Ex-Prez Bill Clinton sez:

"Ah reduced the National DEBT!"

The paragraph below is a direct quotation from a Letter written by Bill Clinton. It was distributed widely across the USA by the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to influence the mid-term elections of Nov 5, 2002. It failed miserably inasmuch as the House and Senate both wound-up under Republican control as a result of those elections.

November 4, 2002

Just look at all we were able to do together during my administration. We had a prosperous economy; eliminated the deficit and paid down the debt; lowered crime and welfare rates; made the air and water cleaner for our children; and preserved the great gifts of our national forests and waterways for generations to come.

Bill Clinton

QUESTION: If Clinton's claim that he "paid down the debt" is a LIE, why should anyone believe any of his other braggadocio claims? IOW, how is one to know when he speaketh the TRUTH and when he telleth a LIE?

NOTE: Federal Judge Wright questioned the truthfulness of Clinton's testimony in her Court about his sexual relationship with various members of the female gender. Upon proof that he "lied under oath" (also called, PERJURY) she fined him $90,000.00 and he was stripped of his license to practise law for a period of five years.

National DEBT at Beginning and End of Clinton's eight(8) years as President:

All figures are from the U.S. Treasury Department Website.

Clinton's last day as President
National DEBT on Jan 19, 2001............ $5,727,776,738,304.64   $Tril

Clinton's 1st day as President
National DEBT on Jan 20, 1993............ $4,188,092,107,183.60   $Tril

DEBT: Down/(Up) under Clinton........ ($1,539,684,631,121.04)  $Tril

   So much for Clinton's claim that he "paid down the DEBT."  

     "O' what a tangled web we weave,
     when first we practise to deceive."
         --Sir Walter Scott, 1771-1832

     "But when we�ve practised quite a while,
     how vastly we improve our style."
         -- J.R. Pope

During Bill Clinton's eight years in office, the U.S. taxpayers shelled-out $2.7+ Trillion Dollars in Interest on the National DEBT!  Your money down the rathole!

That's an average of $38.5 Million Dollars/Hour for every hour of every day during Billy's entire eight years as President!  (...including Weekends & Holidays.)

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