BACK TO: 2021 or 2022

01.14.2022 I've been doing some small things here and there whilest planning for slightly bigger things like a Cherry Rounders redux saga, fixed from all the demo albums and FINALLY a thing. I'm doing this for the money haha. I get $30 a month in royalties from that one damn "I Eat Poop" song and I planned on adding to that since like 2015. I will restart the saga and give it a newer beginning, encapsulating the whole life of Cherry Rounders on multiple discs. It may be similar to the original 2006-2007 saga but with more parody than originals, so that it will come off more funny, and take some more work for the finished product. It will be sold on-demand on Trepstar as long as it gets an order every 300 days it'll be allowed to stay up, so please pay some respect and donate to the cause!

01.08.2022 The Kids have a computer again. Go stepdad Jerry! Anyways, it's a new year. I wrote a blog about it all. Things are coming things are going, etc etc. Just read the blog instead!