Harry/Ron Fanfics


Originally written for the FQF challenge on harry_and_ron. Premise: "Harry and Ron play a game (one that isn't chess, Quidditch or foreplay)."

This is my first attempt at all-dialogue. "..." means a pause between spoken lines; otherwise they flow pretty promptly. More "..."s mean a longer silence.




"I'm bored."

"I'm dead bored."

"I'm so bored, my boredom is bored."

"I'm so bored, I could go and help Hagrid feed the Blast-Ended Skrewts."

"That's not bored, that's mental, that is!"

"Shut it, Ron. I'm just saying I'm bored."

"Ow! Just because you're bored, doesn't mean you have to abuse me, Harry."

"You call being hit with a pillow 'abuse'? You've led a coddled life, you have."

"See how you like it!"

"Ow! You didn't have to swing it so hard!"

"No harder than you did."




"I'm bored."

"I'm dead bored."

"Ugh, this conversation is boring!"

"We could play Wizards' Chess."

"No. You've already beat me twenty times this afternoon."

"You're right. I'm even bored with winning."


"Well, I have to be better than you at something."

"You're a better Keeper than I am. We could go flying."

"No good. Slytherin has the pitch."

"Oh. No good then."

"Exploding Snap?"

"Dean and Seamus have my deck. Gobstones?"

"Lent them to Ginny. Hey, I know!"


"Ginny taught me a game last summer. It's really sort of stupid, but it's a bit of a laugh, at least."

"Alright, how do we play?"

"We need parchment and quills - oh, stop showing off your Summoning Charms, you could have walked to the desk - and then we each write down ten questions for the other person. They all have to be something you could answer with 'yes' or 'no'."

"Ten questions? About what?"

"Anything, just so long as they take 'yes' or 'no' answers."

"Alright, then what?"

"Let's write the questions first. It will be easier to explain."



"Have you done them, then?"


"Wait, haven't finished mine yet."

"Ron, for Merlin's sake..."

"Okay, I've got mine."

"Alright, then what's next?"

"Now we trade parchments, and write down answers to each other's questions."

"That's it?"

"No, there's more. See, you can't just write down 'yes' or 'no,' you have to explain a bit. Like if I say, 'Do you like Bernie Bott's Every Flavour Beans,' you could say, 'yes, but not the vomit-flavoured ones.' Something like that. Understand?"

"Sure, but what's the point?"

"The point is, after we've written our answers, then we read out the questions we're holding, and the other person reads the answers he's holding, so it's like we've put the wrong questions with the wrong answers."

"That's it?"

"Well... it's funny, sometimes."

"Sounds dead dull, Ron"

"Got any better ideas, Harry?"

"No. Sorry."






"Did you... oh, never mind."


"Nothing. Give me another minute."



"Okay, Harry, I'm ready."

"Me, too. Who goes first?"

"Either way."

"Okay, then. I'll read questions and you read answers."


"Alright. Ron, your first question was: 'Do you think the Chudley Cannons are the best Quidditch club ever?' Can't imagine how I predicted you'd ask that."

"Ha ha. 'I doubt it. Don't really have to, now I'm so tall.'"

"Heh! What's that supposed to mean?"

"Heheheh. I don't know! Read the next one."

"'Do you think Fred & George are being selfish for not sending us more free samples of Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes?'"

"'Not unless they threaten to sack him again!'"

"What? Ron, this isn't making any sense."

"I know, Harry, most of them don't. But a few are always funny. Read another."

"'Do you think they'll ever get the Skiving Snackboxes right?'"

"'Yes! Don't be stupid. Those things were enormous, and terrifying!'"

"'Enormous and terrifying'? What was my question?"

"No, you can't peek! That's not how it works, Harry!"

"Alright, alright. 'Is Mum going to murder them if they do?'"

"What? Oh, the question. 'Ugh, don't make me think about it!' Yeah, that would be pretty grizzly, wouldn't it?"

"Heh. Yeah, I suppose it would. Okay: 'Do you think I should be an Auror when I finish school?'"

"'Yeah. Unless you wanted to go out with her, that is.'"

�Hmm, that one almost made sense, depending on who the �her� was supposed to be. But that applies more to you, anyway.�

�Stop smirking. There isn�t any �her.� I�d rather be an Auror with you.�


"Um, yeah."


"Right. ... So, what's the next question?"

"Right. 'Were you angry when I was chosen prefect instead of you?'"

"'No way! Anything to make Malfoy that mad was fine with me.'"

"Heh! That one did work! I can just imagine his face when you walked into the prefect compartment on the train!"

"Oh, yeah! And about Hermione, too! You can just imagine how he felt about her being a prefect, with her family being Muggles and everything. He looked like he'd eaten a House Elf."

"'Did you really think I was going to die if you didn't complete the Second Task?'"

"But I didn't - oh, the question! You keep asking so suddenly. Hang on... 'No. It wasn't your fault. And you saved him, anyway, by knowing it happened.'"

"Um, that sort of made sense, I suppose."

"Yeah, maybe. Ask the next one."

"'Have you ever thought of Hermione as more than a friend?'"

"'Don't be stupid. What would I do if I weren't your best mate?'"

"You still would be, you know. If that was what you wanted."

"It was just the question, Harry. Remember?"

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry."

"Harry, I don't want -"

"Don't worry about it Ron. Forget I said anything. 'Did you ever wish you'd gone out with Ginny?' Oh, ew, that one doesn't really work now, does it?"

"It's alright! The answer is: 'No. How could she?' So it makes sense."

"That's a relief!"

"Oh, you're disgusting! With my sister?"

"Well, that's how I feel about her, too, you know. Like a sister. She's good with Dean."

"Yeah, I reckon she is. Hey, last question."

"'Or was there someone else you had in mind?'"

"'You're joking, right? Haven't you guessed the answer to that?'"


"Ron? Why are you looking at me that way?"

"What was your answer to that question, Harry?"

"That's cheating, isn't it? You said so earlier."

"Right, you're right."



"Nothing, never mind. We switch, now. 'Will you ever eat Fizzing Whizbees again, now you know what's in them?'"

"Ew, no way!"

"Harry, the answer on your parchment?"

"Right. Sorry. 'Not hardly, considering how long it's been since they won a match. But I know you like them, so I'll say 'yes.'"

"Harry, the Cannons are having a very promising year this year..."

"Cheating, Ron."

"Not if I remember the question!"

"Still cheating. Ask the next one."

"Hmmph. If you didn't want me to give you the newest Flying with the Cannons last Christmas, you could have said so."

"Ron, stop sulking. You know I love your gifts. Ask the next question."

"Harry, I'm sorry I can't afford to give you any grand expensive presents..."

"Ron, for Merlin's sake, I don't care! Now ask the next question!"

"Of course you wouldn�t care, you can buy really grand presents..."


"Fine, then. 'Do you think Hagrid will ever teach a lesson that doesn't put someone in mortal danger - besides the Flobberworms, I mean?'"

"'No, they've sent us plenty already. I bet they're just working on something big right now.' Sounds scary, doesn't it?"

"Pretty scary, yeah. 'Were you scared when you had to sacrifice yourself during the life-sized Chess match, First Year?'"

"'I hope so. Can't stand to go to Potions anymore.' That one was rubbish. Next."

"'Do you think Snape ever had a girlfriend?' Now that sort of went with your last answer!"

"Heh. Yeah. This one is... 'I hope not. I want to buy one of those Portable Swamps for the Slytherin Dungeons.'"

"Urgh. Don't think I want to treasure that image much longer. 'Are you glad that Ginny and Dean are together?'"

"'Sure, why not? You'd do great, and we could work together.'"

"Ahem, you know, that one sounded like..."

"Yeah, but I mean, it was a different question and all..."

"I know! I mean, yeah, I know it was..."

"Yeah... Ask the next one, Ron."

"Harry, are you blushing?"

"No! No, just a little warm by this fire. Have to take off my jumper, I think."



"Ron, why are you staring?"

"There's a hole in your t-shirt."

"I know there is, but you don't have to stare. You have to wear hand-me-downs, too, you know how it is."

"Um, yeah."



"You're still staring."


"Next question, then?"

"Right... 'Were you angry when I got on the House team, in First Year?'"

"But you didn't ... oh, right. 'Of course not. Don't be stupid.' Hey, that worked!"

"Yeah, it did. 'Were you angry at me when your dad was attacked, in Fifth Year?'"

"Oh, that's, um..."

"Hey, Harry, I'm sorry. I know your Dad is... well..."

"Look, I wrote the question. Wasn't your fault. It's, um, wait I have the answer: 'Yeah, I did. I was really scared.'"



"Harry, I'm sorry..."

"Don't be stupid. It's alright, Ron."

"But I -"

"Just ask the next question."

"'Do you ever wish you weren't best mates with The Boy Who Lived?'"

"'No. I could only imagine her with you.'"


"Nope, can't tell you."

"Oh, c'mon Harry..."

"You set the rules, Ron. You have to live by them. Read another."

"'Do you think my mum really hated my dad, like I saw in Snape's Pensieve?'"

"Wouldn't that be weird? I can't imagine your mum ever hating your dad."

"I can't, either. Or Snape caring if she did!"


"What's the answer, then?"

"Huh? Oh. 'No. She's much better off with Dean.' Urgh! Can you imagine?"

"No! Stop that! That's a horrible - my mum and my sister's boyfriend? Merlin, Harry, now I won't sleep at night!"

"So read the next one, then. Quick!"

"'Do you have a good reason for not asking Hermione to go out with you?'"

"'Yes, there was. Has been for a long time. Don't you know?'"



"Yeah, Ron?"

"That's, um, I think I remember my last question."

"You're cheating again, Ron."

"Not if I remember on my own."

�Well, I think I remember your answer to my last question.�

�You don�t.�

�I do. You said something like, �You�re joking, right? Haven�t you guessed the answer to that?��

�You�re cheating.�

�So are you, if you remember what your question was. But I don�t think you do.�

�I do.�

�Yeah? What was it?�

�It was something about, was there someone else you wanted, besides Hermione or Ginny?�


�That�s right isn�t it?�


�C�mon, Harry, am I right or not?�

�So what if you are? What does it matter?�

�Well, it�s just that, if you meant what I think you meant, then it would mean, well...�

�Ron? I can�t follow you. What are you saying?�

"I'm saying ... oh, sod it all -"









"Yeah, Harry?"

"Why didn't you suggest this as a way to pass the time, in the first place?"

�Shut up.�

You shut up.�





"I'm not bored anymore."

"No. I can see that."



"Wipe that smile off your face."

"Why don't you do it for me?"




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Harry/Ron Fanfics
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