X-Files slash fan fiction

Title: Alex Krycek

Author: MJ

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Author's URL: http://www.geocities.com/coffeeslash/mj/

Fandom: X-Files

Archive: Ask first

Pairing: Mulder/Krycek

Rating: PG-13

Notes: Filk. Sing it loud. Is there anyone who isn't looking for Alex Krycek? Disclaimer: Apologies to Paul. If you don't know "America" you'll be lost on the tune.

Alex Krycek

(with apologies to Simon and Garfunkel)

"Let us be partners; we'll investigate X-Files together."
"I've got a cell phone right here in my bag."
So we bought a pack of sunflower seeds
And brought along some root beer
And went off to look for Alex Krycek.

"Scully," I said as we boarded an airplane in Pittsburgh,
"My dad's death seems like a dream to me now."
It took me four weeks to get over my shoulder wound;
Now I'm looking for Alex Krycek.

Working on the plane, searching all of the faces;
I knew the man by the door was a Consortium spy.
"Scully," I told her, "he's carrying two packs of Morleys."

"Mulder," she said when we got off the plane in Las Vegas,
"We've come all this way here and I don't know why."
"'Cause I've never had sex like that blow job in Hong Kong.
Now I'm looking for Alex Krycek."

Fade—"Everyone's looking for Alex Krycek."
(repeat endlessly or until Nick actually shows up)

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