerte before the Germans could reinforce Rommel's Afrika Corps. 1st Division sent some units as early as one week after the fall of Oran. Historically, the 1st Battalion of the 16th Infantry Regiment remained on garrison duty in Algiers until January; however, I chose to play a mission in December to simulate the typical action the Big Red One faced.

I chose Mission 3, Recon, and diced for the enemy, resulting in a face-off with the Italians. The weather was rolled up as Mud and Overcast, which was historically pretty accurate, as the Allies attempts to reach Tunis were halted by the weather as much as the Axis reinforcements.

The US setup board was board 34, and the initial recon would take Baker Company through Board 17. The company was reinforced with two M3A1 scout cars and two 1.5 ton trucks, which were loaded up with the company's mortars and .50 cal.

After moving out cautiously in the first half of turn 1, into the village, the Italians roll an RE with their first wind change and receive reinforcements. My recon is turned into a meeting engagement. The first enemy activation is an AT gun, followed by a squad with a mortar.

In the top half of turn 2, 1st and 2nd platoons pull into the village in an attempt to engage the enemy, while the scout cars move aggressively to fix the enemy and see what they've got. It results in the quick elimination of the infantry crew riding in the back, but the scout car continues and OVR's the MMG section in the open. The other scout car disrupts the mortar squad. In the bottom half of turn 2, another enemy RE results in the third platoon getting attacked by a minefield. 2nd platoon breaks the MMG section.

Turn 3: With the Italian threat in the center of the map removed, 1st and 2nd platoon move aggressively towards the newly-activated Board 12 and its VPO, Bldg 12P3. One scout car is detached to the south flank to fix the enemy platoon there.

Turns 4 through 6 see a setpiece assault by the US on the VPO location. Their high firepower blasts the Italians out of the building. The Italian sniper finds and wounds the company 1SG, still trying to extricate 3rd platoon from the minefield.

Turns 7-8: The mud and the dispersion of the leaders leads to units being dispersed all over the battlefield, as 1st and 2nd platoon move east and set up a hasty defense in case of an enemy counterattack. 3rd platoon begins to move toward the bypassed AT gun section, while the scout car on the south flank slowly reduces the enemy platoon on the board edge.

Turns 9-10: 3rd platoon takes out the AT gun and half-squad through a combination of overwhelming CC odds and point-blank firepower. A leader is created in the maelstrom. The last good-order Italian units on the board go berserk as a result of an RE, and charge the scout car.

At this point, I decide to end the game. I know anything could have happened through an RE, but the US had it wrapped up, and I wanted to get on with the next mission. The company first sergeant fails to recover from his wounds and is evacuated to the rear, but 1LT Murray, the company XO, is promoted to an 8-1.

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