You Decide Cloud's Fate Game!

Ha, ha, ha..... Welcome to YOU DECIDE CLOUD'S FATE. In this strange and nifty game, you control the action!
Just select the link you want and enjoy the show!
Only you can decide just what happens to our good friend Cloud Strife.

Here is Cloud, He is happily having himself a merry time, not a care in the world.
But what if something goes TERRIBLY wrong? Step up and click the links to decide Cloud's Fate.

Give Him A BIG HUG!!

Dance With Cloud!

Let Yuffie Steal His Materia!

MORTAL KOMBAT!!! (Brutality)

MORTAL KOMBAT!!! (Friendship)

Give Him What He Really Deserves!

No Cloud Strife's Were Harmed During the Making of these strips.
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Its just a humorous game folks.
Seriously, If you are offended
I suggest you stop watching those Daytime Kiddie Shows
where everything is just sunshine and butterflies with happy smiles and warm fuzzy endings.

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