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Carp Anglers Group

PA Paylaker Rig

Standard Pennsylvania Pay Laker Rig
courtesy of Steve L., PA Paylaker

There is really not much to a PA paylaker rig since freelining with no or little weigh is the methoud mainly used for carp fishing. Just tie on the hook of your choice to the main line, which is usually 8 to 12 pound test monofilament, with 8 pound este being the most typical. The hook (usually single type, as trebles are not allowed at mast paylakes) can range from sixe 6 to 1, with 4 being the most common size used. Some of hte common brands of hooks used include Eagle Claw, Gamakatsu, Owner and VMC. The Gamakatsu Octopus style hook (among others) is a favorite amonst the experienced paylake anglers. Occasionally a BB-size to medium-size split shot sinker may be pinched on teh line up to a foot or so above the hook, especially in windy conditions. A couple of anglers may also use a small (1/2 oz. or less) sliding sinker but it is rare. The primary paylake bait are doughballs that are molded around and covering the entire hook. Thats all it takes. Simple!
Steve, PA Paylaker

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