(Picture by Brian Choo)
    The most primitive of the cityfinches, Alfred Hitchcock's thebirds display a less pronounced degree of sexual dimorphism between the two sexes. However, this species creates the largest cities and displays the highest degree of aggression in their defence.

    A Thebirdian city begins as a globular structure with a single entryway built of mud, twigs, droppings and saliva in the branches of a tree in the savannah. As the colony grows, additional chambers and entrances are built and the city soon fills most of the lower branches and eventually extending down the trunk towards the ground. Fully-grown cities completely obscure the shape of their long dead host-tree and resemble great clay skyscrapers growing out of the ground. Such a colony may be over 2 centuries old an may contain over a thousand birds.

    Each large city is a maze of tunnels, nest chambers, nurseries and storage facilities. Some chambers act as gardens where the birds harvest fungi grown from refuse. Actively utilised chambers are generally restricted to the outer 2 metres of the colony.

    The fanaticism with which Thebirds defend their cities is nothing short of terrifying. Unlike other species, scouts and serfs will also engage enemies in combat. Normally intruders are seen off with swooping displays. However, the high-pitched distress calls emitted by injured or dying birds seems to send the entire colony into a state of bloodlust, with birds murderously attacking any non-thebird within a 100m radius of the colony. The warbirds secrete a toxin in their saliva which produces painful sores on the skin when pecked.

    If provoked by a large animal, the birds swarm upon the unfortunate beast in a  frenzied, uncoordinated attack with little regards for their individual safety. There is one documented case of an old, crippled molok which stumbled into a large thebird city, staving in one side of the colony and immediately incurring a warbird attack. Panicked and confused, the theropod blundered into the colony again, tripped, fell and was immediately consumed in a cloud of furious birds, its agonised cries aubible above the din of screeches.

    The attack petered out in about 20 minutes and the molok's carcass was examined while keeping a watchful eye (and flamethrower) on the
blood-drenched warbirds which glared down at the researchers while serfs began to repair the damaged colony. Both the theropod's eyes had been pecked out and it's orbits were filled with dead thebirds as were it's nostrils, ears and colon.

(Text by Brian Choo)
(Picture by Brian Choo)
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