A Primer on GNU-Linux in Bangla from GLT

[This GLT Book "GNU-Linux: Ekti Byaktigata Jatra" was published in hard-copy by Progga Prokashani, 8 Narasingha Lane, Calutta 700009, phone: 22415693, distributed by Chirayata Prakashan, 12 Bankim Chatterjee Street, Calcutta 700073, in December 2005. That students can afford to purchase, the price was kept at 200 Rs.]

This book was never planned. It started as a very informal and, maybe, one extremely under-educated tutorial: a tutorial that served a lot of purpose for us, the members of GLT-Madhyamgram. Like the proverbial crow competing for the pride of place of the most elegant bird in a peacock-less land, this tutorial strived towards serving the purpose of young and not-so-young GNU-Linuxers.

A tutorial that does hate to become a manual, it invites you to become another of us, another GNU-Linuxer. You can read about the author's plan and a brief description in English about the book. This document was actually written for sending to the FSF-India. This book demands your active participation in the text itself: mentally and keyboardically. If it tries to teach anything, that is not how to use GNU-Linux, but how to think in terms of it. It is an understatement that materials of this kind is extremely scarce, not just in Bangla, but in English too. And, most probably, this is the first COPYLEFT book in Bangla, with a verbatim licence of its own. You may like to read one opinion about this book.

This book is actually a product of a cultural process. And you miss a lot of the book, if not aware of the bigger context: documents in Bangla and English by the author of this book about the bigger context of the GLT.
And a few words about the author. (In a way, this serves another purpose, by revealing the symbolic link of the penname tribib sengupta that writes the tutorial to the author in person: dipankar das. After posting a few of the lessons on the Net, some got curious about the discrepancy. If you want to read some more texts in literature and political economy by this author, in Bangla and English, you can try dd-Text-site)

Details of publication of a hard-copy of this copyleft book:

Downloading and Reading the Chapters:

This is a pretty big book, all the eleven chapters adding to around 6.5mb. And downloading them, particularly from this free site was not very easy for many of our friends. We have something to say about this whole thing.
Better go us to the
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