
aaaaaaaa welp, i have been working on this doll for a while. here is ALL I KNOW ABOUT THAT!


about three years ago, i got it into my head that i was going to build a nice, big doll of serenity rose, the comic book and animation character of a very good friend of mine (aaron alexovich). ages beforehand, we're talking maybe 17-19 years ago, aaron had seen this ragdoll ->

that i made, and fell in love - and axed me to make a sera dolly. i was thrilled and enthused and awed that he thought i could do it. so i set about to. only... i made the body, rooted five million individually tied bits of embroidery floss for hair, and clothed her, and gave her eyes.... but then i took her with me to ireland, and subsequently left her there. i was sad. so! three years ago lalala i started making premier sera.

i always give up on drawing the whole doll and mirror the one side i have drawn.

i started out this way - straws and a little bit of styrofoam.

then i tried the head and torso. man, that head was rough and rancid.

that torso was rough, too, but we shant talk about that.

man, would ye lookit that head! the nose, the eyes, the roughness! pfuh.

bewbs for my child!

then i shaved off her nose, because that just would NOT cut it.

i was worried her boobs were too big, because the character is very demure. aww.

i used my eye reamers as stand-ins for the ball-joints at the shoulders. i got so excited.

then i started playing with blank eyes. sera has graphitey irises and no pupils, so.

i like that nose MUCH better! i like them eye sockets better! she's gettin' there.

plastic surrrrrgery

i just keep getting excited over this child.

oh my GOODNESS. so much better now. lookit that little nooooose.

i started to cut the torso apart! nooooo! so scary!

i thought i would BREAK it and lose so much progress!!!

i have a little basket of hair. so i played. and played with some charcoal on her lips and nose.

i carved and carved and added on and sanded and carved and made a big fat mess.

stupid ears finally! yayyyyy!

terrible rudimentary legs and arms! ARRR!

i sculpted a new bum for her. bum bum.

i pieced her together with straws and floral wire. i couldn't TAKE it.

i strung her together with actual elastic just because i had to. I HAD TO.

all her pieces, and the messsssss.

i have the hair i need! aaaaaaaaaa

i know i shouldn't yet, i should finish the main doll first, but i am very impatient.

i started working on the wiggggg!!

her wig will be SO NICE. i will sit and work on it while on my dialysis machine at night.

aaaaa i didn't work on her for a while because i am EVIL!!!

but then!

i was so so so proud.

the proudest papa.

started makin' feets!!!

it fits her leg and i am crying tears.

i get too proud of little accomplishments. also started sanding her legs and carving knees.

TWO!!! two feets!

i worked hard on drawing her irises. and i didn't put glue in the eyes this time, so they look decent.

i carved the backs off her legs so she could kneel. sweet jesus. she can kneel.

made a hand with a magnet in it so as she can hold stuff! SHE CAN CONJURE, BY GUM!

i love working on dollies, y'all.

excuse me while i go weep in a corner.

dramatic sera is dramatic.

THIS IS ALL SO FAR! oh man do i love her already. and when she is finished... i don't know if i will be able to part with her. but WILL i ever finish her?!
i don't know. my health is bad.