This is the gateway to Dennsylvania. Dennsylvania is a place like no other you will ever or have ever experienced. Dennsylvania defies all laws of space and time, and actually time is completely lost within.

Within, you will find things that are odd:

things that are dangerous:

things that will bring joy, although in abstract ways:

things that will make you sit back and ponder everything you were taught to see as normal and real:

things that will boggle your mind:

things you know in ways you've never seen before:

Little surprises may pop up every now and then, but nothing to be alarmed by:

There is one all important rule that we must enforce, NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, consciously or unconsciously, push this button!

Oh yeah, also, this is MY world, so no marking your territory!

If you have to go, please use our facilities

We also ask that you do not smoke in Dennsylvania. We tend to find lung cancer so depressing, and so 80's! Live in the now!

If you still want to venture inside, first go to our warning page.

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