Lina's picture gallery!

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Hiya everyone!
Now to fill up space I'm going to tell you ALL (meaning "all" that I can think of at 2 in the morning) of the problems Lina Inverse faces in her life.
Let's start with her day to day life. Lina Inverse obviously has an eating disorder, she engulfs huge amounts of food and never gains an ounce. What could be assume from this other than Lina Inverse is Bulimic, Bulimia Nervosia, the rejection of food.
Now I can here you say, "The rejection of food you're nuts!!" Well let me say that Lina Inverse shows tattle tail signs. First off she's very self concious of her figure (small breast jokes you know) which is very common amoung bulimic girls.
If you want to here more... Check out my ramblings page!!

Click here for Ramblings

Hiya again!
Well I know that this gallery isn't up to standard but I'm going to get more pictures for you Lina fans out there! *sweatdrop*
So don't beat up on me or anything! I'll try to do better!! I REALLY WILL I PROMISE!!!!

Next Lina Image Page!!

Jeeze! What a crappy gallery take me back to the beginning PLEASE!!!

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