JiM :: A Sound of…

Title: A Sound of…

Author: JiM

Author's E-mail: [email protected]

Author's URL: http://www.geocities.com/coffeeslash/jim

Fandom: X-Files

Category: Slash

Date: March 6, 1998

Pairing: Skinner/Mulder

Rating: NC-17

Archive: Ask first.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, intended for private enjoyment of fans. No copyright infringement intended.

Thanks: To Dawn, who talked me off the ledge and to Kam, and, of course, Leila.

It is a freezing night tonight. We stand in the parking lot of the Inn for a moment and listen to the sound of ice on the river, cracking in the cold. The air is like crystal and the moonlight flows down, coating everything with silver.

Inside, all is golden warmth and whispered elegance. The Inn has stood here for well over two hundred years and is unsurprised by the two of us together. I wish Mulder shared that serenity.

Tonight, though, he is charming and witty. His humor ambushes me from unexpected directions, demanding smiles and occasional laughter from me. He is more playful when he is away from the office; I suppose I am, too, although this is no game to me.

There is a fire in the massive fireplace behind me; I feel its warmth at my back and watch its light touch Mulder with gold; it whispers as it burns, in a language strange, yet already known to me. His hands flicker in and out of shadow even as his voice drawls, laughter lurking behind his words. The fire kindles hot green embers in his eyes and I am suddenly too warm, staring.

- Walter?

- I was just remembering.

At his raised eyebrow, I explain.

- I was remembering how you looked last night. And felt.

He flushes and looks away, over my shoulder, into the flames. I smile. I have finally found a way to shut Fox Mulder up. Two ways, I remind myself, and am washed by heat again.

Last night, I had taken him to a basketball game. The Wizards lost, but neither one of us cared. It was enough merely to be together, relaxed, enjoying ourselves in a normal way. I have never thought of basketball as a seduction technique, but I am slowly learning that every lover is different, perhaps this one most of all.

I took him home, following him up to his apartment, as I had three nights in the past two weeks. That moment outside the door is always the tricky one. It used to be the point when a gentleman kissed his date good night and left. But hallways are not my style, and I hardly think Mulder's neighbors would smile tolerantly at two men kissing desperately outside their doors. Inside, the apartment still dark, he turned and flowed into my arms. A few evenings of breathless experimentation had taught him exactly how I liked to be kissed. He had also established that it took very little effort on his part to turn my mind to jelly and to make my body rebellious, his touch lighting a thousand traitorous fires for me to fight. The scientific mind at work is a frightening thing sometimes.

- Stay.

- Not tonight. Soon.

- There's an ugly word for this kind of behavior, Walter.

He is only half-smiling, a hard, hungry edge in his eyes.

- And there's a nicer one for it. Soon.

He opens his mouth to protest, to argue, to seduce. Before he can speak, I kiss him very gently and leave. That is getting harder and harder to do. But he needs to know me, I want him to understand who it is he is getting. Because, once he is mine, I will not let him go. Ever.

We have finished an excellent meal and some very old brandy. I pay the bill and we rise to leave. Mulder has protested every time I have done that, and I have ignored him every time. It is my weakness, this need to be in control, to be the source of all strength and good things for the one I love. I have to let him see this, too.

The drive back to the city is quiet, a comfortable, thoughtful silence. We are still mellowed by firelight and brandy. The highway is empty and moon- dark; it seems as if one could see quite clearly, but the moonlight blurs edges and disguises the depths of things until all is twisted out of true and undependable.

We have not spoken of that night, the fog and Krycek. I know that he has gone to meet the woman he believes is his sister. He will tell me when he can.

I know, too, that he has not seen Krycek since that night. What I do not know is whether he ever will again.

Without fanfare, his hand has come to rest on my thigh, where it is burning into me. I can't speak; I can feel his gaze on me but I can't take my eyes from the road. I know myself well enough to know that if I look at him now, I'll stop the car and…

I'm too old to feel this way.

Something is different tonight; Mulder is different. We reach his apartment and he gestures me inside before him with a brittle kind of courtesy that crumbles the moment I am through the door. I have taken two steps inside when I hear it slam behind me. Strong hands seize, spin and throw me back against the door. Then Mulder is against me, pinning my arms, face very close to mine, as he whispers, grinning,

- No mercy tonight, Walter. You are not leaving here until you fuck me.

I shake my head.

-You're wrong, Mulder. I'm never going to fuck you.

Now, his teeth are bared and his eyes burn and I remember belatedly that he carries a gun. He is hot and dangerous and there will be bruises tomorrow where he grips my arms.

- You bastard.

I am not good with words; I try again to tell him what I have been telling him for two weeks.

- I am going to make love to you.

He looks puzzled, as if I am speaking a foreign language, one of which he has incomplete mastery.

- There's a difference? he asks slyly, slowly rolling his hips against me. That pressure kindles the slow fire that begins rolling through me, cutting off everything that is not this man, this heat and hardness of him. My voice thrums oddly in my chest, hard against his, as I say,

- Oh yes, there's a difference. And one other thing. If I stay tonight, I'm not leaving…

He starts to grin again and I can see him formulating some smart-ass remark about snoring or sharing a pillow.—…ever.

I have discovered the third way to shut Fox Mulder up, and smile, as I lean down and kiss him. His mouth opens to me and I am lost in him. He tastes wild and sweet, like summer fruit eaten hot from the tree. How can I not take all that this man wants to give me?

Mulder's agile fingers have been unbuttoning, unfastening, unzipping, unbelievable while I have been caught up in his sweetness. Somehow, I am now bared, chest to thigh, for him, my clothes pushed aside or stripped from me. He presses my hands flat against the door.

He starts at my left ear, licking and biting at it, lingering. Then he allows himself to slide down my body, just a fraction at a time, kissing, licking, sucking, biting, nibbling. He is flowing down me like honey and there is a sound of bees in summertime. He is humming against my skin and I can barely keep still beneath his mouth.

His hands are smoothing their way downwards, too, slipping over my chest and ribs and stomach. Now he is kneading my thighs, grinning in victory as he feels the muscles quiver and twitch at his touch. Yes, Mulder, you have that power over me; I give it to you freely.

He nuzzles my erection. My teeth clench on a shout as he rubs his night- roughened cheek across the head of my cock. His eyes glitter up at me; he knows exactly what he is doing to me and likes it this way. Likes me this way, incoherent and weak with lust.

He lips the head of my penis and I feel the touch of his mouth ripple through me. There is a sound like slate slipping; it is my hands clawing helplessly at the door behind me. Then I am sliding, plunging into the fire that I have always known burns in him.

He is still humming and his hands wander restlessly across my body. I know that he is cataloging me, my reactions, learning every sensitive spot on me that he can reach. On his knees, head bent, my cock filling his mouth and he is the one in control. How odd, I think, then stop thinking entirely as he begins lapping at my balls. My hands are cupping his head before I realize that I have moved them.

His hand slides down and takes my erection in a firm grip; it is almost, but not quite, too hard as he pumps me. I am balanced on the fine edge of madness, watching the tip of his tongue slowly slide across his full lips as he watches me, judging the exact moment to slaughter me with his mouth. Without warning, he sucks me in deep and there is nothing I can do. I can't even make a sound. It is too hot, too sweet, too much. I am pouring down his throat and it lasts forever, his head between my hands, his hands cool against my burning skin.

He looks up at me, finally, and wipes at the corner of his mouth with one thumb, considering.

- Debauched is a good look for you, Walter.

His laughter is cool, bright water flowing over me. Suddenly, I can move again. I shrug my jacket and shirt off my arms. They fall to the floor, forgotten, as I yank my slacks back up. He is still laughing as I drag him to his feet, flushed and beautiful when I kiss him.

Mulder tastes bittersweet and triumphant. We are still kissing, but moving toward the bedroom, clumsy and exultant. I am half-carrying, half-pushing him; the rasp of his shirt against my heated skin is maddening. It tears away easily and he is laughing again. I know now that I will do anything to hear that untainted sound from him.

He tumbles backward onto the bed, pulling me down on top of him. It is his turn now and he turns his head, offering me his throat. Not in submission, no; he is demanding pleasure from me. So I give it to him. I nip and suck at the side of his throat, the same place that started all of this. That mark has never had a chance to heal; I renew it every time I see him alone.

Down his chest, caressing him with my lips, I hear the sound of waves on a rocky shore; it is my own harsh breathing against his skin. He tastes of salt and cedars, like the rainforests on the coast, mist curling up from the ocean to tangle among the trees. I nuzzle his smooth abdomen and grin as I feel the tremors start, under my lips, beneath my hands, against my chest. They stop as my lips close around the head of his cock. His body is surging up to meet me, like a wave caught and held, timeless and yearning to crest. And the sounds he is making…

-Walter, please.

I slide back up his surging body and cover his mouth with mine. Not to silence him, but to capture and swallow those sounds, to keep them with me forever. My head is caught between his hands and he wrenches me away from his mouth to gasp,

- Now?

He is flexing and straining beneath me and his teeth are clenched; I might almost think he were in pain. He seems bewildered by his abandonment to his own senses.

- Now, Fox.

Mulder twists beneath me and claws something out of the drawer of the bedside table. He is shoving a condom and a tube of lubricant at me with the finality of a condemned man refusing a blindfold.

- I told you, Walter. No mercy.

Startled, I stare at him, not knowing what to do, until I see the green devil-light rekindle in his eyes. Then he is kissing me again and we are sliding against one another, toward some place where heat and hardness are one. I need to see his eyes, to be anchored by them, to prove that I am here, in this moment.

The gel is cool on my fingers as I slide one, then two, into his warmth. He is bucking and thrusting against me, the desperation back in his eyes.

- No. Not yet.

He is the one who demanded no mercy, I think, and grin, slowly twisting my fingers in him. A raw animal noise bleeds out from between his teeth and I am lost. His legs lock around me, dragging me into the heat and madness of his body. I am fighting him to keep from hurting him, but he wants none of it. He yanks my head down to his and thrusts his tongue into my mouth, demanding the same thing from the rest of my body. He is bucking and twisting beneath me, my bulk no match for his need.

- Easy, Mulder, easy. Let me love you.

- Walter. I'm not made of glass. Come on, give it to me!

All common sense is ripped away then.

Our lovemaking is fierce and hot and rougher than some not-so-friendly fucks I have had. Once again, it is Mulder who is so different from all that I have known.

He has not always been so much larger than his partners, as I have been. He can freely kick and pound at the sheets, his thighs, my shoulders—he has no restraints on his pleasure. And now I have none either. Because he can take whatever I give him, and more.

The freedom is like nothing else I have known. I am murmuring his name over and over, staring into his eyes, sinking into his body deeper and deeper, again and again. Something tightens impossibly within him and everything about him is still for a one-breath eternity. And the wave breaks over me and I am tumbling and lost and shouting.

I am lying, shipwrecked, on his chest, listening to the ebb and flow of his breath as his hands slip across my slick back. Sometimes, I tip my head up and kiss his slack but welcoming lips. Sense and cognition are slowly soaking back into me and I begin to slide off of him before I can smother him. His arms clutch around me.

- It's OK, Mulder. I'm just going to go clean up. His smile is like the dawn coming up over the sea and I know what to say next.

- I told you; I'm not leaving. Ever.

I swim out of sleep to feel his hot, elegant length pressed against my back. His hands are coursing, one sliding up my spine and across my skull; the other, slipping around to stroke my cock. Before I can even move, his hands are gone. I clench my teeth and try not to roll over and pounce on him. It is not as easy as I had thought it would be, this yielding to someone, giving over control of my own pleasure. It is what I have been trying to do for weeks, yet, now, at the very moment, I am afraid. Then I remember what I knew last night—he can take anything I can give him, and more. The real question is, can I give him myself? Trust him as he trusts me now? Then he is slowly, carefully, slipping a slick finger inside me. It has been so long, the flash of pleasure is mistaken for pain and my breath catches.

- It's OK, Walter. Let me make love to you…please.

His whisper is hot sand blowing across the shingle. That mouth, that demonic grinning mouth, is slipping across my shoulders and neck, making it almost impossible for me to concentrate on what he is doing with his hands. There is an undertow pulling me away from myself. I let it.

- Fox. Now?

His reply is a ripple of sound across my back.

- Now, Walter.

He slides into me and my thoughts are all washed away by the pleasure of him moving within me. This is new to me, this sense of completion, of connection, of union. Moving together, deeper into one another, free to feel the animal joy of loving one another. And I do not want it to end. I will never let it end.

- Mine. You are all mine, now. I belong to you.

Possession is a two-way street.

When I wake again, I am alone. I have a dim tactile memory of him stroking my face and there is the echo of a soft voice, then a door slamming in my head. Running—that's it, he is going running.

I get up, grope for my glasses and pull on the sweats that he has left out for me. Baggy and long on him, they hug me and whisper against me in places left sore and loved from the night before. And this morning. Mulder has left coffee made for me and I pour myself a cup. Then I stand at the kitchen window, gazing idly out at the silent street below. I feel lazy and sated and hungry and my skin hums with recall.

There is frost on the window and it frames my lover as he stretches against a telephone pole, then stands for a moment, his breath steaming straight into the gray morning sky. He ripples into an easy jog, a joy to watch. My heart beats in time with his footfalls and I smile at the foolish romanticism that has been born in me.

As he reaches the end of the street, a dark-haired man in jeans and a leather jacket swings into step beside him. Mulder's pace falters for an instant, then the two men are running in synch. As they round the corner, out of sight, the dark man's left sleeve flaps uselessly in the icy air.

- No mercy.

There is no sound in the empty kitchen.

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