08.30.2022 Still handwriting a full journal to be used as my next website, full of imagemaps. It will be done SOON! see also, my daughter's website: www.aila.fun

08.23.2022 I am currently working still on the minimalized website, but I'm handwriting it! See previews... here

08.15.2022 I have minimilized this website further into almost nothing ;) ...and I'm keeping it this way for a while since I have shit to do. Feel free to leave a message and make my day!

08.08.2022 I have officially put the other two versions of this website on hold to make room for a new minimal version that may or may not be the only version soon. I rather like the "storyline" setup with the contents being on the right, but have still yet to finish the left panel and redo the right. This is a possibility, and is not set in stone. Photos returning soon of things. Its "commented out" for now.

07.19.2022 I have uploaded the early beginnings of "The Emulation Museum" just after the MS-DOS Gameriot section.

06.27.2022 My daughter AilaB's art is on the bottom of the 1920+ high resolution site now. Links (Games,Music) Restored and social media buttons created/imported. There are no links from those at the moment.

06.21.2022 The newest site remodel has occured for the 1920+ high resolution version! I've rehosted my page on doom2.net forever so that neocities can simply track it, and I can "iframe" other sites again. Yeah, fuck neocities in that regard! And in refreshing required all the time of course. You can still message me there, and I'm still paying my bill for now. Most stuff is set up already, but the GAMERIOT! and MUZAKFIEND! pages still need made. I'll have much more stuff added later.

06.16.2022 Sitemap and IRC pages created today. IRC Channel started yesterday on Koshka's server. Minor touch-ups here and there like background by metalvalley on The Noise Vaults added. I also put large artwork by Nate Vaught from 2011 on both Cherry Rounders and Will and Jerry pages. The Cherry Rounders site by the way is a major work in progress that won't be done for a LONG ass time I would imagine, since it's going to, you know, be six cds telling a super long but amusing story.

04.20.2022 Some of you get high on this day. Not I. But go you ;) Honestly all I did since yesterday was add explanative lines to certain things and an explanation also on "WORDS" that it will change soon. Remember when you return to pages right click and refresh frame. always. I don't know what else to say I don't know nonexistant magic code. Cache sucks. Anyways I rearranged the menu and added a couple options like the "FUNNY" page is back under music and has content. COINS is coming. I made most of the boring ass game for people that are out and don't carry a die or dice around with them everywhere like my weird ass.

04.19.2022 Every menu option now has a red counterpart. If you hover the mouseover changes it to and from red. It looks like an official modern website or program now. Other than that and a few other small updates, the page itself is index2 now as index, where you start, will let you choose between computer version and mobile version. The mobile version is coming soon.

03.29.2022 All pages that aren't finished now at least have placeholders instead of "404/File Not Found" messages. I just ask you right click each page and "Refresh Frame" in order to get the most updated version. I changed this news page to not only have site updates but also big news. "START" menu will now have a full sitemap under "PAGES." I'm working on a mod called Bee's Doom which is currently the only "Big News." In the future this section will be reserved for FINISHED works.

03.21.2022 Updated/Transferred all music-related links to the links section from the original "Cesspool of Links" If you already visited, right click it and hit refresh frame within the actual page itself.

03.13.2022 I jumped the gun and uploaded before it was finished! Everyone is doing it, why can't I? Upon return visits, right click and 'refresh frame' everywhere just in case. My main external with my website is toast, but luckily I have a TWO WEEK OLD archive of my website progress, which kind of sucks at the same time. I'll get to doing a lot of this over again, but hey, it's like a second draft. Maybe I'll fix things which seem ridiculous or embarassing or something. Choices of words, etc. Small things.

02.28.2022 Finishing touches are being applied to the website's look and feel, etc. I might borrow old text about the same subjects from older sites to speed things up a bit, because this shit ain't going up until its complete to my judgement.

02.14.2022 I'm redoing the site (for the what, 78th time? heh) to be without all pages having video, that was crazy. now the art my wife did for me gets to be bigger and not on some tiny-assed button. I choose not to upload this site until all is complete, however.

02.07.2022 I have the about section to now be a video, meant to be added to or changed. A LOT of this website will function this way now, since tons of words isn't something most with short attention spans would enjoy! Ha.

01.24.2022 So I'm redoing it all again with a new structure. I'm also working on Visual Basic media player softwares, unique to each MP3-ROM I'm going to sell, and ISO of course. See 'Merch' for info on those.

01.18.2022 For two weeks I had been tweaking the Noisebox program to work on a dvd or flash drive. Now that I randomly got the idea to test an online file I have new plans. cds again. six of them. this is just a crazy idea if 2023's tax check is big enough, but half of the stuff will be online (the outtakes and funny stuff) and the other half accessible on the disc. There will also be a free version on itch.io that has it all online with no access to the MP3s.

01.07.2022 So my son has Covid-19. We've all been tested and I must quarantine for work until the results come. The first night of me killing time involved me finally figuring out the code in vb.2010 for playing music on my new project "Noisebox.exe" which is a remake of a program I wrote in 2004. This was originally a college project to link up all of my music and play it from an MP3 CD-ROM and I passed these around for a while on CD-R. Now that it is 2022, obviously there is a lot more music to be linked. I'm still debating between a physical dual-layered dvd disc in a case or a USB flash stick. I might even use discmakers.com and go the Gigabox route. That is a flash drive AND a disc in an armaray case.

BACK TO: 2021