The islands are the three little dots on the right side of the map.
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Alberto Cantino (1502) World map

Taken from:

An anonymous map from 1502 smuggled out of Portugal by a diplomat called Alberto Cantino. In it is reproduced part of an Arab map. This map depicts a group of three small islands south east of Madagascar that bear Arabic-Sanskrit names: Dina Mozare, a corruption of Diva Mashriq, (Eastern Isle) for Rodrigues, Dina Margabim, a corruption of Diva Maghrebin or Western Isle, for Reunion , Dina Arobi, from Diva Harab, ("Desert Isle"- Others translate this as "Square Isle") for Mauritius. Other maps list the island  under the names Dinaarobin and Dina Margabin. It is also unclear whether it is Mauritius that was called Dina Arobi or Rodrigues and vice-versa for Rodrigues. (The Portuguese had not yet traveled to those islands.)

The African continent shows on the East Coast the names of Soffala, Mozambique, Kilwa, and Melinde (all as known to the Portuguese after the voyages of Vasco da Gama)

The names for the islands are clearly Arabic but the name Diva comes from dwipa "island" in Sanskrit.  

He has on his map two names for Madagascar. Madagascar itself and Comorbiman which comes from Komor-diva
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