March 12, 2005
     Episode 22 has been submitted to the station but we haven't recieved any feed-back so we don't know if it's actually hit the air or not. It's a somewhat contraversial episode since it deals with people setting their hands or stomachs on
FIRE. Be on the lookout for it at odd times on Little Rock's Channel 62.
December 23, 04
     Lenny is considering beginning production of the Arkansas Mann film but he needs your help. First of all, based on the yellow words in the August 18 entry, would you be interested in seeing the film? Do you think Chad should be re-requested to play Arkansas Mann? Do you think it could be just as funny if someone else played Arkansas Mann? If you want to see this film, let us know. Your answers could decide whether or not it's made. Submit your answers to
[email protected]
December 22
     Working on the DV Feature has been a curse. Every time we say that it's almost done, some calamity happens, (like the hard drive with all the footage on it frying). So we're NOT saying that the feature is almost done, NOR that it should be out by summer of 2005.

December 10
     Lenny is back, calling himself Mark now (his first name) and playing guitar like there are demons in his fingers (there probably are). He's teamed up with a girl named Jac and together they have formed
"The Material Objects" an ultra-underground band who's CD is only available in three places. Click here to see where.
August 18
     We're still working hard on the DV feature. We're all excited about it, but the release date has yet to be projected. A few test screenings didn't go so well. "It's just one skit after another without anything to tie it together." says one test screening audience member.To the left is the cover art for the project. No one has heard from Lenny in a while. After living in Nevada for a while, he says he's coming home. Also, he's been spending a lot of time making music and calling himself "Mark" at times. Stay tuned because things are getting really weird around here.
   Also, Lenny and Chad were collaborating on a film called Arkansas Mann. Chad was cast as the leading man and Lenny was to play several supporting characters (including Chad's character's wife). VERY disturbing, but DESTRUCTO VIDEO would be nothing without it's ability to disturb us.The film's concept was Chad's and the script was written by Lenny and Chad. But trying to get Chad to cooperate with the production schedule was a nightmare. "He would just spank his belly and groan like a perv. It was REALLY weird, and even though I'm all for improv, he wouldn't let the story go anywhere." On the first night of shooting, Chad got went nuts and started a fist fight with Dave. Sadly we didn't get any footage of the incident. Lenny helped them work things out, but Chad still holds a grudge even though he was the instigator. After kicking Chad off of the Arkansas Mann project, Lenny hit Nevada in a stolen convertable. This is something he does from time to time. "I'm trying to recreate my vision of my tomorrow." said Lenny before screaming his tires as he chased the sun. Hopefully we'll see him again soon and he'll have more ideas to entertain us with.
June 3, 03
     DV front man Lenny and producer Mark were in a car accident May 2nd. Neither were seriously injured but both suffered similar injuries. They were hit from behind by a white Yukon. Lenny has been experiencing some memory loss and Mark has had a couple of violent mood swings. A new episode of DV should be ready soon.
     The issue of AIVF's
The Independent featuring Destructo Video and an exclusive interview with Highland has been postponed until September of 2003. Be sure and ask your local Barnes and Noble to order that issue for you. The article was scheduled to hit the stands in June. Now it is scheduled for September 03.
April, 17, 03
     Destructo Video is about to break the national barrier by being featured in an independent film making periodical called "The Independent". It's only available in major cities and in major book retailers.    
March 28, 03
     David Koon from the Arkansas Times recently interviewed Lenny Highland/ You can read that article
here. SPECIAL THANKS to DAVID KOON of the Arkansas Times.

Feb 12, 03
     A possessed bra keeps jumping on Action Chad. Chad has been caught wearing it several times and declares "It MUST be possessed because it just keeps jumping on me man." While he vows that he has never put it on himself, he does say that it's not uncomfortable.
Dec 6, 2002

     The new
DV STREET TEAM link is up and running.
Here's your pass!
June 20, 2000
     The first episode of
Destructo Video aired last Friday. The next episode is finished and awaiting approval. When all the other news has been deleted, this paragraph will remain because, this is like our start you know.

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