=== 2014.04.08
 I completed this version of the game some 14 years ago.  But if the
emulators I’m using are right, then the cart is worse than I remember.

 This is not DooM.  Having played the Apple IIgs version of
Wolfenstein 3D, this DooM appears to be a hybrid of the two.
Like Wolf IIgs — the same 65816 CPU generation (though the SNES has
I/O multiply and divide), monsters behave like Wolf monsters, move
along boundaries (here, too fast), with a single view angle (facing
the player).  Low-precision: flying monsters may oscillate vertically.
 It’s ‘clunky,’ and then some.

 Monster projectiles move too fast, and often have no degree of error.
Immediate projectiles are not vert.-clipped (by floors or ceilings);
this makes Computer Station way more difficult than normal; the big
diff. is that monster projectiles will hit other monsters (they always
pass through each other in Wolf).  Monsters can teleport, but there
are no visual effects, and the maps were changed on account of the
slower CPU.  Only the player can have real motion; objects cannot be
pushed; barrels just explode, using the ball explosion sound.

 For the graphics, there are no transparent walls (e.g., fencing),
and like Wolf, texture rendering is done two pixel bytes at a time,
with low precision.  The screen is already too small for this.  The
BSP clipping bug (you can sometimes see a hole through the map — a
vertical line) sticks out. Sprites that would normally carry a
‘minimum intensity’ (i.e., torches) can be dark at a distance.
 The SuperFX engine appears to only be used to produce dithered-solid
floors and ceilings — no actual texturing there, which possibly could
have been done with mode 7 (e.g., Super Mario Kart).  The only
advanced thing with the graphics is translucency when the player’s
“invisible” (it’s supposed to be shifted darkening — or ‘spectring’).
You can barely tell for this, however; it’s at or above 50% opacity.

 Sound is worse: always delayed, always affects the music.
Compare this to Lemmings, which has no problem with sound (though only
one channel is dedicated to sfx).  The chainsaw sounds nothing like the
actual DooM version.
 Fewer sounds overall: other than the proper activation sound (which
became the ‘random’ sound), demons play zombie/imp snds (other monster
types show that the demon sound is present, just not set for it).  One
erroneous selection sticks out: lost souls use a player snd on death.
The stereo music may sound nice, but pops, and has fewer pitch sweeps.

 So much code was unimplemented that doors that could only be opened
with projectiles are normal doors, and the animated player face on the
screen doesn’t react to injury (just blood, invincibility).  The player
'Mmf' sound is always played when nothing’s activated with the action
key.  Activation reach is too small; normally you’d be able to hit the
switch before the barells in “Military Base”; but not here.

 For the weapons, blue-palette balls are used for the plasma gun.
It’s easy to spot the low color resolution for the rocket launcher.
And outright bugs: use of the BFG-9000 can crash the cart (but rarely).
(Actually, the cart can crash at any time.)

 Three setup options: New Game, Sound and Music toggle.  There’s no way
to save games, other than with a PC using an emulator, via save states,
etc., but there’s enough missing that an experienced gamer can just
start at one of the three chapters and blast through (slowly).
 There is an overhead map, but the weapons buttons are used for scale
(which can make map-viewing deadly).
 Strafe is implemented using L/R, but player motion is easily clipped
hitting walls, and stuck until moving in an opposing direction.
 The whole thing is less playable.

=== 2014.04.01
-snes9x 1.4 (2004.12.30) - first time using this
 Proof that ZSNES has a bug processing the color tables at the first
stage of Krusty’s Super Fun House.  But that’s about it; ZSNES is
better, for the most part.

  breaks up using the default method
  pitches are off
  linear is the only interpolation method - not great
  pixel placing for some scanlines is inconsistent with KSFH
  DooM sometimes blanks out (black flashes), has sprite glitches
  - update: the sprite glitch appears to be a bug in the cart

- higan_v094-32bit
 NO idea how to work this.  It crashes, period.

=== 2014.01.25
-FCEUX 2.2.2 (2013.09.23)
 vtoggle bug fixed.  (smwstomp works again.)

 Noticable: hex editor byte change color - orange-blue-black.
Colored text when CPU makes change that fades out.
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