Favorite Quotes
A good archer is known not by his arrows, but his aim.

We are not retreating -- we are advancing in another direction.
--General Douglas MacArthur

The difference between fiction and reality?  Fiction has to make sense.
-- Tom Clancy

Heav'n hath no rage, like love to hatred turn'd
Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd.
--William Congreve

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work;
I want to achieve immortality by not dying.
--Woody Allen

Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung.

Never interrupt your enemy when he his making a mistake.
--Napoleon Bonaparte

I know only two tunes:  one of them is "Yankee Doodle" and the other one isn't.
-- Ulysses S. Grant

A lotta cats copy the Mona Lisa, but people still line up to see the original.
--Louis Armstrong

Take what you can and give nothing back!
--Pirates of the Caribbean

Stop blowing holes in my ship!
--Capt. Jack Sparrow

But why is the rum gone?
-- Capt. Jack Sparrow

'It must have been terrible on that island....Must have been terrible'  Well it bloody is now!
-- Capt. Jack Sparrow

A wedding?  I love weddings!  Drinks all around!
-- Capt. Jack Sparrow

(Where's Elizabeth?)
She's fine, just like I promised.  Set to marry Norrington, like she promised.  And you're going to die for her, just like you promised.  So, we are all men of our word.  Except for Elizabeth, who is, in fact, a woman.
-- Capt. Jack Sparrow

Me?  I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can trust to be dishonest.....Honestly.  It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid.
-- Capt. Jack Sparrow

You like pain?  Try wearing a corset!
-- Elizabeth Swann

Norrington: You are by far the worst pirate I've ever heard of!
Capt. Jack Sparrow:  Ah, but you HAVE heard of me.
-- Pirates of the Caribbean

-- Capt. Jack Sparrow

Do, or do not.  There is no try.
-- Yoda

(Stay calm.  We're not in trouble yet.)
What yet?  Monsters out dere, leakin in here, all'n sinkin and no power!  Youse nutsen!  When yousa tinkin weesa in trouble?
-- Jar Jar Binks

I've got a bad feeling about this.
-- Star Wars: Episodes I, II, IV, V, VI

You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view.
-- Obi-Wan Kenobi

Size matters not.
-- Yoda

Luke: I don't believe it.
Yoda: That is why you fail.

When nine hundred years old you reach, look so good you will not.
-- Yoda

You were right about one thing, Master.  The negotiations were short.
-- Obi-Wan Kenobi
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