The Path of a Broken Heart

The path of a broken heart is wrought with fear,
For each shattered step is flooded with pain and tears.

The death of love's journey which ended in the parting of souls,
And the road grows weary as the pieces mend as you continue the stroll.

Once you march past the pain, the loneliness, and the regret,
Your heart is hardened, and around it walls are built to protect.

Next the path forks, one which returns to the world of love for yet another try,
The other continues in sadness, to bare another heart break, the soul would die.

A choice must be made whether to re-enter the world from hence you once failed,
For the risks are great, but in a true love the rewards surely prevail.

But there are no guarantees that the perfect love can be found,
So you must risk the great risk, or on the road of sorrow to continue down.

The decision is hard, and should not be made in haste,
For it not true love you find, back to the beginning of the path you race.

I have treked down this very road, now sitting at this fork I stall,
For I have fear of the pain, but also believe that love conquers all.

This page is maintained by Dickie Gipson, for comments or questions e-mail The Brain.

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