Compiled by Chris Dodge
Revised, November 1998
This mediagraphy covers articles on zines, as well as books, tapes, & related materials.
Accusation, Suspicion, & Innuendo #7 (c/o Chris Becker, 4200 Pasadena Pl. NE, #2, Seattle, WA 98105). Lists, "with a few exceptions," entries in a zine exhibition held at Coffee Grounds cafe, January 1993, in Port Huron, Michigan (focus: Michigan zines).
Aikman, Becky. "Express yourself." Newsday, December 17, 1995, pp.1. "The current wave of self-published magazines, known as zines, is making a splash in mainstream media." Overview focusing on Long Island zines Cupsize, Beer Frame, and The Laser Disk Newsletter. Includes sidebar with addresses, as well as information about where to buy zines locally.
Amusing Yourself to Death (P.O. Box 91934, Santa Barbara, CA 93190-1934). "A monthly small-press resource" focusing on "all the latest zine news & reviews." Issue #3 (May 1997) includes about forty reviews.
Anderson, Isabel. "All the other news that's fit to print." Artweek, January 20, 1994, p.20. Reports briefly on "'Zine Scream!"--a display of "more than two hundred alternative magazines" held at the Park Plaza Hotel in San Francisco, December 1993.
Angel, Jen, editor. The 1996 zine yearbook. J. Angel, [P.O. Box 590514, San Francisco, CA 94159], 1997. Anthology of pieces first published in Spectacle and other zines. (Reviewed in Paper, Scissors, Clocks [Erik Farseth, P.O. Box 14117, Minneapolis, MN 55414], pp.107-108; Factsheet Five #62, p.54; see also Dodge, entry 2.)
"Another legal setback for Mike Diana." Comics Journal, February 1997, pp.13-17. Reports on the January 1997 denial of appeal regarding a 1996 ruling which upheld Mike Diana's 1994 obscenity conviction for Boiled Angel . The latest decision was made by the Second District Court of Appeal in Lakeland, Florida. Describes the role of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and ACLU in the case.
Armstrong, Robert. "Two collections explore the phenomenon of the zine revolution." Star Tribune [Minneapolis], August 10, 1997, p.F14. A sports news editor reviews A girl's guide to taking over the world: writings from the girl zine revolution, with an additional single short paragraph describing The Factsheet Five zine reader. After asserting that zines contain no advertising, Armstrong mentions such titles anthologized here as Pucker Up and Ben is Dead. If he'd seen a copy of either, he would know both are heavy with ads. The review also refers to Fat! So? as "Far! So?"
Atton, Chris. Alternative literature: a practical guide for librarians. Gower, 1996. 202p. Includes "From fanzines to zines," "Some examples of zines," & "Finding out about zines."
Aul, Billie. "Is it a zine? Is it mail art? It's...a dead locust." Factsheet Five, #50, p.107. Describes Factsheet Five collection at New York State Library.
_____. "Zines in libraries." Information for Social Change [14 Hugh Miller Pl., Edinburgh, Scotland EH3 5JG], Spring 1996 (#3), pp.25-26. Brief article about New York State Library's Factsheet Five Collection and some suggestions for how libraries might deal with zines.
Austin, Bryn. "The irreverent (under)world of 'zines." Ms., January/February 1993, p.68. General overview of zines with focus on the "sizable lot" which are feminist (e.g., Girl Germs and On Our Rag).
Austin, S. Bryn, with Pam Gregg. "A freak among freaks: the 'zine scene." Sisters, sex-perts, queers: beyond the lesbian nation [Arlene Stein, editor], Plume, 1993. pp.81-95.
Bacon-Smith, Camille. Enterprising women: television fandom and the creation of popular myth. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992. Includes "The media fanzine community." and "Who are fanziners?: demographics."
Barnes, Denise. "What the hell is a zine, anyway?" Fodder [Hungry Mind Bookstore, 1648 Grand Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105], January/February 1996, p.3. Describes several "small, independent publications" the store will carry, including Dishwasher, Beer Frame, and three other titles.
Barth, Jack. "Fanzines." Film Comment, March/April 1985, pp.24-30. Focus: "homemade magazines" covering films, especially "gritty, shocking fanzines cover[ing] nightmare films that exist beyond all limits of taste or violence."
Bauder, David. "What's the alternative? Hundreds of 'zines.'" Saint Paul Pioneer Press, January 28, 1990, p.3E. Profiles Mike Gunderloy and Factsheet Five. This Associated Press article appeared in various editions, including:
--and without Bauder's byline as:
Bey, Hakim. "Zines, community & those fucking lefty liberals: Hakim Bey interviewed by Sunfrog, July 1991." Babyfish (P.O. Box 11589, Detroit, MI 48211), 1994, #6, pp.35-36. Includes cogent criticism of High weirdness by mail (zines are participatory, not consumerist, Bey argues) and a challenge to go from zines ("a medium, which separates you") to meetings and physical contact.
Biancolli, Amy. "Ragtime: underground magazine venture where mainstream publications won't." Times Union [Albany], March 12, 1995, pp.I-1, 4. Overview focusing on New York-based zines.
Bibliozine (c/o John Held, P.O. Box 410837, San Francisco, CA 94141-0837). "An irregular review periodical published in conjunction with...research on international networker culture," including zines, mail art, and rubber stamp art. Issue #45 annotates six longstanding mail art zines, while #46 lists "67 zines from 26 countries."
"A big pile of zines." MSRRT Newsletter (4645 Columbus Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407), June/July 1995, pp.1-2. Report on a pilgrimmage to the Factsheet Five Collection at the New York State Library.
Block, Adam. "The queen of 'zine." Advocate, November 20, 1990, p.75. Profile of G. B. Jones, editor of J.D.s, "the seminal gay-punk 'zine."
Blume, Harvey. "Zine queen: Pagan Kennedy on zines in the age of the Web." Wired, January 1996, pp.132-133. Interview with the editor of Pagan's Head.
Bohjahlian, Chris. "Zing! Zap! 'Zines!" The Boston Globe Magazine, November 26, 1995, pp.30, 62-68. Wavering in focus between national and New England (and specifically Boston-area) zines and zine history, this article includes eight addresses (though none for Factsheet Five which is mentioned briefly with a quote from Seth Friedman). Josh Glenn (Utne Reader/Hermenaut) is quoted over two paragraphs. Throughout, the genre is referred to with a leading apostrophe: 'zines. Mention is made more than once of attention paid to zines by the Magazine Publishers of America (zines were, it says, "an important part of a workshop at their annual meeting; MPA vice president James Guthrie is cited twice). Among the "zines" included are a music and entertainment magazine with a circulation of 30,000 (Lollipop) and a glossy with a "20- to 25-person masthead" and circulation of 12,000 (Paramour). Considerable attention is paid to Pagan Kennedy (and her St. Martin's Press book) and Lisa Carver (Roller Derby).
"Boiled Diana." Wired, October, 1996, p.90. Update on Mike Diana/Boiled Angel obscenity case (conviction upheld).
Bonhall, Brad. "Publishing on the fringe." Los Angeles Times, Orange County Edition, October 17, 1993, p.1. "O.C. 'zines offer a peek into some oddball obsessions and unsung lifestyles." Overview quoting Cari Goldberg Janice (describing her as "the national zine tracker") and profiling Technology Works, Cringe, From Side to Side, Answer Me!, and Free Lunch. Reports that in August 1993, zines accounted for 20% of Tower Records' magazine revenue in six Orange County stores.
Bouldrey, Brian. "Battling brainwash: 'zines' hit the scene." SFWeekly, October 10, 1990, pp.1, 11. "Zine", according to this piece, was "first recognized as a real word by the Establishment in March Monthly" (in an article by Anne Soukhanov). Focus: "Bay Area zines." Includes sidebar listing eighteen publications. Rare for its failure to mention Factsheet Five. Branwyn, Gareth. "From publication to privacation." Artpaper, January 1990, pp. 13-14. Brief essay on "do-it-yourself publishing," zine formats, technology, and other media. What the hell is "privacation"?
_____. "The passion press." Jamming the media: a citizen's guide: reclaiming the tools of communication. Chronicle Books, 1997. pp.52-85. Includes brief zine history (with material on Factsheet Five), categorical breakdown (which ignores queer zines), rudimentary how-to-do-it info, and resource list. Though Branwyn has an insider's knowledge, there's nothing much passionate or new here.
_____. "Zine views." Whole Earth Review, Fall 1990, pp.61-64. Capsule reviews of 24 zines.
Brent, Bill. Make a zine. Black Books, [P.O. Box 31155, San Francisco, CQA 94131-0155], 1997. A how-to guide aimed primarily at beginners, this handbook nonetheless contains useful appendices listing zine-friendly bookstores and distributors, along with annotated bibliographies and resource data. (Reviewed in MSRRT Newsletter, July/August 1997, p.6; by Jen Angel in Maximumrocknroll, November 1997; Factsheet Five #62, p.58).
"Browsing the zine library." Bummers and Gummers (P.O. Box 91, Lorane, OR 97451, 503-344-0647), Summer 1994, p.11. Briefly describes the Fireside Zine Library at Coyote Creek Farm, a reference collection of "over 100 titles" open to the public during the monthly "Coyote Creek Coffeehouse," or by appointment.
ByPass [c/o Slab-O-Concrete Publications, P.O. Box 298, Sheffield, S10 1YU, England; or, c/o P.O. Box 821388-162, Dallas, TX 75382]. "The U.K. equivalent to Factsheet 5." Reviews mostly British but also some U.S. zines.
Cadeaux, Yvette. "Fanzines." Pulse!, May 1989, pp.30-31. Focus: Sound Choice, Outer Shell, Conflict. Includes sidebar listing "fanzine contacts" and "other 'zine resources."
Calvacca, Lorraine, "Zine & noted: Hip Mama," Folio, June 1, 1996, p.15.
Capellaro, Catherine. "Dishwasher Pete and his zine." Progressive, August 1997, p.16. Brief profile, with ordering information.
Carr, C. "Life underground: tunneling into the 'zine/cassette network." Village Voice, January 9, 1990, p.93. Essay connecting the mail art network with zines ("the cheap paper counterculture"), in which it is noted that "New York just doesn't have the corner on the underground anymore."
Carstensen, Jeanne. "Zines: your right to rave." Whole Earth Review, Winter 1987, pp.46-47. Brief overview of the "unabashedly noncommercial...labors of love [which]...constitute a raucous wave of underground exploratory publishing." Includes information about Factsheet Five and three other publications.
Castro, Laura L. "Blast from past: nostalgia magazine published for love and money." New York Newsday, February 14, 1990. Cites Mike Gunderloy.
Chepesiuk, Ron. "The zine scene: libraries preserve the latest trend in publishing." American Libraries, February 1997, pp.68-70. Overview focusing on several libraries which collect zines, including special collections at San Francisco Public Library, Washington State University, DePaul University, Michigan State University, and the New York State Library.
Chua, Lawrence. "Press." Artforum, October, 1992, p.9. Overview on "queerzines."
Chuang, Tamara. "These publications are personal." Philadelphia Inquirer, April 30, 1995, pp.CH1-2. Overview with sidebar listing contact data for eleven South Jersey zines, as well as Factsheet Five.
Clark, David Aaron. "You ain't seen nothin' yet: notes from the small press underground." Screw, April 22, 1991, pp.4-7. Scope: sex zines.
_____. "Sex scene: a weekly review of sex in the news." Screw, May 29, 1993, p.13. Covers Florida obscenity prosecution of Mike Diana's Boiled Angel, "a Xeroxed, hand-stapled 'zine."
Collins, Penn. "Gay 'zines push the limit of publishing." Southern Voice, May 23, 1991, p.15. Brief article mentioning such publications as Diseased Pariah News and Fertile Latoya Jackson Magazine.
Colton, Michael. "Looking younger and bolder every day." Los Angeles Times, July 16, 1995, Life & Style, p.1. Article about magazines by and for the "18- to 34-year-old" generation (e.g., Might, Bikini, Swing). Calling them "'zines wrapped up in glossy packages," Colton says many new magazines incorporate zines' "first-person, upfront and expletive-filled style" and notes that Might editors publish a zine called Madame C.
Combs, Leigh. "Emma Center interested in expansion." focusPOINT (Minneapolis), October 13, 1994, p.8. "At Emma Center...the library committee has put together one of the largest collections of Queer Zine collections in Minnesota, and possibly the nation."
Cooper, Dennis. "Homocore rules: gay zine makers bust a move." Village Voice, September 4, 1990, pp.92-93. Focus: queerzines (with reviews of Homocore, Milquetoast, Fertile La Toyah Jackson Magazine, Bimbox, Holy Titclamps, Thing, Gentlewomen of California, and J.D.s).
Corsaro, James. "A micropress in every home: the Factsheet Five Collection." Thirteen-page "paper presented at the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, New Orleans, September 4, 1993.'
"Counter-intelligence: overcoming passivity through our own DIY media." Alternative Press Review, Spring/Summer 1997, pp.22-23. Originally in Green Anarchist #36. Commentary on how zines side-step "the active/passive relationship prevalent in most media."
Counter Intelligence: zines, comics, pamphlets. 1995. Illustrated and annotated "catalogue of self-published and autonomous print-creations" exhibited "hands-on" throughout October 1994 at the 121 Centre in Brixton, South London ("a squatted social centre run by a collective"). Organized by Jason Skeet and Mark Pawson, the show included about 250 titles. Catalog includes short articles (on "dialectics of desk top publishing," issues of pricing and regularity, etc.), material on e-zines, and resource listings of review publications, bookshops, distributors, and the like. ($3 cash to J. Skeet at BM JED, London, WC1N 3XX, England).
Crane, Michael. "Publications." Correspondence art. Contemporary Arts Press, 1984. pp.314-333. Includes material on zines as "a tradition in mail art," with facsimiles.
"'Cranks, ranters, ravers.'" Chronicle of Higher Education, March 22, 1996, p.B64. Information about Tom Trusky's "Some Zines 2" exhibition at Boise State University, with illustrations and WorldWide Web URL (
Crater, M. Review of Blue Ryder, the Best of the Underground , ("also: the general phenomenon of 'zines,' their nature and outlook"). The Match! [P.O. Box, 3488, Tucson, AZ 85722], Summer 1993, pp.23-26. "For me, the 'zine' world has come to be synonymous with slapdash inferiority and blithe, grinning disregard of whatever gives life integrity and beauty." Comments: The Match!, Summer 1994, pp.77-79, 83-86 (letters from Karl Myers, Edward Dean, Michael Hensen, and Full Force Frank, with responses by editor Fred Woodworth).
Criterion. "Zinedom." Making punk a threat again: Profane Existence: best cuts, 1989-1993. Loin Cloth Press [P.O. Box 8722, Minneapolis, MN 55408], 1997. p.64. Commentary on "fanzine culture," in search of "subversiveness and relevance."
D'Arc, Joan. "First they came for the cartoonists." Paranoia, Fall 1994, pp.39-40. Covers the case of Mike Diana, "the first zine publisher and cartoonist in the 20th Century to be imprisoned for his `art.'" Includes material on testimony by zine editors Peter Kuper and Seth Friedman.
Day, Holly. "My 'zine story." The Squealer [Minneapolis], October/November 1996, p.7. Criticizes Walker Art Center's zine event (September 5, 1996) in the context of related shows, "each one ... stuffier and more formal than the last."
Deviant Publishers of America [BSBN Publishing, P.O. Box 7205, Minneapolis, MN 55407]. Newsletter covering Twin Cities zines; Issue#2 reports on a "Zine Summit"/social event held at Mystic Lake Casino.
Dodge, Chris. "Pushing the boundaries: zines and libraries." Wilson Library Bulletin, May 1995, pp.26-30. Overview featuring sidebars which list review zines, distributors, and over fifty "selected zines."
_____. "The summer of zine books." MSRRT Newsletter, July/August 1997, pp.1-2. Review essay on The 1996 zine yearbook, Chip Rowe's The book of zines, The Factsheet Five zine reader, Start your own zine, and Zine publisher's distribution handbook and resource guide.
_____. "Zines about zines." Serials Review, Winter 1994, pp.59-60. Sidebar to Ken Wachsberger's report (pp.53-60, "Underground press veteran discovers thriving, self-described underground press scene") on the First Annual Underground Press Conference held August 13-14, 1994, in Chicago.
_____. "Zines: the underground press for the '90s." Minnesota's Journal of Law & Politics, September 1995, pp.15, 17. General overview appearing as sidebar to an article (William A. Babcock's "The War of the Weeklies") about Minneapolis-based "alternative" weekly papers City Pages and Twin Cities Reader.
Doms, Jennifer, and Kristian Knight "Zines in L.A." Puck: The Unofficial Journal of the Irrepressible (Permeable Press, 2336 Market St., San Francisco, CA 94114), #11. pp.84-85. Reports on "Zinefest '94" in Los Angeles.
Drouin, Katherine. "Publish it yourself: 'zines look for a niche." Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff), December 10, 1994, p.1A.
Dudock, Larry. "Factsheet Five fad." [Stony Brook, NY] Statesman, November 9, 1989, p.8. Review/profile of Factsheet Five.
Duncombe, Stephen. Notes from underground: zines and the politics of alternative culture. Verso, 1997. Thoroughly researched analysis of zine history, with a focus on their political contractions. Includes extensive notes and index. Title in the publisher's Haymarket series. (Reviewed in MSRRT Newsletter, September/October 1997, p.4; The Onion, October 15-21, 1997, p.40; Factsheet Five #62, p.58; by James Surowiecki in Phoenix Literary Supplement [The Boston Phoenix], November 1997, p.10; by "Lefty" Hooligan in Maximumrocknroll, January 1998. see also Held).
_____. "Notes from undergound: zines and the politics of underground culture." Unpublished paper intended for the 1994 American Sociological Association convention, but never presented.
_____. Notes from underground: zines and the politics of underground culture. S.R. Duncombe, 1996. Thesis (Ph. D.)--City University of New York, 1996.
Dunkel, Tom. "The fringes of the magazine world." Insight [Washington, D.C.], July 16, 1990, pp.54-55. Overview focusing on Grilled Menial, Factsheet Five, Nancy's Magazine, 2600, and the Spotted Chicken Report.
Dunn, Jerry. "Zine readers and zine publishers." Idiom savant: slang as it is slung. H. Holt, 1997. pp.269-271. Twenty-seven brief definitions, for such terms as "DIY," "editrix," "fanzine," and "perzine."
Ehrman, Mark. "Adventures in the 'zine zone." Los Angeles Times, Home Edition, December 6, 1993, View, p.6. Column ("Into the night") reporting on 'Zine Scream!, an alternative press event hosted by A.R.T. Press, Factsheet Five, and Filmforum. Includes best answers to the question "What purpose do 'zines serve in society?"
_____. "Behind the zines." Los Angeles Times, March 7, 1993, p.E1, E6. "Eccentric magazines are popping up at independent bookstores." Focus: L.A. zines, including Ben Is Dead, bOING bOING, Answer ME!, I Hate Brenda Newsletter, and Film Threat.
Emerson, Bo. "Zine scene." Atlanta Constitution, December 1, 1992, p.1G. Overview of "notorious mini-magazines...created on a shoestring, published by individuals who are driven, if not possessed...."
Factsheet Five [P.O. Box 170099, San Francisco, CA 94117-0099]. (Reviewed in Sipapu, v.16 no.1 (1985); by Chris Gunderson, Utne Reader, January/February 1987, p.82; Stuart Klawans, The Nation, October 17, 1987, pp.422-423; MSRRT Newsletter, June 1988, p.12; MAPP (Musicians, Artists, Poets, and Performers), August 1989; Diversion, April 1990, p14; Bob Sipchen, Los Angeles Times, May 10, 1990, p.E12; Charles Trueheart ("The Magazine Reader"), Washington Post, May 22, 1990; Nathan Limbaugh, Sassy, December 1990, p.15; Gail Pool, Wilson Library Bulletin, April 1991, pp.109-110; Bob Black, Small Press Review, September 1991, p.13; D. K. Holm, Willamette Week, September 5, 1991, p.22; Eric Bryant, Library Journal, March 15, 1993, p.112; Len Fulton, Small Magazine Review, February 1994, p.18; Lindsay Cobb, Small Magazine Review, July/August 1995, p.35; Bob Black, Small Press Review, April 1997, p.13,16; blurbed in Whole Earth Review, Spring 1989, p.110; Elle, October 1989 ("On newsstands"); Family Circle, October 17, 1989, p.12; Los Angeles Times, May 10, 1990, p.E12).
"Factsheet Five: the fanzine fanzine." Flipside #53 (1987). Interview with Mike Gunderloy and his wife Carolyn. Includes list of zines/addresses.'
FANZINE. Internet discussion list on "Fanzines, Small Press and Self Publishing." Focus: science fiction fanzines. To subscribe, send a message to LISTSERV@ PSUVM.PSU.EDU, "subscribe fanzine."
"Fanzines and the culture of D.I.Y." Special issue of Emigre, Spring 1998 (#46).
Fenster, Mark. "Queer punk fanzines: identity, community, and the articulation of homosexuality and hardcore." Journal of Communication Inquiry, Winter 1993, pp.73-94. "The specific social, cultural, and musical contexts within which punk fanzines have emerged are described."
Fleming, John. "Cartoonist Mike Diana: A dangerous man?" Forum [Florida Humanities Commission], Winter 1996/97, pp.20-24. Overview on Boiled Angel obscenity case; includes "Jailed for just drawing comics, a true comic by Mike Diana."
Flinn, John. "Think it, publish it: the zine scene." San Francisco Examiner, January 23, 1994, pp.A-1, A-9. Brief overview featuring comments by Seth Friedman, Tom Trusky, and D.S. Black, as well as addresses of seven zines mentioned in the article.
"Folk librarians!" MSRRT Newsletter, March 1994, p.1. Includes brief information about Factsheet Five archives at New York State Library.
Foster, Erin. "The local zine scene." Icon (P.O. Box 3002, Iowa City, IA 52244), August 8, 1996, p.8. Overview focusing on several Iowa City-based zines. No addresses provided.
Frauenfelder, Mark. "Cheap memes: zines, metazines, and virtual press." New Observations, May/June 1994, pp.19-23. Essay on zines' history and growth; includes a rough categorization of sub-genres, as well as footnotes.
_____. "A day without Boiled Angel is like a day without sunshine." Wired, January 1995, p.34. Reports on cartoonist Mike Diana's obscenity conviction in Florida for publishing Boiled Angel.
Frauenfelder, Mark, with Carla Sinclair and Gareth Branwyn, editors. The happy mutant handbook. Riverhead Books, 1995. Includes "How to get your zine seen" and "Zines you gotta have."
Fredericksen, Eric. "!" The Stranger [Seattle], January 10, 1996. "Zines" column previewing the Alternative Communications Explosion, a zinefest at Seattle's Center on Contemporary Arts.
Friedman, R. Seth. "The return of Factsheet 5: an interview with R. Seth Friedman." Alternative Press Review, Fall 1993, pp.6-9, 39. Covers technical questions, the process of getting Factsheet Five restarted, "the alternative publishing/zine publishing scene," zine editors, and the prospects for "national or continental zine shows."
_____. The Factsheet Five zine reader: dispatches from the edge of the zine revolution. Crown Trade Paperbacks, 1997. (Reviewed by Patrick Deese, Fringe Ware Review #(20) 12; Eric Bryant, Library Journal, August 1997, p.102; see also Armstrong, Dodge, and Walljasper entries)
Friedman, Wayne. "Fanzines head for the boob tube." Folio, November 15, 1993, p.22. Reports on Telepictures Productions' development of an anti-establishment fanzine/reality television news show called 'Zines'.
Fulton, Len, editor. The international directory of little magazines and small presses. Dustbooks (P.O. Box 100, Paradise, CA 95967). Annual directory which contains information about many zines, although its focus is primarily literary small press.
Garrett, Susan M. The fantastically functional guide to fandom, volume one. S. Garrett [148 Terrace Ct., Toms River, NJ 08753], 1989. 57p. "For fanzine readers and contributors." Includes "Fanzine terminology and types of zines," "A buyer's guide to fanzines," material on reviews and ordering zines by mail, and "The fanzine bill of rights."
_____. The fantastically functional guide to fandom, volume two, booklet A. S. Garrett, 1990. 42p. "For fanzine editors and publishers." Contains instructions for copying and binding zines, as well as material on submission guidelines and "How to find contributors and readers."
_____. The fantastically functional guide to fandom, volume two, booklet B. S. Garrett, 1990. 43-100p.. "For fanzine editors and publishers." Contains material on submissions and zine content, pricing, and production costs.
_____. The fantastically functional guide to fandom, volume two, booklet C. S. Garrett, 1990. 101-162p.. "For fanzine editors and publishers." Includes material on advertising, dealing with printers, marketing, copyright, and "used zine sales."
Gaviola, Ruel. "Zine libraries." Amusing Yourself to Death (P.O. Box 91934, Santa Barbara, CA 93190-1934), #3 (May 1997), pp.19-21. Describes zine collections in several libraries, infoshops, and historical societies, with contact data.
Gehr, Richard. "Zines." alt.culture: an a-to-z guide to the '90s--underground, online, and over-the-counter, Harper Perennial, 1995. Nathaniel Wice and Steven Daly. pp. 280-281. Concise, accurate, and insightful overview, which notes zines' "in-breeding" and extension into the Internet.
Genovese, Peter. "Ack Aka Dak Dak Aka Ack." Home News [New Brunswick, NJ], April 2, 1991, p.B1. Profile of Mike Gunderloy and Factsheet Five. Mentions New Jersey zines; includes Gunderloy's phone number but not his address.
Gervasi, Joseph A. "Why 'zines suck." No Longer a Fanzine, #5 (1994), p.45. "The 'zine explosion' has blown its literary load, and the aftermath leaves us with a lot of sloppy, half-baked wastes of precious trees put out by non-writers looking for a cheap way to A) get laid, B) fit in with a crowd that supposedly stresses originality and individuality, or C) spit misspelled venom all over an indifferent and pseudo-jaded readership..... While everyone may fancy themselves an 'editor' these days, the sincere will persist...long after the 'zine explosion' has turned out to be a fart in the wind."
"The girls are alright: a look at grrrlz zines & women's small press publishing." Bluestocking (P.O. Box 4525, Portland, OR 97208), Winter 1996, pp.1-2, 8-9, 14. Scope: reviews and contact data for 28 zines and women-produced alternative magazines, with cover reproductions for most.
Gladstone, Neil. "Zine scene: a preview of the Print Club's upcoming Zine exhibition." Philadelphia City Paper, February 3, 1995, p.28. Covers organizer Laure Drogoul's "Teeny Tiny Press, Zamizdat and Other Propaganda," a zine exhibition held at the Print Club in Philadelphia.
Glenn, Joshua. "Conference calls." Scrawl ("City Pages Review of Books, Periodicals, and Online Culture", insert in City Pages, September 13, 1995), Fall 1995, p.11. Brief report on 2nd Underground Press Conference in Chicago, with reviews of Crap Hound, Eat and Get Out!, Rocktober, and Eyeheart.
Goldberg, Michael. "Rock & roll fanzines: a new underground press flourishes." Rolling Stone, March 29, 1984, pp.55, 57-59. Includes material on Maximum Rock 'n' Roll and Rock & Roll Confidential.
Gomez, Gabriel. "Spew 2, you too: gay fanzines convene." Afterimage, April 1992, pp.6-7. "Highlights from the second national fanzine convention, called Spew 2."
Green, Karen, and Tristan Taormino, editors. A girl's guide to taking over the world: writings from the girl zine revolution. St. Martin's Press, 1997. Anthology with excerpts (including some graphics) from Pasty, hip Mama, Bust, Pawholes, Ben is Dead, Bamboo Girl, Doris, Cupsize, and other zines. Includes contributor information, as well as a briefly annotated list of titles with addresses. "Girls (and boys) have been creating and circulating zines for over a decade," the book understates in its first sentence. (Reviewed by Mitra Rastegar in Sojourner, October 1997, p.10; see also Armstrong, Held.)
Griffin, Laura. "Magazine boils down to smut, state says." St. Petersburg Times, April 19, 1993, pp.1B, 4B. News coverage of obscenity trial against Boiled Angel editor Mike Diana.
_____. "Artist pleads not guilty to obscenity charge." St. Petersburg Times, April 20, 1993, p.3B.
_____. "Testing the boundaries of free speech." St. Petersburg Times, May 19, 1993, pp.1A, 3A. Coverage of Mike Diana and the Boiled Angel obscenity case in the context of "a large underground publishing world that includes about 20,000 homemade or small-press magazines...known as zines." Includes comments by Boise State University professor Tom Trusky and Obscure Publications editor Jim Romenesko.
Grimes, Andrea. "More on 'zines'." Weekly Information Bulletin [New York State Library], February 18, 1994, p.2. Letter about Billie Aul's "Is It a Zine?" article in Factsheet Five.
Gross, David M. "Zine but not heard." Time, September 5, 1994, pp.68-69. Describing zines as "the vanity projects of a new generation," this overview is not well informed. "Most [zines]...cost $3 to $6," Gross claims, for example. No addresses are given for the dozen or so publications mentioned. Seth Friedman is quoted, connecting zines to historical self-publishing ("Benjamin Franklin made zines").
_____. "Zine dreams." New York Times Magazine, December 17, 1995, pp.72-74. Consigns zines to history ("Before...the World Wide Web, there was the low-tech equivalent...known as the zine"). Gross hasn't learned much in a year (though he now realizes "very few zines make any money"), incorrectly citing Fact Sheet Five [sic] and listing no addresses. Reviews and reproduces covers from Ersatz, Beer Frame, Dirty, and other zines, though Crap Hound's look was "a little too racy to be displayed here."
Grumman, Bob. "A trip to Chicago." Small Magazine Review, November 1995, pp.13-14. Reports on second Underground Press Conference (UPC) held at DePaul University.
Gunderloy, Mike. "The factification of Factsheet Five." Sipapu, Summer 1990, pp.5-7. Interview with Factsheet Five editor Mike Gunderloy.
_____. "The facts about Factsheet Five." Chiron Review, Summer 1989, p.8. Brief autobiographical account with figures on Gunderloy's workload, income, and expenses.
_____. How to publish a fanzine. Loompanics Unlimited, 1988. Contains material on production and distribution, with emphasis on Gunderloy's personal experiences with Factsheet Five. (Reviewed by Ellen Levitt, Small Press Review, May 1989, p.1; blurbed in Whole Earth Review, Spring 1989, p.110.)
_____. "Jane Doe flirts with Mike Gunderloy." Jane Doe, Jane Doe, Summer 1989, pp.9-10. Interview with Gunderloy.
_____. "1989 interview with Mike Gunderloy." Conducted by Ron Sakolsky, transcribed by Deborah O'Connor, edited by Tim W. Brown. U-Direct (P.O. Box 476617, Chicago, IL 60647-6617) #4. pp. 10-13.
_____. "Satori interview: Mike Gunderloy." Satori (Hands Off Press, Box 318, Tivoli, NY 12583), Spring/Summer 1990, pp.14-17. Interview with the Factsheet Five editor/ publisher who has "undertaken to consumer, chronicle, and archive the seemingly endless variations and permutations of the alternative press."
_____. "Some facts behind Factsheet Five." The Blotter [Toronto], 1987. pp.6-7. Gunderloy's answers to "why I subject myself to all this work."
_____. "Underground publishing: the 'zine' phenomenon." San Francisco Chronicle, October 3, 1990. Guest edition of Steward Brand and Richard Kadrey's column, "The Chronicle Whole Earth Catalog."
_____. "Zines: where the action is: the very small press in America." Whole Earth Review, Fall 1990, pp.58-60. Looks at "the leading sectors of the zine world"--" kooks," comics, music, APAs and MTMs, high school underground papers, anarchists, pagans, artists, sex and gender issues, and social justice. "The half-life of a zine is on the order of two years (that is, two years from now half the current zines will be out of business)."
_____. Why publish? Pretzel Press (Rensselaer, NY), 1989. Compilation of Factsheet Five columns in which zine editors and self-publishers tell why they do it.
Gunderloy, Mike, & Cari Goldberg Janice. The world of zines: a guide to the independent magazine revolution. Penguin Books, 1992. Features descriptive annotations of some early '90s zines, illustrative passages reprinted from Gunderloy and Janice's favorites, and combined subject/title index. Graphics are uncredited and do not necessarily accompany entries for zines from which they were taken. (Reviewed in Alternative Press Review, Fall 1993, p.19, The Bloomsbury Review, December 1992, p.9; Booklist, January 1, 1993, p.772; MSRRT Newsletter, November 1992, p.5); by Gordon Flagg, Booklist, January 1, 1993, p.772; Andrea Honebrink, Utne Reader, March/April 1993, p.116-117; Bob Grumman, Small Magazine Review, February 1995, pp.13-14.
"Gutsy writing for women." Glamour, September 1996, p.162. Brief alert about zines with a "we-are-women-get-used-to-us attitude" (Bust, Bitch, Pawholes, etc.). No addresses listed.
Guy, Pat. "Wacky magazines know no limits." USA Today, August 3, 1992, p.6B. Overview of the "thriving netherworld of home-based, self-published tracts by cranks and kooks, ranters and ravers, and just plain folks who want to have their say in print." Includes sidebar annotations of thirteen publications ("A menu of zines").
Hart, Hugh. "The zine scene." Chicago Tribune, April 7, 1993, Section 7, p.9. Overview of "small, self-published magazines or journals."
Hawley, David. "The zine scene." Saint Paul Pioneer Press, November 15, 1992, pp.1G, 9G. Overview focusing on such Twin Cities zines as Baby Split Bowling News, Profane Existence, Your Flesh, and MSRRT Newsletter.
Heard, Alex. "Art to die for." The New Republic, February 21, 1994, pp.20-22. Focuses on zines dealing with murder and murderers.
Held, John. "Zines get discovered." Bibliozine #57, September 1997 [P.O. Box 410837, San Francisco, CA 94141]. Reviews Stephen Duncombe's Notes from underground, Veronika Kalmar's Start your own zine, and A girl's guide to taking over the world.
Helms, Bob. "Jobzines: fanning the flames..." Industrial Worker, March 1997, pp.10-11. Reviews essay about zines covering "one's life as a worker," focusing on Dishwasher and Temp Slave, as well as the author's own Guinea Pig Zero. Includes reviews of ten other titles.
Henderson, Bill. The publish-it-yourself handbook: literary tradition and how-to. Revised ed. Pushcart Press, 1980. Includes narratives about self-publishing, as well as history.
Henry, Tricia. "Fanzines." Break all rules! Punk rock and the making of a style. U.M.I. Research Press, 1989. pp.93-112. "With their chaotic appearance, subversive graphics, offensive subject matter, aggressive antisocial tone, and liberal use of profanities and off-color humor, [fanzines] provide definition to the concept of the punk aesthetic."
Herrada, Julie. "Zines in libraries: a culture preserved." Serials Review, Summer 1995, pp.79-88. Contains pieces by Billie Aul--about New York State Library's Factsheet Five collection ("Zines versus the serials librarian"), Andy "Sunfrog" Smith ("Babyfish found its librarian"), Michael Basinski ("Poetry zines"), and Tom Trusky ("In medias zines").
Himmelsbach, Erik. "Enlightenment and the zen of the 'zine." Los Angeles Times, Home Edition, October 19, 1995, Life 7 Style, p.1. Profiles zine editor and author Pagan Kennedy, who it says was branded a sell-out by "the 'zine elite" at "the annual 'zine convention in Chicago" (a.k.a. Underground Press Conference). Kennedy claims her peers "don't know how to make conversation...they don't know how to behave...they...sit in a corner and glower."
Hodges, Sam. "'Fanzine' explosion offers home-grown alternatives." Orlando Sentinel, August 8, 1990, pp.E1-2. Focus: Florida zines, Factsheet Five, and Mike Gunderloy.
Hogshire, Jim. "You can be the publisher: the stranger world of 'zines." Nuvo [Indianapolis], December 26, 1990, pp.8-10. Overview, with material on Mike Gunderloy, Factsheet Five, Tussin' Up, The Optimistic Pezzimist, and Mickey's Pink Butthole. Touches upon pedophile zines and those "which have crossed the bounds of parody and begun committing libel."
Holmstrom, David. "One man's soapy mission: plates and prose." Christian Science Monitor, May 6, 1996, p1. Scope: Dishwasher Pete's efforts to wash dishes in all 50 states and write about it in his zine.
Hornby, Nick. "Kick up the grass." New Statesman and Society, August 13, 1993, p.14. Focus: British football fanzines.
"How many zines are there?" MSRRT Newsletter (4645 Columbus Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407), October/November 1995, p.3. Bibliographic summarization of attempts to estimate the number of zines published. Later cited in: Obscure Publications, December 1995, #33, p5; Toward Freedom, December 1995, p23.
Hudson, Berkley. "The stuff of life," Los Angeles Times, April 8, 1997, p.E2. Profiles Beer Frame editor/consumer culture maven Paul Lukas, in the public eye due to publication of his Inconspicuous Consumption (Crown, 1997).
Hudson, Judith Williamson. "Engaging resistant writers through zines in the classroom." Ostende-Bruges, 1994. Paper presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Nashville, Tennessee, March 16-19, 1994.
"The importance of zines." MSRRT Newsletter (4645 Columbus Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407), September 1994, pp.1-2. Brief editorial urging that librarians take zines seriously "both for immediate popular 'consumption' and the benefit of future cultural historians."
Japenga, Ann. "Grunge 'r us: exploiting, co-opting and neutralizing the counter culture." Los Angeles Times Magazine, Home Edition, November 14, 1993, p.26. Essay on why "alternative movements like the Riot Grrrls" are "gobbled up almost as fast as they're created" and how some individuals fend off homogenization by adhering to the "do-it-yourself" ethic, creating zines, recording cassettes, and producing radio shows.
Jenkins, Henry. "Scribbling in the margins: fan readers/fan writers." Textual poachers: television fans & participatory culture. Routledge, 1992. pp.152-184. Scope: TV fanzines.
"Jury awards Newsstand [sic] $1.3 Million." Freedom of Expression Quarterly (National Campaign for Freedom of Expression), Spring 1997, p.7. Reports that a federal jury decided that Whatcom County (Bellingham County, Washington) prosecutor Dave McEachran violated the civil rights of booksellers Ira Stohl and Kristina Hjelsand when he filed pornography charges against them in 1995 for selling Answer Me! #4. Awarded: $50,000 to each for prior restraint, and $769,169 and $428,484 respectively for retaliatory prosecution.
Kadrey, Richard. "Zines." Covert culture sourcebook, St. Martin's Press, 1993. pp.53-82. Includes 2-page introduction and list of electronic zines ("Ezines").
_____. "Zines 'r' us." Whole Earth Review, Winter 1992, pp.61-63. Brief reviews of fifteen zines.
Kalmar, Veronika. Start your own zine: a Jet Lambert Gumption Guide. Hyperion Books, 1997. This lame how-to guide reports that "there are two kinds of computers," provides eight pages on writing sponsorship proposals and another eight on taxation issues (are we talking about zines?), and offers crucial information on remedial essay writing ("Pick a topic"). Includes idiosyncratic lists of zines and distributors (the latter misleadingly including Small Press Distribution whose scope is books, not periodicals). (Reviewed in; see also Dodge, entry 2; Held).
Kaufman, Seth. "Small-press success: local publishers who are beating the odds: Mike Gunderloy's notes from the underground." Metroland [Albany, NY], September 29, 1988, p.11. Profile of Mike Gunderloy with sidebar listing five zines from around the U.S.
Kennedy, Pagan. "Behind the zines." March 1995, Seventeen, pp. 142, 149. Sketchy article with suggestions for how to "start your own zine".
_____. "My magazine, my self: becoming a media event without leaving home." Voice Literary Supplement, March 1991, pp.28-29. Focus: personal zines, including material on The Letter Parade, The L.A. Gang Bang, Kreature Comforts, and It's a Wonderful Lifestyle.
_____. 'Zine: how I spent six years of my life in the underground and finally...found myself...I think. St. Martin's Press, 1995. Autobiographical commentary, along with reprints from Kennedy's publication, Pagan's Head. (Referred to in "Pagan Kennedy: from 'zine to mainstream," by Ivan Kreilkamp, Publishers Weekly, June 29, 1998, pp.31-32)
"Kink-stained wretches." Screw, December 18, 1989, p.13. Review of Samizine exhibit at Brooklyn's Minor Injury Gallery (which included a "porn room" of sexzines).
Kossy, Donna. "More news from the small press" Artpaper, January 1990, p.14. "The biggest problem with the current expression explosion is that everybody's talking but very few are listening." Kossy notes that the popular ideology in the zine world seems to be self-expression uber alles as if "it's fascistic to demand quality."
Kurp, Patrick. "'Factsheet' a guide to offbeat fanzines." Albany Times-Union, December 1, 1989, p.B-14. Profile of Mike Gunderloy and Factsheet Five.
LaGanga, Maria L. "Telling all with wit and rage." Los Angeles Times, January 3, 1994, pp.A1, A8. Article about the personal zine, "a sort of international postal salon inspired by equal parts humor and rage." Sources of information include Billie Aul, Seth Friedman, and Solomon Davidoff, the latter "an instructor in the department of popular culture at Bowling Green State University."
Lang, Berel. "Mainstreaming deviancy." New Criterion, January 1, 1996, p.3. Editorial criticizing the December 17, 1995, New York Times Magazine's "fawning" article about Dorothy Allison and "peppy encomium" about zines ("low-budget, generally smudgy paeans to quirkiness, fetishism, and cultural fragmentation").
Lawson, Kristan. "The Xerox revolution: beneath the underground." Daily Californian [Berkeley], April 30, 1986, pp.9, 12. Perceptive zine overview contrasting "truly underground magazines" (zines) to "alternative magazines" with "circulations in the thousands or tens of thousands...typeset copy, half-toned photographs, proofreaders...even editorial policies."
Leonard, Marion. "Paper planes: travelling the new grrrl geographies." Cool places: geographies of youth cultures. Edited by Tracey Skelton and Gill Valentine. Routledge, 1998. pp.101-118. An academic look at riot grrrl zines.
Liebminger, Michael. "Die Zeitschrift aus dem Bauch: Klein- und Kleinstmagazine der 'fanzine'-szene." Wiener Zeitung, March 8, 1991, p.4. Includes paragraph on Mike Gunderloy and Factsheet Five, and mentions New York's "See Hear" store.
Livingston-Weber, Joan ([email protected]). "How sassy are grrrl zines?" Paper presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Nashville, Tennessee, March 16-19, 1994. Project supported in part by a grant from the University of Nebraska at Omaha Committee on Research.
Lopez, Antonio. Zine publisher's distribution handbook and resource guide. Lost World Communications [216 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, #181, Taos, NM 87571], 1997. Provides practical considerations for new and prospective zine editors interested in getting their publications into stores nationwide. (See also Dodge, entry 2.)
Lyon, Jack. "Zines: the printing revolution has begun." MacHome Journal, March 1994, pp.32-33. Emphasizes what Christopher Martin refers to as "the semi-prozines or the wannabe magazines," mentioning titles like Boing Boing and Nexus 6.
Lyons, Andy. "Zineophilia." Village Voice, August 17, 1993, p.137+. Chronicles the growth of the British soccer fanzine culture.
Lyons, Zachary D. "Publish it yourself!!!" Boycott Quarterly [P.O. Box 64, Olympia, WA 98507-0064], Summer 1994, pp.4-5. 9. Draws primarily from Factsheet Five editor Seth Friedman.
McDermott, Catherine. Street style: British design in the 80s. Rizzoli, 1987. pp.66-67. Includes two pages on fanzines, including illustrations.
McLaughlin, Thomas. "Criticism in the zines: vernacular theory and popular culture." Street smarts and critical theory: listening to the vernacular. University of Wisconsin Press, 1996. pp.52-77. Positing an elite fandom ("publishers, editors, and writers of zines") acting as cultural critics and (gasp!) showing occasional "flashes of insight," this somewhat patronizing look at zines at least avoids use of the word "hegemony."
McManus, Kevin. "Desktop publishers." Weekend (The Washington Post), January 29, 1993, pp. 6-7. Cover article on "the zine scene," with regional focus: GlenBurnieland, Uno Mas, and Going Gaga.
McQuarrie, Fiona A. E. "New reactions to dissatisfaction: exit, voice, and loyalty in 'zines." Organizational Behaviour, v.15, #5, 1994, pp.142-151. Not an article about zines, per se, but rather one using them to study a topic: worker discontent. Author procured zines reviewed in Factsheet Five's "Work" category, including Dishwasher, High Tech Burrito, and The Sabot Times. Expect more of this in the future from writers using the Factsheet Five collection and other alternative press archives.
"Making book on underground titles." Folio, March 1, 1996, p.15. Describes recent and forthcoming books by zine editors Pagan Kennedy, Paul Lukas, Lisa Carver, and others.
Maller, Peter. "Writers' passions fuel for 'zines'." Milwaukee Sentinel, December 1, 1994, p.1C-2C. Brief overview focusing on Wisconsin zines, including Entertain Your Brain, Dreamtime Talkingmail, and World Domination Review.
Marr, John. "On the trail of Cometbus: a talk with the publisher of Berkeley's best-loved 'zine." Bay Guardian [San Francisco], February 26, 1997. Interviews Aaron who began Cometbus "in 1981, when he was a 13-year-old junior high school student."
Martin, Robert. "Mail culture: children of the apocalypse." Toxic Horror, February 1990, pp.58-61. Zine overview with info about Factsheet Five, Aaarrgg!, Baby Sue, Bad Seed, Murder Can Be Fun, and others.
Mattison, Mike. "The zine scene." Saint Paul Pioneer Press, June 21, 1994, pp.1B-2B. Focus: Hermenaut and its editor Joshua Glenn. Includes comments by Peter Larson from DreamHaven Books ("zines are the last stand of freedom of the press").
Maynard, Joe. "Dreams of music fanzines." Aquarian Weekly [Montclair, NJ], July 3-10, 1996, p.22-23. Omnibus review of Rocktober, Mazel-Tov Cocktail, and other zines, couched as a dream involving the author and Mick Jagger.
_____. "Summer love: or how I got all the time I wanted to read fanzines." Aquarian Weekly, October 2, 1996, pp.22-23. Reports on a vacation trip to Portland and Seattle, focusing on bookstores and zines. Includes a mention of "the Cafe Nico Big Voices, Small Presses zine...and book fair" to be held "Oct. 12...upstairs from the Pyramid Room at 101 Avenue A" in Manhattan.
"A mega 'zine scene." Los Angeles Times, Home Edition, July 4, 1993, View, p.4. Column ("The Buzz") appropriating fourteen zine summaries from Factsheet Five. No addresses provided.
Messinger, Eric. "Public access for the literate." New York Times, November 7, 1993, Styles of the Times section, p.8. "If it's out there, it's in zines: the little magazines that are singular in theme and idiosyncratic in style." Brief overview with descriptions--sans addresses--of a half dozen titles. Quotes Seth Friedman and Terry Morello, the latter "special projects director at Exit Art/The First World, a SoHo arts center that sells zines."
McNichol, Tom. "The mini-magazine craze." USA Weekend, August 11-13, 1995, p.18. Six paragraph article mentioning Factsheet Five, Rozek's, and Travelin With Marilyn. Sidebar contains subscription magazine only for the first two, along with Full-time Dads and Manic Moms.
Mieses, Stanley. "The blaring of the zines." New York Post, June 4, 1989, p.27. Overview focusing on Factsheet Five.
Mifflin, Margot. "'Girlzines' have become as popular as combat boots." Star Tribune [Minneapolis], November 29, 1995, p.E6. New York Times News Service article about such titles as Action Girl Newsletter, Bust, and Plotz, with no addresses given. Also published in New York Times ("These Magazines Offer More Than Just Girl Talk," November 12, 1995), Detroit Free Press (December 4, 1995), etc. One poster on the USENET alt.zines newsgroup noted about this article, "I especially liked how the author held up zines as bastions of non-mainstream authenticity, and then proceeded to compliment each zine on the basis of how much mainstream acclaim it's gotten. It felt like a colonial communiqu*, reporting approvingly on the exoticness of the local culture, and speculating on how to turn this into a marketable product. I also liked how they spelled "Fact Sheet Five" as three words. Paper of record, my ass!" The New York Times version is reprinted in Bamboo Girl #3, with critical commentary by editor Sabrina.
Mindich, Jeremy. "Soapbox samurai." Details, August 1993, pp.96-101. Reports on zines and "the world of do-it-yourself publishing," with material on the San Francisco Zine Publishers Collective, zines' connection to science fiction fanzines and punk music, and the post-Factsheet Five Mike Gunderloy, as well as a sidebar listing seventeen zines.
Mobilio, Albert. "A fan's notes." Village Voice, May 10, 1994, p.SS32. Scope: music fanzines.
Monari, Francesca. "'Zines crash the system." Computer Pictures, May/June 1993, p.O56. Overview quoting Jason McQuinn and touching on hate zines and e-zines.
Morris, Evan. "Eclectic zines." Newsday, April 21, 1996, pp.A53. Focus: "zines on the 'Net." Distinguishes e-zines from other electronic publications, reserving the term "zine" for the "hundreds of smaller, more idiosyncratic magazines and newsletters that have appeared on the 'Net."
Moskowitz, Eric. "The rise of the 'zine'." Christian Science Monitor, July 26, 1995, p1. Overview quoting Full Disclosure editor Glen Roberts, Factsheet Five contributor Chris Becker, and others.
Moxham, Tony. "Boiled angel?" Interview, May 1996, p.48. Brief article about Mike Diana obscenity case, illustrated with cheesecake photo of the comic zine editor.
Muto, Sheila. "Zines of the times." Wall Street Journal, September 1, 1995, p.A1-A2. "Have an obsession? Then, why not publish your own magazine." Overview focusing on Murder Can Be Fun. No addresses given.
Myers, Chereen. "Zines tell it like it is." Arbiter [Boise State University], October 20, 1992, p.9. Rave student review of "Some Zines" exhibition.
"Newstand staff charged with 'promoting pornography.'" Censorship News, Issue 2, 1995 (#58), p.3. Brief notice about Bellingham, Washington, obscenity charges against news dealers selling the zine Answer Me!
Nix, Shann. "The mega-zine scene." San Francisco Chronicle, August 27, 1992, p.B3, B6. "Thanks to PCs and copiers, those wild, ragtag, blurry underground magazines are taking over newsstands."
Noah, Peter. "A magazine gone gonzo," Los Angeles Times, April 2, 1997, p.E4. Profiles Eric Nakamura and Martin Wong's Giant Robot.
Obscure Publications [1305 Grand Ave., #101, St. Paul, MN 55105]]. Edited by Jim Romenesko, this insider's newsletter consists chiefly of news and scuttlebutt about zine publishing, with articles like "'Zine publishing: a concern about quality," coverage of Factsheet Five's evolution, reports on alternative press conferences and zine exhibits (e.g., "The collegiate zine scare" at Boise State University), excerpts from the alt.zines discussion on USENET, and letters from readers. Thirty-three issues published through December 1995.
Oldenburg, Don. "Notes from the underground: alternative publications unseen but rampant." Washington Post, July 18, 1989, p.D5. Overview featuring more historical context than usual: from Richard Brautigan's work in mimeo sheets to Tama Janowitz's small press beginnings. Includes interviews with Mike Gunderloy and Jim Sitter from the Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines. Article also appeared as "An alternate route to literary heights," Los Angeles Times, October 17, 1989.
"Orange County Almanac." Los Angeles Times, Orange County Edition, June 8, 1995, p.B3. Includes brief information about curator Tran T. Kim-Trang's lecture on zines at the Huntington Beach Art Center.
Ouellette, Laurie. "Notes from underground." Utne Reader, November/ December 1991, pp.139-142. General overview of zines: "cantankerous, outrageous and completely uncensored...publications...radically removed from the established press and even from the alternative press."
Owens, Ashley Parker. Technical tips for zine makers. Global Mail [P.O. Box 597996, Chicago, IL 60659), 1995. 16p. "An informational pamphlet from Global Mail." Includes practical material on zine etiquette, design, text considerations, desktop publishing, printing, mailing, distribution, and marketing.
Owens, Raub. "Officials post warnings on SUB 'zine' exhibit." Arbiter (Boise State University), October 13, 1992, p.1. Details attempts by various on- and off-campus individuals to censor, close or move "Some Zines" exhibit, and resistance to those efforts by Student Union officials who chose, instead, to post "Viewer Discretion" signs.
Parker, Ian. "Fanzines: readers' digest." Sunday Correspondent, July 1, 1990, pp.43-44. Article about Mike Gunderloy and Factsheet Five.
Patenaude, Joel. "Filling an alternative niche." Telegraph Herald [Dubuque, IA], January 26, 1996, p.1B. Overview focusing on Iowa-produced zines.
Pepper, Rachel. "'Zines: you too can spew." Deneuve, July/August 1992, pp.38-40. Focus: lesbian zines ("photocopied magazines with names like Brat Attack, Fabulous Babes, and Sister Nobody").
Perkins, Stephen. Approaching the '80s zine scene: a background survey and selected annotated bibliography. Plagiarist Press [1816 E. College St., Iowa City, IA 52245], 1992. Twenty-seven page "provisional study" focusing on "the roots of the most recent surge of self-publishing...during the 1980s," with material on science fiction fanzines, 60s underground press, artists' publications, punk zines, and mail art/networking publications." Includes footnotes.
_____. Subspace International Zine Show. Plagiarist Press, 1993. Lists several hundred zines, complete with cover reproductions, contact data, editors' statements, and bibliography. (Reviewed in Artpaper, September 1993, p.20.)
_____. "Subspace zines: international zine show." Alternative Press Review, Winter 1994, pp.22-25. Brief essay on zines' history and significance, along with profiles of 16 zines from the exhibit .
Perneczky, Geza. The magazine network: the trends of alternative art in the light of their periodicals, 1968-1988. Edition Soft Geometry (Koln, Germany), 1993. 285p. Accessible and personal look at the mail art network, and its interrelationships with rubber stamp art, the role of photocopying, and artists' zines. Includes register of periodicals, as well as index. (Available at: Printed Matter Bookstore, 77 Wooster St., New York, NY 10012, 212-925-0325; $50.)
Pieters, Jeffrey. "Edina teens find fun in 'zines'." Sun-Lifestyle [Bloomington, MN], February 22, 1995, pp.1B, 12B. Profiles two 14-year-old boys who have published fifteen issues of a zine called Top Hat.
Pindell, Howardena. "Alternative space: artists' periodicals." Print Collector's Newsletter, September/October 1977, pp. 96-121. Focus: prototypical zines produced by artists (publications "often incapable of reproducing...beyond one issue"), including mail art zines like Cabaret Voltaire.
Pore, Jerod. "Zines." The millennium whole earth catalog. Edited by Howard Rheingold. HarperSanFrancisco, 1994. pp.248-249.
"A postal wake for Mike Gunderloy's Factsheet Five." Radio Void [P.O. Box 5983, Providence, RI 02903], #14, pp.105-107. Zine editors comment on the demise of Mike Gunderloy's Factsheet Five.
Price, Simon. ""Zines of the month: tray, tray bien!" Melody Maker, August 21, 1993, p.38. Scope: British music zines.
Qz (Alleged Literature, c/o Jeremy Dennis, 26 Princes St., Oxford, OX4 1DD, UK). "Bimonthly listing of British zines, with a queer/feminist slant."
Quart, Alissa. "Zines for the farklempt hipster." Forward, April 12, 1996, p.14. Overview of "Jewish-themed zines" like Plotz and Mazel-Tov Cocktail. Refers to zines as an "old-fashioned complement to the World Wide Web" and mistakenly places the founding of Fact Sheet 5 [sic] in 1995.
Queer Zine Explosion (Box 591275, San Francisco, CA 94159-1275). Review publication focusing on zines produced by gays, lesbians, transgender people, and sexual outlaws in general Also appears as an insert in Holy Titclamps.
"Question put before court: is magazine smut or satire?" New York Times, November 26, 1995, Section 1, p.30. Pre-trial article about the Bellingham, Washington (Whatcom County) obscenity case against the owner (Ira Stohl) and manager (Kristina Hjelsand) of a bookstore called The Newsstand (in some databases, The Newstand) for selling Answer Me #4, a zine "that graphically discusses rape."
Rasch, Dan. "Listen to me!! An article about zines: who makes them and why." University Graffito [University of Minnesota], December 1993, unpaged. This glossy magazine article is not only about zines, it both reads and looks like an excerpt from one. Includes contact data for such Twin Cities zines as Womyn Who Masturbate and Another Pair of Shoes.
Rau, Michelle. "From APA to zines: towards a history of fanzine publishing." Alternative Press Review, Spring/Summer 1994, pp.10-13. Includes material on "amateur journalism," science fiction fanzines, and 60s underground press, as well as bibliography.
"A real life horror story." Rock 'n' Roll Probe, October 1994, p.1. Covers the story of zine editor Mike Diana, "the only cartoonist to be convicted of obscenity in the history of America."
Reid, Calvin. "Comic book ruled obscene in Florida." Publishers Weekly, April 4, 1994, pp.10-11. News about sentencing in the Florida obscenity case against Mike Diana's Boiled Angel, "accurately called a 'zine, one of the thousands of idiosyncratic limited-edition photocopied publications generally distributed by mail to other 'zine producers."
Reid, Carol. "Zines." Nine-page unpublished text of speech given at "the regional Music Library Association Conference on October 2, 1993, held at the New York State Library." Focus: music fanzines.
Richardson, Angela. "Come on, join the conversation! 'Zines as a medium for feminist dialogue and community building." Feminist Collections, Spring/Summer 1996, pp.10-13. Overview focusing on Bust, Herd, Hip Mama, My Last Nerve, Pasty, and Verboslammed (though the address is missing for the latter).
Roberts, Laurence. "Political correctness in the queer zine scene," by Larry-Bob. Alternative Press Review, Fall 1994, pp.25-26 (originally appeared in Holy Titclamps, Spring 1993).
_____. "The queer zine scene." New Observations, May/June 1994, p.11. Brief personal overview of queer zines, the author's Holy Titclamps zine, and media coverage given them.
Romenesko, James. "Sure, he's no angel, but is he obscene?" American Journalism Review, January 1994, p.13. Scope: obscenity charges against Mike Diana, editor of Boiled Angel.
_____. "The zine explosion." American Journalism Review, April 1993, pp.39-43. Relatively detailed overview tracing zines' roots to 1930s science fiction fanzines, with material on Mike Gunderloy, Factsheet Five, and Tom Trusky. Includes sidebar highlighting sixteen of Romenesko's favorite zines.
Romeo, Darby. "Creative riding: on the road with travel zines." Voice Literary Supplement, October 1998, p.19. Review essay covering Cometbus, I'm Johnny and I Don't Give a Fuck, Grundig, and 52 Hours With 52 Strangers.
Rose, Cynthia. "CoCA launches a three-day conference helping with self-publishing, self-promotion." Seattle Times, January 11, 1996, p.D22. Preview of the Alternative Communications Explosion (""), a zine conference at Seattle's Center on Contemporary Arts.
Rosen, Steve. "Home-brew magazines chart the odd byways of American culture." Cincinnati Enquirer, February 9, 1989, p.E15. Brief overview focusing on Factsheet Five and Mike Gunderloy, with ten short annotations. Also published as "All the news that doesn't fit," San Francisco Chronicle, April 16, 1989.
Rowe, Chip. The book of zines: readings from the fringe. Henry Holt, 1997. This pop culture-focused anthology includes selections from Beer Frame, Mystery Date, Bust, Murder Can Be Fun, Nancy's Magazine, Crap Hound, The Realist, bOING bOING, Pathetic Life, and the editor's own Chip's Closet Cleaner. Some are photographically reproduced; most are re-typeset. Includes addresses and index. (Reviewed by Patrick Deese, Fringe Ware Review #(20) 12; William Gargan, Library Journal, July 1997, p.96; Paper, Scissors, Clocks [Erik Farseth, P.O. Box 14117, Minneapolis, MN 55414], pp.104-105. See also Dodge and Walljasper entries.)
_____. "Land of 10,000 zines." Minnesota Monthly, March 1994, pp.12-13. Profiles eight zines produced by Minnesotans, including Ear Noises, Baby Split Bowling News, and Demure Butchness.
____. "What they're saying about us." Factsheet Five #53 (1994). Bibliographic overview of 33 articles about zines in mainstream magazine and newspapers, with information about each article's definitions of "zine" and estimated of numbers of zines.
_____. "'Zines." Playboy, June 1994, p.16. "A review of not-ready-for-prime-time periodicals," including Pills-a-go-go, Fugitive Pope, and Murder Can be Fun.
Sara. "Zines! Zines! Zines!" Off Our Backs, May 1995, p.7. Thoughts about "girl zines" taken from Out of the Vortex #7 [P.O. Box 4619, Gaithersburg, MD 20885].
Saunders, Michael. "Read all about it: a zine for every scene." Boston Globe, November 26, 1993, p.65. Overview of zines.
Savlov, Marc. "Press gang." The Austin Chronicle [Austin, TX], July 29, 1994, pp.28-31. Report on Austin's "zines, fanzines, literary zines, cyber-zines, and god knows what else" focusing on IO, ND, and Fringeware Review. Includes sidebars by David Harrison O'Dell ("Austin's top zines") and Mark Capps ("Austin zine reviews").
Seajay, Carol, and Kathie Bergquist. "Marketing to young feminists." Feminist Bookstore News, August 1993, pp.23-25. Sidebar: "Some zines by women," by Kathie Bergquist."
Selinger, Iris, and others. "Fanzine scene." Folio, July 1, 1993, p.29. Covers Blackest Heart; Alphabet Threat; Twilight of the Idols.
Sgro, Pete. "Step into the 'zine underworld." Slowfish [P.O. Box 4927, Davenport, IA 52808], September 18-October 1, 1992, pp.5, 18. Focus: Steve Perkins and the international zine show he organized in Iowa City.
Shapiro, Samantha. "In your zines." St. Louis Post-Dispatch, June 21, 1995, p.E1. Overview of the genre.
Shea, Christopher. "The zine scene." Chronicle of Higher Education, November 3, 1993, pp.A37-A38. Focus: "homemade student publications" like Teenage Gang Debs, Pro Wrestling Torch, and Reign of Toads.
Shepard, Scott. "Wide world of 'zines' provides a publishing home for wayward stories." Memphis Business Journal, June 3, 1991, pp.36-37. Focus: Memphis area zines, their readership, and costs
Shepherd, Chuck. "Loony tunes: Florida puts the boot to a cartoonist." Playboy, August 1994, pp.41-43. Covers the obscenity prosecution of comic zine editor Mike Diana.
Sherrill, Stephen. "Behind the 'zines." Rolling Stone, August 25, 1994, pp.73, 75, 100. Interviews with editors of Dreamworldnews, Teenage Gang Debs, and Pills-a-go-go.
Smith, Glenda. "A field of zines." The Idaho Statesman, October 16, 1992, p.1D. Favorable but couched-with-warnings review of "Some Zines" exhibition, highlighting Idaho zines.
Smith, Lauralee. "Zines and libraries." Librarians at Liberty, June 1995. pp.1, 4-5. Attempts to answer the question, "What are libraries doing to preserve [zines'] outpouring of individualistic, non-commercial expression?"
Sneed, Elizabeth. "A boom in magazines with the fright stuff." USA Today, October 26, 1990, p.60. Scope: fanzines covering "B-movies and sleaze cinema classics."
Soukhanov, Anne H. "Word watch." The Atlantic, March 1987, p.100. New words column which includes a listing for "'zine or zine...a special-interest publication, usually produced by amateurs, for subscribers who are fans of science fiction, skateboarding, and so forth." Includes background information. Stamps, Wickie. "Queer girls with an attitude." Advocate, November 20, 1990, pp.56-57. Profiles "neopunk lesbians (or queer girls, as many prefer to be called)," with material on zines like Sister Nobody, Chainsaw, and J.D.s
Spiegler, Marc. "Making Book on Underground Titles." Folio, March 15, 1996, p.15. About books by zine editors (e.g., Pagan Kennedy's 'Zine and Lisa Carver's Roller Derby: The Book).
Stacy, Greg. "Ben is Dead is dead: the planned suicide of a zine original." OC Weekly [Orange County, California], February 14, 1997, pp.10-16. Cover story about editor Darby Romeo and Ben is Dead by one of the zine's contributors.
Stang, Ivan. High weirdness by mail. Simon & Schuster, 1988. Unindexed guide to zines (e.g., "Rantzines"), mail order catalogs, comics, hate groups, fringe publishers, cults, and "sources of sources.
Steers, Stuart. "Denver's home on the range for new 'zines." Denver Business Journal, August 5, 1994, Section 1, p.3.
"Still more ripoff." The Match, Summer 1994, p.76. Commentary on getting "ripped off" by the organizers of "Zine Scream," a Los Angeles small press event.
Stoilis, Kimberly A. "Zines." Public News ["Houston's alternative newsweekly"], April 27, 1994, pp.16-18, 20-21. Cover story about zines, with sidebars on "zines not yet published" (a parody) and Houston zines, as well as nineteen reviews by Stoilis, Richard Olsen, and Michael Bergeron ("Film zines").
Strausbaugh, John. "Making book." NYPress, July 7, 1993, pp.13-15. Covers Florida obscenity case against comic zine editor Mike Diana.
Strickland, Carol. "Savvy and insightful, youths have their say in multimedia exhibit." Christian Science Monitor, September 20, 1996, p.10. Reports on the exhibition "" held at the New Museum of Contemporary Art. located in New York City which featured zines, videos, and photographs of teenagers from Adrienne Salinger's book In my room.
Surkan, Kim. "First queer 'zine conference in Minneapolis." Focus Point (Minneapolis), August 25, 1994, p.1. Includes comments by zine editors Chris Wilde (Abrupt Lane Edge) and Laurie McKiernan (Quarter Inch Squares).
Sutton, Laurel. "That's Ms. Zine to you!" Inquisitor (P.O. Box 132, New York, NY 10024), v.1 #3, pp.18-21. Article about women-produced zines, including Mudflap, Bust, and Girl Frenzy.
_____. "Zinedness." Inquisitor (P.O. Box 132, New York, NY 10024), v.1 #3, p.4. Commentary on zines' appeal and "niche marketing".
Sutton, Terri. "Teenage kool grrrls." City Pages [Minneapolis], October 14, 1992, p.28. Profile of 16-year-old "bratzine" editor Jessica Hopper (Hit It or Quit It).
Swain, Alex. "'Zine scene." Internet World, September 1995, pp.50-51. Brief overview on e-zines, with sidebars listing e-zine sources (e.g., "Jon Labovotz's E-zine List") and noting zines' roots in science fiction fanzines (Kurt Cagle's "Sci-fi circuit").
Tabackin, Jennifer. "Four questions about Factsheet Five." Columbia Journalism Review, May/June 1991, p.14. Brief answers to four queries: Who is Mike Gunderloy? What are "zines"? Why do people publish zines? What is Factsheet Five?
Tall, Joaquin. "Booktalk." Bookways, January 1993, pp.1-2, 33-34. Critical review of "Some Zines" show and book.
Taormino, Tristan, and Karen Green, editors. A girl's guide to taking over the world: writings from the girl zine revolution. St. Martin's, 1997. (Reviewed by William Gargan, Library Journal, July 1997, p.96; see also: Armstrong.)
Taproot Reviews [Burning Press, P.O. Box 585, Lakewood, OH 44107]. "News and reviews from the micropress underground." Focus: literary zines and chapbooks.
Tarte, Bob. "Zines! Zounds." The Beat, v.9 #4 (1990), p.46. Covers, in part, Factsheet Five, with info about six other (all non-music related) zines.
Tatelbaum, Brenda Loew. "America's sex'zine scene." Small Magazine Review, September 1993, pp.1, 4. Includes listing of publications like The Cherotic Revolutionary and Taste of Latex.
Thompson, Lauren. "CoCA: filling the gap in contemporary art." Art Access, January 1996, pp.8-9. Preview of the Alternative Communications Explosion (""), a zine conference at Seattle's Center on Contemporary Arts.
Tillotson, Kristin. "Aack! Daily whiners could be winners with a 'zine infusion." Star Tribune [Minneapolis], September 15, 1996, p.F1, F6. Column ("Pop Stand") about today's daily comic strips ("getting the panel") and claiming that today's freshest comic art can be found in zines (though only Artbabe is mentioned as an alternative).
_____. "Busting a move: women's zine fills the void left by mainstream." Star Tribune [Minneapolis], December 10, 1994, p.1E, 3E. Profile of New York-based Bust. Quotes Utne Reader assistant editor Josh Glenn and Factsheet Five's Seth Friedman and includes sidebar "ZInes--tips on how to find 'em."
_____. "Zine scene." Star Tribune, April 20, 1995, p.1E, 3E. "Anything goes zines give specialty publishing a whole new twist." Focus: "local zines," especially Baby Split Bowling News (Julian Davis) and Wandromedia (Wendy Darst).
Triggs, Teal. "Alphabet soup: reading British fanzines." Visible language, v.29, #1, 1995, pp.73-86. Traces the origins of zines from roots in the U.S., identifies them as belonging to a subculture rather than a counterculture, and follows their links through avant-garde art and punk, paying special attention to zines' "visual and verbal codes."
Trusky, Tom. Guests. Hemingway Western Studies [1910 University Dr., Boise, ID 83725], 1993. Facsimile of guestbook accompanying "Some Zines" exhibition.
_____. Some zines: American alternative & underground magazines, newsletters & APAs. cold-drill Books [1910 University Dr., Boise, ID 83725], 1992. Catalog for an exhibit held at Boise State University. (Reviewed by Joaquin Tall, Booktalk, January 1993, pp.2-3, 33-34.; Joel Singer, The Printer's Devil, March/June 1993, p.19; Chip Rowe, American Journalism Review, October 1993, p.67; Judith Hoffberg, Umbrella, February 1994, p.9.)
_____. Some zines 2: alternative & underground artists' & eccentric magazines & micropresses. cold-drill Books, 1996. Catalog accompanying "Some Zines 2" exhibit held at the Boise State University Student Art Gallery in March 1996.
Tucker, Neely. "Small print." Detroit Free Press, April 29, 1991, p.1E, 3E. Scope: "personal magazines, or 'perzines,'" focusing on Bonnie Jo Campbell's The Letter Parade.
_____. "Underground newsletter stir up a fad." Dallas Morning News, May 9, 1991. Covers The Letter Parade, Factsheet Five, Monk, and others.
22 Fires ("A guide to Washington zines. music, and subculture"). c/o Chris Becker, 4200 Pasadena Pl. NE, #2, Seattle, WA 98105. The August 1994 initial issue lists about 45 zines.
U-Direct. "A cross cultural...information source for...zine publishers...and [others] who push away from the corporate media." Published in connection with the Underground Press Conference (UPC) held 1994 and 1995 at DePaul University. Issue #1 (August 13, 1994) contains the first conference schedule and short essays (most from other sources); combined issue 2 & 3 adds eight pages of zine and small press reviews. The reviews are up to ten pages in #4, where there are also interviews with Mike Gunderloy and Seth Friedman, along with a tentative listing of UPC panels. Issue # 5 contains over 22 pages of zine reviews, as well as Ashley Parker Owens' "So what is the role of the reviewer in the zine community?"
"Unfit to print." Artpaper, April 1988, pp.10-11. "Some suggestions from around the country on how to enter the underground press." Features zine information from the Twin Cities (by Laura Weber), Chicago (by Kevin Riordan), and New York (by Richard Gehr).
"Unusual 'zines on display at BSU Student Union." Boise Weekly, October 6, 1992, p.14. Positive review highlighting most outrageous titles in "Some Zines" exhibit.
Vale, V., editor. Zines! Volume 1. V/Search, 1996. Focus: interviews with the editors of Beer Frame, Thrift Score, Crap Hound, Outpunk, and other zines, as well as a conversation with AK Press's Ramsey Kanaan, a short history of zines, and directory. (Reviewed in MSRRT Newsletter, September/October 1996, p.4 [reprinted in Counterpoise #1, p.37]; Paper, Scissors, Clocks [Erik Farseth, P.O. Box 14117, Minneapolis, MN 55414], pp.105-107).
_____. Zines! Volume 2. V/Search, 1997. Interviews with the editors of Dishwasher, Tiki News, Eight-Track Mind, and other zines. (Reviewed by Eric Bryant in Library Journal, August 1997, p.102; MSRRT Newsletter, September/October 1997, p.4; Paper, Scissors, Clocks [Erik Farseth, P.O. Box 14117, Minneapolis, MN 55414], pp.105-107; Factsheet Five #62, p.60; by Mitch Prothero, Maximumrocknroll, December 1997).
Van der Leun, Gerard. "Zines." ["Games" column]. Penthouse, March 1989, pp. 132, 134. Overview focusing on Factsheet Five.
Van Matre, Lynn. "Fanzines keep alive the beat of pop musician from Beatles to Brown." Chicago Tribune, June 2, 1985, section 13, p.12. Includes sidebar listing 15 titles devoted to the likes of the Grateful Dead, Linda Ronstadt, and Lou Christie.
Van Parys, Bill. "Fag rags come of age: the gay 'zine scene finds its audience." Advocate, November 6, 1990, pp.70-72. Profiles "gay-underground punk-publishing," focusing on My Comrade/Sister, Pansy Beat, Sin Bros., Fertile La Toyah Jackson Magazine and Thing.
Viegener, Matias. "Gay fanzines: 'there's trouble in that body': cool politics, revolting style." Afterimage, January 1991, pp.12-14. Critical analysis of queerzines' significance, featuring illustrations and footnotes. In his article, "The queer zine scene," Laurence Roberts calls this piece "over-analysis... [which] missed the point completely."
Walljasper, Jay. "Cream of the zines." Utne Reader, September-October 1997, pp.93-95. Reviews Chip Rowe's The book of zines and Seth Friedman's The Factsheet Five zine reader.
Warren, Rebecca. "Banned in Bellingham: censorship alive and well in the Northwest." Boycott Quarterly, Fall 1995, pp.9-11. Reprint from Seattle weekly The Stranger, about charges against a bookstore owner and manager facing obscenity charges for selling Answer Me! #4, a zine published by Jim and Debbie Goad of Portland, Oregon.
_____. "Obscene 'zine? County prosecutes newsstand." The Stranger, August 23, 1995, p.6. Covers charges against Ira Stohl and Kristina Hjelsand in Whatcom County, Washington.
"Washington state 'zine sellers vindicated." Censorship News, Spring 1996, pp.2-3. Brief report on acquittal of Bellingham, Washington, magazine store owner Ira Stohl and manager Kristina Hjelsand who faced obscenity charges for selling the zine Answer Me!
Weiner, Jennifer. "Magazines with an edge: they're 'zines'." Philadelphia Inquirer, February 5, 1995. p.K1, K4. Brief overview (with addresses of seven zines) accompanying a profile of Jeff Koyen's zine Crank.
Weissman, Halie. "The edgy world of zines." Mediaweek, August 2, 1993, pp.13-14. Focus: prozines like Cover, GirlJock, and Ben is Dead, all of which run advertising.
Wertham, Frederick. The world of fanzines: a special form of communication. Southern Illinois University Press, 1973. Scope: science fiction fanzines.
Whiting, Sam. "The zine scene: indie publishers of alternative periodicals hit the road to increase their visibility." San Francisco Chronicle, June 30, 1996, p.31. Article about 16-city tour planned by Bunnyhop's Noel Tolentino, Ben is Dead editor Darby Romeo, Dishwasher Pete, and the publisher of San Diego's Genetic Disorder "known simply as Larry."
Wilson, Steve. "Zine & Noted: Crisp." Folio, March 1, 1996, p.15.
_____. "Zine & Noted: Factsheet Five." Folio, April 15, 1996, p.12.
_____. "Zine & Noted: Inquisitor." Folio, April 1, 1996, p.14.
_____. "Zine and Noted: This is the Spinal Tap Zine." Folio, March 15, 1996, p.12.
Winner, Christine A. "Check out the zine scene." Iowa City Press Citizen, September 3, 1992, p.6D. Covers Stephen Perkins, the International Zine Show, and "do-it-yourself magazines."
Woodward, Fred. "Still more ripoff." The Match!, Summer 1994, p. 76. Criticizes organizers of "Zine Scream" (not only did they not pay up afterward, they asked for a donation--"since we're now in debt"--and invited participation in another event, "Obsessed: Ruminations in 'Zine Culture").
Wright, Fred. Personality on parade: a psychoanalytic analysis of the zine revolution. F. Wright (c/o English Dept., 113 Satterfield Hall, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242), 1995. 43p. "A thesis submitted to Kent State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts." CONTENTS: History and characteristics of zines. -Reasons for zine publication. -The effects of zines on readers and society. -Bibliography. -List of zines.
Young, Lucie. "Youth has its say." New York Times, September 26, 1996 , pC3(L) . Covers the New Museum of Contemporary Art's "" exhibit.
Z, Mickey. "Do-it-yourself mags: some of the news that doesn't fit." In These Times, February 19-25, 1992, pp.18-19. Overview featuring material on perzines, Factsheet Five, and the relationship between zines and the mainstream corporate media. Includes eleven addresses.
_____. "Why zines?" Out of Bounds (P.O. Box 5108, Arlington, VA 222050, Fall 1995, pp.38-40. An attempt at answering the question, "Why do zine editors engage in the seemingly obscure, thankless task of publishing minuscule magazines for an isolated audience of supposedly antisocial misanthropes?" Followed by thirteen pages of zine and alternative press reviews (pp.41-53) by Mickey Z. and others.
Zane, J. Peder. "Now, the magazines of 'me'." New York Times, May 14, 1995, Section 4, p.4. Covers personal zines, with excerpts from Pagan's Head, Dishwasher, Chip's Closet Cleaner, and Notes from the Dump, but nary an address.
"Zine & noted." column in weekly Folio, 1995-96 (see also Cathy Garrard, Steve Wilson). Focus: e-zines. URL:
Zine publishers' resource guide. Factsheet Five [P.O. Box 170099, San Francisco, CA 94117], 1993? 28p. Directory of distributors, print shops, and retail outlets.
Zine publishers' resource guide. Factsheet Five , 1994. Revised ed. 36p.
"The zine revolution." Ben Is Dead Magazine, Summer 1993, pp.116, 122. Interview with Seth Friedman about his experiences taking over the editorship of Factsheet Five.
"Zine scene." i-D, November 1994, p.18. Brief information about a zine exhibition, "Counter Intelligence," taking place at "the 121 Centre, Railton Road, London, SE24 throughout October."
"The zine scene: appreciation & critique." People's Culture (Box 5224, Kansas City, KS 66119), #26, 1995, p.3. Brief unattributed article (by editor Fred Whitehead), with material on Global Mail, The Baffler, (Dis)Connection, and Factsheet Five.
Zine TV (P.O. Box 977, Village Station, New York, NY 10014). New York City-based cable television program produced and co-hosted by Ron Diorio and Lionel Martinez. Zines are reviewed and pictured, but no addresses listed. In 1995, 29-minute shows aired "biweekly on Manhattan Neighborhood Network Channel 34, Wednesdays at 1 a.m."
Zine World. (Doug Holland, 924 Valencia St., #203, San Francisco, CA 94110). Review publication covering zines and self-published books, begun by Pathetic Life editor Doug Holland after Factsheet Five announced frequency reduction to twice yearly. First issue appeared in late 1996.
Zines (Christopher Martin, 221 N Blvd., Richmond, VA 23220-4033). Small zine featuring reviews of other zines. (Reviewed in MSRRT Newsletter, June 1993; by Bob Grumman, Small Magazine Review, November 1993, p.6).
"Zines." Novel & short story writer's market, 1997. Edited by Barbara Kuroff. Writer's Digest Books, 1997. pp.304-335. Includes brief intro, "insider reports" (about Seth Friedman/Factsheet Five and Ariel Gore/Hip Mama), and listing of over 80 titles.