
On Closing Doors

The shameful thing is not ignorance; on the contrary,
that is the natural thing. The really shameful thing is to
not want to know, to resist finding out when the occasion offers.
It is never the ignorant who offer that resistance, but the ones who
think they know. That is the shameful thing; to think you know.
He who thinks he knows something, but is in fact ignorant of it,
closes the door of his mind through which authentic truth could enter.

– from ‘What is Philosophy?’ by Jose Ortega y Gasset (d.1955)

] Forum: Absolute Write Water Cooler > Welcome > Newbie Forum
] Thread > I'm an outcast! How do I know if I belong?
] Topic: all outsiders welcomed here!  / 16Apr07 /
wurm say: hey, mia, from one newbie to another, welcome to the cooler. i think you'll
find a lot of outcasts, loners, and outsiders here. writers are a strange breed. not like
other people at all. writers tend not to look at the world the same way that "normal-
people" do, and this tends to set them apart somewhat from the crowd. of course,
there are good writers, and then there are bad writers. i can tell from your first post
that you are not of the latter category. you have, as they say, "a way with words".
What is it, you ask? think of it this way: most writers know how to write-up various
things in text; and some of this is even literature (as such), but that's all that they know.
actually communicating your thoughts, feelings, and ideas through text takes a little
something more. i call it talking-by-pure-text. it's a subtle distinction, i known, but i think
that maybe you can appreciate it. why? because your writing (if this post is typical) clearly
excells in talking-by-pure-text; as opposed to simply 'expressing yourself in words' (as
indeed all writers do, of course). in fact, i dare say that your writing almost smacks of
... hmmm, what's the word? dare i say it? ... poetry? yes, poetry; almost.
The only thing that really concerns me at this point is what you are going to do with your
talent. what say you to that, eh mia? are you perchance going to waste it on subject
matter that falls into the realm of "trivial-pursuits" (as happens to so many other writers),
or are you going to do something original? something that maybe even matters? there
are no shortages of serious problems to tackle. which ones do you fancy? pick one and
run with it. u-go-girl!  
[note to reader: on this very same day awwc made a liar out of me by banning me from
the forums for - of all things - lack of respect for other writers & their "rights". go figure]



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