1934 Reunion

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The following news articles were provided by Sandra K. Quinn

RoseR.jpg (226341 bytes)1934- Newspaper Article- Family Reunited After 53 Years Five out of seven survivors of a family of eight brothers and sisters in an Ohio family are shown herewith as they appeared last Sunday in their first family reunion in 53 years, during which time two sisters were not seen by the others. The children were the family of Thomas and Matilda Smith Robinson of Perry county. When the parents died 53 years ago, Lucy and Alice Robinson were taken to La Farge, Wisconsin, to live with relatives. They married and prospered, and established letter contact with their sisters and brothers, who themselves became scattered all over Ohio. Recently the Wisconsin women paid a surprise visit to Miss Rose Robinson, their sister, at her home near Somerset, and the reunion at the home of Lee Welch, Thornville, was arranged for others. In the group left to right, standing, are Mrs. Lucy Melvin, aged 62 LaFarge, Wis., Samuel Robinson, 66 Walbridge, Ohio, and Mrs. Alice Strait, 59, LaFarge. Sitting is Mrs. mary Welch, 69 Deavertown, Ohio. Inset is Miss Rose Robinson, 63. Others living are Harvey 74, Somerset, and John, 72, Trimble, Ohio.

Columbus Ohio Citizen Newspaper article 1934 --- Three sisters united. Fifty-three years ago a happy family consisting of four brothers and four sisters was broken up at Deavertown, Ohio, by the death of the parents. The children were George, Harvey, John and Sam, brothers, and Mary, Rose, Alice and Lucy Robinson, sisters. Two of the sisters, Alice and Lucy, were sent to live with relatives. They married, prospered and corresponded with their Ohio relatives, but never returned. A week ago, the Wisconsin sisters decided to visit their Ohio relatives for the first time in 53 years. Last week their sister, Miss Rose Robinson, who lives south of here was awakened at 1 a.m. by a knock on the door. She answered and without at first making their identity known the two women entered the house. They proved to be the Wisconsin sisters, Mrs. Lucy Melvin and Mrs. Alice Strait. The sisters had come from the west by train to Newark Ohio, where they hired a taxi to take them to their sister's home. The taxi stalled on a hill and they were compelled to walk the remainder of the way. The sisters are the children of the late Thomas and Mathilda Smith Robinson. The other surviving members of the family are Harvey, 74, Somerset; John, 72, Trimble; Sam, 66, Walbridge; Mrs. Mary Welch, 69 Deavertown.

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Updated: June 12, 1999

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