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/ NGZ > alt. philosophy and talk.politics.marijuana / 25Dec03 /
          Judges Rule: Parliament is God!
       [or: On the True Nature of the Spirit of the Law]
 "To him who looks at the world rationally the world looks
     rationally back." -- from 'Reason in History' by Hegel
  At the end of the movie 'Blade Runner' the head cyborg makes
an interesting observation in the face of imminent death: "Quite
an experience to live in fear", he says. "That's what it means
to be a slave." And fear is, of course, the chief weapon of the
gestapo and the politicians who empower them with all the force
of the Law. Whether these laws are justified or not seems to
be entirely irrelevant to the law-makers and law-enforcers.
This is indeed a sad fact of life.
 Now I used to think that the sole purpose of government was to
create new and ever more devious ways of stealing money from
the citizens. But this latest reversal by the government of
Canada shows this view to be incredibly naive. It's not just about
thievery. Fear and power are the names of the political game.
Our esteemed leaders do not merely want to take your money,
no. They are not content with that. They want to take your
liberties, your freedom, as well. They do this by creating
laws that empower the gestapo who in turn spread fear, hatred,
and violence throughout the whole society.
 The funny thing is that if the government of this land had
deliberately set out to make a policy that would create hatred
for the police forces, disgust for the politicians, and contempt
for the laws of the land, they could not have done any better
than they have with these anti-marijuana laws that are still
inspired by the lunatic fantasies and delusions of Harry J.
Anslinger (the first Commissioner of the US Bureau of
Narcotics, and the Father of the Drug War). "You smoke a
joint and you're likely to kill your brother" (Anslinger).
 Therefore on 23Dec03 the Supreme Court of Canada ruled
that making marijuana possession a criminal offence does not
violate the Charter of Rights with its guarantees of liberty and
security of person: "We conclude that it is within Parliament's
legislative jurisdiction to criminalize the possession of
marijuana, should it choose to do so." In other words,
Parliament has the right to make anti-pot laws that keep
marijuana illegal so as to make pot-smokers criminals in the
eyes of the Law, and in the eyes of the Ignorant & Deluded.
 The politicians, in other words, have the *right* to make slaves
and criminals of us all! So let us be perfectly clear about this.
The problem does NOT lie with the gestapo. They will enforce
the Law whether it is inspired by a spirit of fear, hypocrisy, and
self-righteous intolerance, or by a spirit of justice, freedom,
and the pursuit of happiness.
 The problem thus lies squarely with the government itself, and
with the rich and pampered weasels who claim to be our duly
elected representatives. These self-serving politicians simply
do not care that the anti-pot laws are unjust and a gross
offense to liberty and freedom. They do not care what the
people think, only what the rich and powerful think. They rule by
might, not by right. They rule by fear and power as if they were
supreme and absolute in all things. Their attitude is just as
the judges have said. Government IS God, and therefore can do
no wrong. This is not true democracy; this is tyranny by delusion.
 Therefore there is no issue, no problem, no 'state of affairs'
in this country that is more important, more pregnant with far-
reaching significance, than this matter of the "bad-weed".
Questions about the economy, about taxes, about the limits and
scope of local government, all fade into absurdity in comparison
with the inability of our elected officials to do the right
thing and legalize marijuana. For it is *this* issue that goes
to the very heart of what this nation was, is, and will be.
 This is NOT a matter of addiction or dependence. Not a
matter of marijuana's harmful vs beneficial attributes. It is
not even a simple matter of decriminalization. The fact is that
decriminalization is not even an option. It is unacceptable in
principle since it is merely a means for the government to
profit from the drug trade while at the same time maintaining
its hypocritical anti-drug attitudes and draconian policies.
Moreover, decriminalization does nothing whatsoever to address
the real problems and issues at stake here (and this is why it
is the preferred option of the politicians).
 Full legalization is the *ONLY* acceptable and rational
solution, for it is the only way to take the industry out of the
hands of criminal organizations and place it under the control
of society in general. The government is NOT an autonomous
and absolute power in and for itself! Parliament is a part of
society, and like every part (from the largest to the smallest)
MUST be held accountable (for what it does *AND* for what
it fails to do) to the larger society from whence it came.
Government is NOT our pagan god over and above society.
 Therefore, it (ie. legalization) is a matter that directly
effects our understanding of responsible citizenship, the
meaning of personal liberty, and the value that we (as citizens
of the world) place upon freedom. Will Canada be a nation that
fosters liberty, loves freedom, and encourages the pursuit of
happiness for all? Or will we sacrifice our freedoms on the
altar of irrational fears and intolerant delusions?
 "Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users
insanity, criminality, and death" (Anslinger). This is what
Christians, the gestapo, and the politicians long for with all
their might. Oh if only it were true! Please God, make it so.
Yes, God put marijuana on this planet for a reason, but that
reason is NOT so that it can be used as an instrument of
terror to make slaves of all those who dare to disagree with
Anslinger's pathetic paranoia.
 In 1962 president Kennedy forced Harry J. Anslinger to resign
as head of the Bureau. But before that happy day the same
president gave Anslinger a life-time achievement award in
recognition of his many years of public service to the nation
(ie. the war on drugs). But Kennedy would have done better
to have kicked his ass instead, for no one in the twentieth
century, not even Adolf Hitler, has caused so much pain, misery,
and violence as has this bigoted, hypocritical, intolerant,
self-righteous Christian lunatic! If this statement sounds too
extreme for your ears, consider that the Third Reich is long
since finished and gone, but Anslinger's nightmare just goes
on and on and on ...
 "Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of
mankind" (Anslinger). Actually, the violence stems not from pot
itself, but from these hateful anti-pot laws, and from the fear,
anger, and contempt that these laws generate (just as surely
as fire generates heat).
   - one who battles against the war on drugs - cybrwurm ;>
P.S. In the movie 'Grass' there's a scene where Joe-Swine Friday
(of Dragnet fame) addresses a classroom full of concerned
citizens. Joe asks a question that leaves his audience speechless
and dumbfounded: If marijuana is only half as bad as alcohol, do
we really need it? A good answer to this question might be a very
similar question: If alcohol is twice as bad as marijuana, do we
really need it? And an even better question might be: If alcohol
is twice as bad as marijuana, wouldn't we be better off 'toking
up' rather than 'tossing down'?
P.P.S.  ... Just say 'Grow'! :)
sunny day
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