Harry/Draco Slash


  • Some Perfect World - R (150,402 words - COMPLETE)
    Draco wants a rematch, Hermione wants some answers, Ron wants things back the way they were, and Harry just wants a good night's sleep. A coming-out tale in the life of a famous young wizard, complete with meddling professors, 'fowl' play, first love, and some truly excellent friends.

  • Precious - PG-13 (2,924 words)
    As the final hour of Harry's seventeenth birthday approaches, a mysterious card arrives that will force him to reconsider some old assumptions. But he's too busy trying to solve the puzzle to notice. Fluffy happy H/D slash.

  • Sing You a New Song - PG-13 (2,527 words)
    A few years after Hogwarts, and a while after the war has ended, Draco looks back on the chance he never took with Harry. And looks forward to a new opportunity.

  • Draco's Turn - R (1,517 words)
    Harry's a little tied up. PWP.

  • Mystery Stories - PG-13 (3,961 words)
    Someone's been having fantasies about Harry - and writing them down for him to see. Now he can't wait to find out who it is. A bit of Harry/Draco Valentine's fluff.

  • Underwater Light Tribute Songfics
    Crikkita's first two fanfics ever, inspired by and based upon the ending of chapter 17 of Maya's glorious Underwater Light

    • Blocked - PG-13 (2,299 words)
      After the club scene in UL17, Draco lies awake and ponders his actions. Crikkita's blind stab at what Draco might have been thinking that night. (Turns out to be incorrect, but hey, it was worth a try.) Songfic to "The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot" by Brand New.

    • Back to the Start - R (2,465 words)
      An alternative to Blocked, in which Harry and Draco actually interact. Oh, boy, do they. This is the version that was requested by readers of Blocked. There is fluff, and significant departure from anything that I ever imagined might realistically happen in UL. And sweaty boys. Oh, yes. Songfic to "The Scientist" by Coldplay


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