A detail of a miniature in the Shahnama showing a servant or slave preparing food on a picnic.
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al-Abshihi (1450): al-Mustatraf (Egyptian writer)

Taken from:  Bernard Lewis, Race and Slavery p93
Full name: Shihab-al-Dine Ibn-Ahmad Al-Abshihi

My grandfather on my mother's side used to say: The worst use of money is bringing up slaves, and mulattos are even worse and wickeder than Zanj (east Africans), for the mulatto does not know his father, while the Zanji often knows both parents. It is said of the mulatto that he is like a mule, because he is a mongrel.............Do not trust the mulatto, for there is rarely any good in him.   
Is there anything more vile than black slaves, of less good and more evil than they?.....When the black slave is sated, he fornicates. When he is hungry, he steals."
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