
You are free, therefore choose. That is to say. Invent.
No rule of general morality can show you what you
ought to do. No signs are given in this world. We
ourselves decide our being. ... Decide your future;
you alone are responsible for it..
[J.P.Sartre; Existentialism as a Humanism]

butterfly one

The Path of Wisdom  . . .

It grants us entrance not only to other faith traditions,
But also to the greatest souls to ever walk the earth:
Siddhartha, Socrates, Jesus >
the Buddha, the Philosopher, and the Son of Man.
There is more than enough wisdom in just these three
To occupy anyone for a lifetime!


Age Old Riddle Solved?.

  Do you think that scholastic theology and medieval philosophy is silly and redundant? Look what I found just the other day: "How Many Public Groups Can I Get? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Nobody knows, and the same is true regarding the total number of Usenet newsgroups available at any time via the Internet" (Official Netscape Communicator 4 Book, p.282). Have you heard this one? For some  centuries now, theologians and philosophers have been wrestling with the dilemma posed by this conundrum. Actually, the Prophet had not given the matter much thought ... (which is to say, not much serious thought) ... But the appearance of this obscure theological reference in a current software reference book got me to wondering ... (and you know where that leads!) ... Anyway, - to make a long story short - I found the answer to this unanswerable problem. > How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Answer: None! 'How so?', you ask? Because angels are eminently practical and sensible creatures who would never waste their time or energies on activities as frivolous and pointless as dancing - en mass yet - on the heads of various sized pins. Ha! So much for theology.



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