Defining The Bible

Drawing done by Bill Richards 2004King James Bible now on Audio

As read by: Bill Richards


Christian drawings

As drawn by: Bill Richards


Christian drawings

(Not drawn by this artist)


Click on the below links to see the Chapters of the Bible (King James Version)
Also included is keywords or passage search (any version)
These links takes you to a site not made by this author, and this webpage is not supported or endorsed by the links.

King James Bible ( King James Version)
(Both Old and New Testaments)

Passage or keyword search

Each link below will display different topics and the scriptures relating to them. 

For example - In The Beginning will show different parts of the Bible where it refers to the beginning -

Gen. 1:1, John 1:1, Hebrews 1:10 etc, and will give some brief descriptions of all them together.

Brief Summary of the
Old and New Testaments

I will make every effort to make this as complete as possible. To illustrate in various forms and

contexts the simple approaches to different parts of the Bible

(all references to the Bible are using the King James Version).

Check back to see more as it progresses.
Some of these don't have links to pages yet as they are in the "construction stage".


The picture that you see on this web was drawn by Bill Richards. copyrighted 2000
Anything other than exact scriptures quoted from the Bible are interpretations based on the scriptures by the author of this webpage. Not all religions will believe the same

and this is not intended nor inferred as a substitute.  This is not inferred as a doctrine in itself, but simply as a tool to understanding the Bible in ways that would otherwise be eluded.

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