Screw the country I live in, screw the country
The Road

CoW mAn

CoW mAn's Report

The day we left it had snowed like a mutha. When we hit the border, the snow completely disappeared as if someone had thrown a switch...and turned it all into rain. It rained virtually the entire time we were in Seattle, but soon as we set out for Portland, it stopped. We found spring in Portland, in case anyone was wondering were it's hiding, now you know. There wasn't much to do in Portland, but the people were really nice, while in Seattle the people were pricks and there was tons to do. We saw 'Dude, Where's My Car?' while in Seattle. At one point the main characters climb a wall to get into a compound run by Brent Spiner playing a french guy. They take a look around and one of 'em says "Dude, there's something very Canadian about this place" Dark and I laughed our asses off...the rest of the theatre didn't so much as chuckle. They all looked at us, sitting dead centre in the theatre. I swear you could hear crickets in the backgroud and I'd REALLY like to know where that haybarrel came from. I hacked public computer terminals at every major mall we hit. Those crazy Americans, no sense of security. Not that I'm complaining mind you. Before we left someone told me you learn alot about yourself while on vacation...I would have to agree.

Dark Enigma's Report

comming soon

Dark Enigma

The I-5

If there's one thing we learnt on this trip, it's that taking an exit and missing an exit has more or less the same consequences if you're wrong. The Moral: Don't be afraid to take risks!

Went to the Supermall which was, in fact, not super at all.

What is this?
Space Age WHAT?
A) A Bar or B) A Gas Station or C) A Laser Tag Arena or D) Our Hotel
Check the picture gallery to find out!

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