The "Do'h" Files
Well you can probably guess what this page is about....LoL..........well as you can see this is a Simpsons page. Anyways Enjoy what there is. Doh!
Real name: Homer Jay Simpson
Age: 36
Height: 6 ft
Weight: Around 250lbs
Occupation: Safesty inspector in sector 7G for the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, among hundreds of other jobs
Favourite foods: Donuts, Pork Rinds Light, Chippos, Krusty Burgers, pork chops, steak, bulk seafood, and honey roasted peanuts
Favourite store: the Kwiki-Mart
Local hangout: Moes Tavern
Favourite bevarage: Duff
Most known catchphrase: Do'h
Surgeries: A triple bypass operation, resulting from his love of aforementioned foods
Real Name: Margerie nee Bouvier
Hair colour: Blue #56
Shoe Size: 13AA
Criminal Record: caught shoplifting in the Kwiki-Mart
Favourite singer: Tom Jones and  also had a passion for Ringo Star in her teens
Favourite Magazine: Sponge and Vacuum
Favourite Vegetables: Potatoes, because they're 'neat'
Little Known Secret: she has webbed toes
Things found in hair: Large sums of money, cats, roosters, and Maggie
Famous for: her Marshmallow Squares
Political afflications: Mary Bailer supporter, twice voted for Jimmy Carter
Turn ons: Having her elbow nibbled, and Homer's 'Mr Plow' jacket
Jobs: Strikebreaking teacher at Springfield Elementary, worker at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, carhop waitress, Springfield police officer, pretzel franchise
Age: 8
Role in family: Moral center and middle child
Plays: Saxophone (and, occasionaly the guitar)
First word as a baby: Bart
Obsession: Ponies
First crush: Mr. Bergstrom, substitute teacher
Second Crush: Nelson Muntz
Perpetual crush: several actors named Corey
Past addictions: The Corey Hotline, Trucker's Choice Stay-awake Tablets
Idols: Bleeding Gums Murphy
Secret: she once threw up on the dentist
Real name: Bartholomew. J. Simpson
Age: 10
Personality: Devious, underacheiving, schoolhating, irreverent, clever
Known alliances: Rudiger, El Barto
Also known as: The ' I dind't do it' boy
Discoveries: A comet that nearly destroyed Springfield, blinky the three-eyed fish
Will grow up to become: a wanna-be rock star, Demolishion Man
Wants to be: A daredevil after seing Captain Lance Murdock in action
Idol: Krusty the clown
Enemy: Side Show Bob
Past loves: Jessica lovejoy, Laura Powers, Rainier Wolfcastle's Daughter
Real Name: Margaret Simpson
Age: 1
Role: Pacifier-sucking youngest simpsons child
Monetary Value: (according to supermarket scanner) $847.63
Only true enemy: Gerald, the baby with one eyebrow
Dexterity: Low. Falls over often
First word: 'Daddy'
Greatest posession: her pacifier
Unknown Intelligence: She can drive a car, saved the babies pacifiers at the daycare center, untied bart and lisa after the babysitter bandit tied them up, can spell E=MC*(squared) with blocks, can write Maggie simpson on her etch-a-sketch, caught a beer bottle at a Hockey match, shot Mr. Burns
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